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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I was wringing my hands over all of this too. I did get one sampler just so I would have something to stick up my nose. But I am very afraid.
  2. I haven't but that is one I would definitely try. Let us know how it goes!
  3. Lol! Nutrix you are so funny! I am glad you are on this forum, I look forward to reading your enthusiastic posts...I bet you are a hoot to hang out with. I ended up giving my sample to my mom who loved it as much as she loved Darling C. Was going to get her a bottle until I read her the notes of Lina's Fluffy Bunny and she flipped for that. I have half a bottle of Darling C in oil I may give to her since I have one in spray anyway.
  4. I think I meant to get a sample of this instead of Bunnny because I usually get anything with buttercream. But the notes in this collection are all so unusual, who knows? Who could choose? I'll get one next time!
  5. Right now: Dolly's Hot and Sticky Pizzazz Peach Sparkle LP Red Cuddle Bunny 09
  6. If not for the Oakmoss I probably would have skipped by this one but Oakmoss makes everything more interesting to me. Can't wait to see how this works out!
  7. Yes me too. I wrote a post somewhere recently...can't remember where. I like my Gotcha straight up!
  8. Lol!! It happens....the search is really half the fun anyway, right? Try it again in a couple months but in the meantime...more sampling is in order! You will probably fall in love with one you hadn't even considered from the description. That happens to me a lot.
  9. Isn't it just awesome?! We are so lucky it is permanent. I have so many LP's that I rarely ever actually finish a bottle (never wear the same one consistantly) but I just noticed I am almost done with my second bottle of this. It is just the perfect scent for all occasions, any time of day or year...and goes well with all pheros. I would have to say my number one favorite of all times On me the patch is just enough to make the foodiness more exotic.
  10. That was an excellent review!! I need to try it again...I was in a Crayon frenzy when I got my sample but I remember it being WAYYYY masculine on me...Maybe in cooler weather for me.
  11. Yeah, I swear Topper is more "Pop Potion" than "Pop "Potion" to me!
  12. Ha! The first thing I did was enlarge his toes on my phone!!
  13. Have no idea! Reminds me of my grandmas raisin bread she used to make when I was little! I hope this one works for me too..want the goat and always need more cops!
  14. Now that I've ordered I can relax and enjoy the writings of Luna. You know I completely forgot that I wasn't going to order the sampler this month. I was going to wait for reviews. I totally forgot about that...it was like I blacked out or something when I was ordering! I was mesmerized by the totems...
  15. Well I am going back to Waikiki....and it got a little naughty last year so...I'm counting on it!
  16. I got Tyveys Paradis Island....Fluffy Bunny for my mom and I decided on the May sampler and samples of Bat, Bunny and Goat from the April sampler. I'll wait for reviews on the ones I missed...that's enough treats for now. I hope I get the Paradise Island before my trip!! Eta: I just realized it was called Pleasure Island...even better!
  17. Ok! I guess I need a Linas Fluffy Bunny now...my mother wants it!
  18. Oh yay! You are going to have fun. I only tried it with Cougar because Beccah said she loved that combo...and she was right! But honestly I do wear it alone most of the time. Haha. Have no idea why I said criminal investigator. They just seem pretty serious on Law and Order. Not much Topper going on there...probably more like Gotcha! HAR HAR.
  19. I know I was thinking the same thing with LAM for Lamb...tee hee.
  20. Cougar just has a little cops so personally I don't see the problem adding more. I do with Gotcha all the time which also has light cops. As far as Topper I add cops to that too when I feel like it. Sexy fun!! I was thinking of getting a bottle of Topper with cops added but I decided against it because I like to wear it with Cuddle Bunny which then I think would be over cop kill. Besides I have so many cops scents to pair it with... But I always say...cop it!!!
  21. I cannot for the life of me figure out if Tyveys Pleasure Island has had enough takers but if there is one left by the time this goes through I would like to request one please!!
  22. So I am not sure if you decided yet but of course Topper has my vote! It's one of my top pheros...love the self effects the most! I want so many of my summer scents boosted with this in sprays I just can't afford them all!! But I am a great responder to Alpha Nol. I generally wear Topper all on its own but I have worn it with Cuddle Bunny and love it. I have worn it over Pizzazz (Cougar) to over the top results! But when I say "over the top" I don't mean that in a negative way! If I am setting out with Topper on I want to feel over the top! I wouldn't wear it to work if I worked in a serious situation. I work in a salon so I can get away with it but it might be TOO over the top if you are a criminal investigator or some such thing.
  23. No I have not. I don't think I ever would want to either because like Stacey and Eggers said...for me they are just two different purposes, you know? I use Gotcha more for a bonding, adoring thing and Topper for an upbeat party fun mood. Although they are both excellent mood lifters! But that is just me so don't let that hold you back from your own experimenting!
  24. Yay! Yes Topper is awesome, on my must have, never live without list. I had the longest day ever yesterday and then I had to drive an hour an a half after work to bring some clothes to a friend in the hospital. Needless to say I wasn't thrilled after work when I was tired and wanted to chill at home! So I did what Maroon did and doused myself with my Dolly's Hot and Sticky boosted with Topper spray. That magic elixir had the same effect on me except I was alone in my car...upbeat and enthusiastic about a task I was dreading 20 minutes before! I layered this over Peach Sparkle which is a feel good scent to me anyway... So smelling peach champagne and Dolly's pineapple tonic with Topper?! I'm lucky I made it home last night without flying off the road into a party in another dimension!!
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