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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Even though it probably wouldn't work I thought it was a pretty clever idea! Your best bet is to have two relationships, one in each destination and just travel back and forth more. Lololol...just kidding.
  2. Ok so after much wringing of hands I placed an order for FB of Nola and a backup of Special D (yes, after throwing Special D under the bus with the release of Cherry D I have been wearing the hell out of it and there is only 5 left now I think) Also samples of Blackstone to see how different that dark cherry choco is and Sugared Amber and Papal Purple. Almost went FB on Papal too but don't quite trust the wisteria. Now the excitement of waiting!!!
  3. I saw Fairy Musk on some somebody's trade list so you might want to try that!
  4. missdarlyncherie


    Thanks you guys....I think I'm just going to go for it. The idea of this kept me up all night tossing and turning with indecision/anticipation....lol!!! I am intriqued enough to take the risk!!!
  5. missdarlyncherie


    I am about to just get this unsniffed so I don't have to play the sample/waiting game because these reviews are driving me crazy!!! Especially Stormey W's and this last one from Elizabeth. The ONLY thing that worries me is the pecan. Wasn't that in Wink at the Moon? That didn't work but it could have been something else in there. But the bourbon and vanilla! And smoke! Sounds amazing.
  6. Welcome Wgn! It sounds like you have already discovered that LP's are created with Maras Magick! That is why they make you and every one around you feel good! Looking forward to a new addition to the forum and reading your reviews!
  7. Oh yeah I would definitely Gotcha! But then again I Gotcha! Just about every situation these days. It's my favorite!! Like PM said though it sounds like your phero experiments are going great so far! A lot of people like Perfect Match but I just prefer blends with EST for my situations.
  8. Aargh. LP's drive me crazy!!! I decided to try this one again since everyone is talking about it today. First time I tried it I amped lemon to high hell. This time there is very little lemon, if any and it is indeed glorious maple makin me smile!! I smell cookie dough in there too now. I don't remember the notes in this, I'll check when I'm done but I'm smelling dough slathered in maple...it's so good now!!! Eta: well I don't know where the dough is coming from...and I can smell the lemon now but it is so much more balanced than before....this is a dream scent.
  9. Oh I think Cuddle Bunny for Cherry D is perfect!!!! Nice order!
  10. missdarlyncherie


    Oooh Stormey, nice review!
  11. I wish I would have had one of my bottles boosted with cops!! I was afraid it would t cover and the cops would show through!!
  12. I knew I would end up loving this one if I gave it time to age. I was surprised I didn't love it at first sniff, I adore Aja and all bright honey scents but when I first tried this I amped the lemon like crazy!! It was weird and took away from what I was hoping for. Anyway I have been wearing it to bed the last couple nights and like most honey scents smells amazing in the morning and especially on my sleep shirts. It gets more and more sexy each time I wear it. And of course I love the name and the label. I so love all the pinup style labels in the Valentines collection. This will be a full bottle eventually!
  13. I just saw this thread and I have to concur with Eternal Sunshine! I don't have much experience with a lot of men's scents but you can't get much more uplifting than that...bottled sunshine for sure!
  14. Peach is really iffy on me too. The LAM/Bam was nauseating to me, Shen Toa was just off somehow, but Loriens Orange Blossom special was absolute love love love and so was Peach Sparkle so no going FB without sampling first if it's a peach. It really is about what it is blended with because I have always loved the scent of peach..hmmm.
  15. Lately its been... Cherry Divinity Hungry Heart LAM Original Katerina Suit Special D Peach Sparkle too but I am really trying to keep my hands off of that one until summer...
  16. Ok! My numero uno everyday social and work phero is GOTCHA!!The self effects make me socially at ease, makes people comfortable with me and oh so nice and makes Ex L think he is in love with me. Number 2...TOPPER...my popularity potion! I wear this mostly on its own and again the self effects are off the charts! Sometimes I add it to other pheros but not to work anymore! Makes me toooo overly outgoing and I think one of the manicurists thought I was on something one time so this one is mostly for having fun now. Number 3....LAM! Just love it. The perfect blend of happy and sexy. Pink Amber has been a staple from the beginning but I also have Sandalwood and recently got some of the original and THAT one is quickly becoming an addiction. That layers with everything and UPS the sexy for scent. Number 4....CUDDLE BUNNY. Not much self effects for me but DIHL magnet and I love the scent. Also a staple for me. Now those four I would NEVER be without. But I so enjoy and will give homer able mention to Blatant Invitation, I do love the 'none buzz and women react favorably towards me with it on. That's a good one with Topper now that I think about it. PS....I wear Occos with everything so I didn't even mention those....
  17. I had Marilyn all over my walls in high school too. My favorite was this giant poster of her in a chair in some kind of ballerina tutu dress and my mom surprised me by hanging a pair of pink satin ballet toe shoes up with the poster with satin ribbons...it was so cute.
  18. Wow. I don't even know if I knew grapefruit was in this! It's always just been super refreshing pineapple. I haven't tried it lately...saving it for summer!!
  19. Grrr. My skin is so painfully dry right now I would do anything to dip myself in this stuff right now.
  20. Gotcha is my favorite for everyday and work. Mara described it once as making others around you feel "safe and loved". It never fails to make me feel more socially at ease.
  21. Yes, I need to be careful with Cougar myself, it used to make me feel funky because I wore too much. I like it in Pizzazz because the perfume itself does not let me go overboard because it is so strong. I would never go more than 1x for the fact that I like to spritz around different spots like Eggers said... I don't have any UN's in oil, I am so used to the sprays that I am afraid I wouldn't know how much to apply for some reason. I should at least try one for the summer I suppose but I can't decide which one to try in that format. Hm.
  22. I know exactly what you mean! Can't get comfortable in my skin when I am wearing a scent that isn't me yet...or that won't ever be me.
  23. I think that sounds awesome SSupytalp...you are going to have so much fun. I really liked this scent too, but not enough for a full bottle I don't think. I am not sure if it was the raspberry or the rose or what, but I didn't end up loving it after dry down. Not like I love Pizzazz, so I will just be satisfied with that one. What about wearing Cherry Divinity? That one seems like the perfect valentine fall in love scent to me! eta: oh, I just reread that you are gong to layer this with something else, yeah because Bang seems like a perfect phero for this.
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