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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Pure clean and cottony. Not my kind of scent but Sneaky Cleaners and X Appeal lovers should just order this unsniffed...no question at all. I don't hate it, it's just not an immediate FB for me but I will definitely use my sample on summer days.
  2. I have to change mine already because of... NOLA! LP Red (or course!) Cherry Divinity Special D Comp P
  3. I DID have that last year in Hawaii at the Dole place!! I didn't realize that's what it was called though. I was looking around the shop and my friend came back with those! Yumz...
  4. Ohhhh!!!! Thank you Luna!!! That is what I wanted to hear!!! Can't wait.
  5. GOT MY SHIP NOTICE!!!! Eeek! Probably won't be here until Monday but that's cool! Monday is a boring day anyway and I'll have my crayons to look forward to!!!
  6. I did not realize that this was a lemon. This whole time I thought it was a tiny towel on his head. Yes, I wear a lot of Gotcha which supposedly makes you ditzy!!
  7. Coconut musk because I missed Hearts damn PE and I am really upset about it especially after waking up drenched in Lady V's Pussy this morning.
  8. Hmmm...I don't remember four editions of anything. I think Comp P was brewed twice that month it came out...
  9. Holy smokes!! Are you guys getting the Crayons already?!
  10. Or Mara could chop my head off and put someone else's on!
  11. Yes, I am looking forward to your reports. I am one of the ONLY people in the world for whom the scented Cougar doesn't work on. But I get to enjoy the phero in one of my favorite scents, Pizzazz! WARNING: if a scent doesn't work on you wait a bit and try it again at least a couple of months later...maybe even a year later! Your tastes will change dramatically throughout this journey and you will fall in love with a scent that did nothing for you the first time you tried it. Also don't judge too much by descriptions and notes! Some that sounded like they would never work on me became favorites. In fact...it's probably time for me to try Cougar again...just in case!!
  12. It was a gorgeous dress and it makes me boobs look awesome but whoever was taking the pictures (I do not remember at all for some reason) failed to mention that in every pic my eyes were looking off and it makes me look crazy as hell. They were taken as I was about to hit the door to go to some fundraising event I know that, they were auctioning off these fancy dresses. I don't remember who took the pictures but I do remember that I was wearing Treasure of Rubies!!!
  13. Welcome Olderbutwiser! Sounds like you are getting a good handle on the pheros and are having fun! And welcome Macan too!
  14. missdarlyncherie


    So I let myself wear this today even though as I said in my review I'm already fearful of running out. It is coming off very mapley today! I guess that is what brown sugar, bourbon and vanilla do when they get together. I love it soooo....I still get NO SMOKE at all but there is something very DUSKY in the background so perhaps that is the smoke note. Katerina Suit better watch her back...Nola is slinking up behind to steal the position of my all time favorite sultry sexpot scent.
  15. Pretty much yes...eventually! it will be a work in progress...
  16. I sent the bikini! I sent the devil eye red dress one too because Mara is magic and maybe she can banish the devil eye if she needs something red... I keep sorting through the list and I can't even BEGIN to make my own list of what I want to start with. I need a whole new storing system just for my new little sugars. Sugared Oakmoss! Egyptian Musk?! Cherries, Pineapple, pine needles?! Birthday cake and strawberries?! Holy smokes.
  17. I live this picture too Rose.. There is a warm sugared milk!
  18. I sent my bikini one in. When I was rooting around for it I found another picture of me in a long red dress where I look like a friggin Sugared She Devil.
  19. Ohhh....what happened to that? Maybe it's in Michaels computer...is there a Sugared Aqua Bikini?!
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