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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh easy for you to say!!!!!! I cannot find a single fun and flirty scent here at LP. They are all so dull and tedious.
  2. Personally I think you are on the right track with H&S and cops. Is is heavy on the est and bnol and just an all around awesome mix for what you are intending! I used to wear this combo quite a bit myself...I love it.
  3. That is where I am at too. Added to the problem is we can't check on the numbers in stock anymore!! LOL! That always made me feel safer.
  4. I don't know...I should have tried a sample of UN Cougar I guess. The scents it has been offered in have gotten on my nerves and that may be the problemo of not feeling right with it on. I am jealous of all the great effects you guys get with this!!
  5. Hi Livinla... Greenergal has posted a DC on her trade thread! I think it is a spray...if you are interested... I have mine in spray and I love it like that.
  6. Love it!! Forbidden office romances have always been my favorite. Gotta have BI in there!!
  7. Yes it does last forever and it gets better and better throughout the wearing. I have forgotten a few times what I put on and just swoon over trying to remember what I am wearing....and it is HH!
  8. Ok thanks Nutrix! I figured it would...I always like a second opinion before I cop something. There is something so sexy and alluring about HH. I got the sample on a whim from Tyveys bunch and it was my favorite of the lot. I initially didn't get it because I thought it would have that burnt smell like RF. But it doesn't and I really amp the buttercream and maple...it is so irresistable on my skin.
  9. I love my sample of this one too. I think maple and buttercream work for me even though there seems to be a comparison to Rocket Fuel which does not seem to do it for me. This seems like a sexified scent so...it will cover cops, right?
  10. Sounds like the cocoa butter will deter me from this one but.....WHY ISN'T ANYONE REVIEWING TEASE!?!?
  11. Welcome Christy...more good times to come!!!!
  12. I see Fuzzy Wuzzy on artfire!!!! I don't need another bottle but I think someone else here did.
  13. Yeah if i accidently got married I sure wouldn't admit it here!!!!!
  14. I am reporting these obscene posts to the moderator for further investigation.
  15. Oh now that's just the most obscene thing I've ever heard you say!!
  16. SO WEIRD!!!!! I hardly know you Tee and I was thinking about you yesterday!!! You flew into my head and I thought...what has ever happened to that Tee?! I couldn't get it out of my mind for the longest time! It was so strange and stranger still that here you are!!!! Well welcome back!!
  17. Well it happened to me with LFN. I almost got in a fender bender as I was admiring myself in my rearview window the first day I tried my LFN sample.
  18. Ok. Got all three on (of course)....quick summation... Jack's Rose...a fresh summery rose and berry crushed ice sorbet sort of thing. Refreshing and addicting. Young and fun. Young Rose...my favorite! absolutely gorgeous young delicate rose petals! Pretty pretty pretty! Forever Rose...a shock to the nose after sniffing the more delicate ones. BUT...more complicated than the others. Sophisticated and seductive. Love the honey smothering the roses in this one. I really want to wear them seperately to get a better perspective. Especially Forever Rose because it is very different for me and I can see me really appreciating it a bit more on its own without the other ones calling out to me.
  19. eta: so many pheros would go with this I think...Bang or LFN too. eta: I meant to edit that last post...not talk to myself!!!!!!
  20. Like Luna this smells better in the vial than on me. I do like it but there is something that gets on my nerves and that might be too much tuberose. Or is it just the combo of Cocoa Butter and tuberose? I can see wearing this in a certain setting, I think right now it is just a little overpowering for me. Definitley a night time scent and if it works on you I think it does call for a sexy coppy phero...and Cuddle Bunny would be nice!
  21. This was one of my latest sniffees. First of all I love the dramatic red color of the oil...and the scent is just as dramatic to me. It is sweet...incensey...something in the background keeps reminding me of shampoo...can't imagine what that is. The longer I have it on the better I like it. Hmm. I think it is pretty exotic but I think that of all incensey perfumes I guess. I would wear this around the house at night I think but it might be a little too exotic for me to wear out and about. I like to keep my exotic-ness under wraps! I think all of our belly dancing LP'ers should have a bottle of this!
  22. omg! I smell no chocolate in Coconut Breeze! Oh well, I am glad you got a sample...I look forward to your review!
  23. Yeah I think most of the time I don't like it...but what about Coconut Breeze? Love that!!
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