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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh crap! I was hoping it would be all sugared mosses on you after I get you all in a frenzy over it!!! I wore it to bed last night and still no WM/WA head trauma!!
  2. I haven't given it a complete run on it's own yet but when I tried a splotch in my NR frenzy I did love it already. It is so Sparkle Fuschia that those that missed out on that one (or want more) should be satisfied except....I THINK IT IS WAYYYYYY BETTER THAN SP!! Because of the cherry!!! It was like cherry pumpkin cake. I think Raq should get it for sure because she needs more SP. The cherry is not enough to ruin the Sparkle Fuschia vibe at all. Am going to wear it all alone to work tomorrow and will update how it wears all day...
  3. Oh my! Ok I definitely will get this trial. I can spray before getting to HG's... OR (oh this is a fabulous idea) while we are outside feeding the horses! I will run around behind the stables! He won't know if it's horse poop!
  4. Lol! I am tempted to get this in the pheroma trial size just to smell it because it sounds like such a trauma. I haven't been able to try it out on HG because I know he will hate Comp P. I know it worked almost too well on Ex L that's for sure. I am assuming it is way stinkier than BI?
  5. Mmm. Got this one out because Elizabeth reminded me and it is nippy out right now. This is sooo good. Better than I remembered. I think the only time I like green notes are in the Christmas scents. I guess it is evergreen?! I don't remember what is in this. But I love this with the dusty vanilla and patch. Stocking Stuffer is the other piney type Christmas thing that I like. Personally I wouldn't boost it with Teddy BB because it is not relaxing TO ME, but everyone gets a different sense from scents! The greens WAKE ME UP! I think it is the perfect upbeat winter scent.
  6. Oh yeah, I always thought this one would be great in spray. All those fresh eye opening ingredients plus alpha-nol! I used to put it on before the gym when I felt "bleh" about going. Those notes sparkle around you when your skin heats up, it is divine.
  7. I am kind of getting more of a blueberry thing too! It's pretty good, I like the marshmallow fluff, that's for sure. Right now it is not one of my monthly faves, but of course that could change as NR fever cools off. Hard to compete with my favorite blackberry perfume of all time...That Kind of Girl of course!!
  8. OK! Now that the spices have mellowed out on this I do indeed get that "fresh donut" smell you are talking about! And it is less "Christmassy". I will have to give this one a trial run on it's own because it has really changed since I put it on but of course I've got everything else on now. This has better potential to me now.
  9. Hmmm...let's see...last year there was some sort of deal if you got 10 sample pheros because I remember making and remaking my list to get the 10. Could it have been $15 a piece and $10 if you got 10? Could be different this year though. Whatever it is ,boy is it worth it to invest in the ones you haven't got the chance to try before you go full bottle. I got my whole stash of new phero samples right after I met HG last year and I think that might contribute to the fact that he thinks I am a little sketchy. I mean, think about it. The guy never knew me prior to my phero use and for an entire year I have been experimenting with all this on him. Could be bad. Not too long ago he mentioned "I still can't figure you out." And I really wonder if it is all this phero abuse. eta: of course I mean $10 a piece if you got 10. $100 for 10. Ok. Just making sure no confusion there. Don't want Mara and John to have a heart attack.
  10. I gave Michael his sample of this and he put it away to "save it". Uh...for what?! I didn't even get to smell it because I wanted him to open it first. I think I am just going to start ordering him one new sample every time I order so that he has his own little pile and doesn't feel like he has to "save them."
  11. OH MY GOOGLY GOLLIES!!!!!!!! THIS is why I HATE missing out on the monthly sampler. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD I HAVE ORDERED THIS SAMPLE ON MY OWN. The Mujamuja word and Indian resin reference would have completely freaked me out. The mere fact that Beyond the Veil ( a perfume that I still believe tried to take my life one night) was even MENTIONED in this thread would be enough for me to steer clear. But my oh my!! Surprise hit for me! I can smell EVERYTHING mentioned in this but it is so beautifully balanced that nothing is overtaking anything! Not even what I thought would which is the dragons blood. I think I smell the maple most but no too much...again...nothing overshadows anything else. But I think the maple and maybe buttercream mellows those notes that could have been too strong for me. The earth and hay are there but you really have to search and to me they went away pretty quick. Yep this is strange and unusual and WAY different for me. I love how Mara makes different blends so appealing so my collection is so diverse.
  12. Yeah, I can wear some pinks (LAM Pink Amber is my FAVE and I love Blushing Embers smoky pinkness) but LP Pink? smells like sour cream on me!!! And Occo Pink? Too sickly sweet on me!! But I can see why Pink Sugar fans would swoon for Occo Pink, it is really close to that one and a good way to add cops to anything. I've tried it a few times and just gave up. Interested to hear what you think of Occo Red, Dolly. OMG it's so good. It is definitely my Fall/Winter Occo.
  13. Mmmm this is good but very very spicy on me. Totally reminds me me of G&L but better to me (I am not a fan of G&L like everyone else!) I don't get any coconut which makes me sad. I completely agree with BB in that this is wayyyyyyy Christmasy. I am going to love this in a few months.
  14. Yeek on this one. I am also getting the vanilla/amber plasticky thing. No chocolate at all. I'll try it another time but got a feeling this will never be for me. That's ok so many more are working this month!
  15. missdarlyncherie


    It's a tough one, this 221B. I scrubbed it but it is still there haunting me.
  16. I'm mot sure which one or the combo that kills me either! But for whatever reason it's not happening here.
  17. missdarlyncherie


    OMG. This is so strong on me right now my eyes are watering. I am going to quit sampling and go to bed. I should have stopped with the beautiful Spider Silk, but NOOOOOO I had to keep going and now I am sick.
  18. I will definitely wear it a few more days to make DOUBLE DOG SURE that the white musk isn't going to come out and javelin me in the nose before I am completely sold on a bottle but right now...really really loving it.
  19. Believe me, with all this white musk, white amber business and the comparison to Cougar (I'm the only person on LP earth who can't wear that one) I was fully prepared to give this vial to Phinnius to bat under the fridge, BUT... I SWEAR I GET SUGARED OAKMOSS OCCO BLUE HEAVEN!!!!! This is a sweet COMFORTING scent that is going to sing me to sleep tonight. OMG!!!!! I really am ensnared in this silken web just like Luna said!!! Oh! And LV...this musk is not piercing me at all! I will be interested to hear what you think of it...
  20. I had so much fun with my toys but I am not giving Adelaide and Phinnius their orange pumpkin ball until tomorrow morning so I can sleep tonight.
  22. Oh my! Perfect to be pared with LFM!!!
  23. I know mine are coming today and I came over to Michaels from work to wait for the mailperson... Waiting..... Waiting.....
  24. Me neither!!! Just getting caught up in all the Pheroma excitement!
  25. missdarlyncherie


    Well I have a sample coming in a few days...I will be the judge of this Sneaky vs 221B dilemma!!!
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