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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. It's so weird...I wore some on my hand last night (it lasted forever!) and never got any cig smell. Just real tangy honey fruit. And the honey is real bright and pretty, not skanky honey. I am going to try it around others for opinions and some time later with HG...see if he says the same thing. I'm sure he won't dare tell me now though since I got pretty irritated with him. Really, I felt like he was accusing me about being a liar about saying I didn't smoke which is so ridiculous. I'm sure...after a year of knowing him all of a sudden I decided to reveal I was a smoker? Pissed me off really. Whatever...I love Torrid Sorcery!!
  2. Ok. I absolutely love this one one me. It is sort of a sour raspberry sherbet at first and then...I don't know.. the amber and vanilla make it so cozy, the honey is completely wearable on me, it is sweet and absolutely one I want to lick (I won't as per Luna's warnings about ingesting). BUT. There WAS an incident last week. I wore it to HG's, it was hours and hours after I applied, I could still gets wafts of it but it was barely there. Anyway...he texted me the next day and asked if I had been smoking or been hanging out with people who had smoked alot! (the answer is no on both questions) he said that when I was over I smelled like cigerette smoke and like it was coming out of my pores!!! I cannot in a million years imagine why this would be (and why he didn't bring it up while I was over for crying out loud, it really pissed me off actually). I do not think anything in this Torrid Sorcery smells like smoking. Does it to anyone else?
  3. In the past there has been two sets...10 womens ands 10 mens...not sure how it will be this year... eta: maybe not exactly 10 and 10 maybe because there are some unisex pheros...but you get the idea, separate sample packs.
  4. Hi Nu Trix! Yes a whole months collection of phero'oed scents. Can you believe it? That is really stressful about what to get unless you can afford a whole set!! I wish I could get my Un pheros lightly scented but I can never decide what scent will go with everything. It is a conundrum for sure...
  5. I think your new Lick of Pink boosted with Heart and Soul will do the trick too!!
  6. Whew!! I was indeed worried!!!  I know how much you like to Puff! 
  7. WAIT!! What happened?! I thought you loved Purple Puff?!?!? What bad happened?
  8. Oh! What happened to chewels?! Is it still out there? Forgot all about it!
  9. This is a tad perfume-y on me at first too. But it growing on me more and more. The girl at the convenience store threw her hands in the air and exclaimed "You smell freakin awesome!!" I'm in there constantly and she rarely acknowledges me so that was fun. Your PE sounds good to me. I would buy. Love sandalwood, ,tonka, tobacco...
  10. ESPECIALLY LAM!!!! omg wearing it today reminds me I need to wear it more AND get more flavors of it. Like the Briwn Sugar for winter!!!!!!!
  11. missdarlyncherie


    Oh he'd be thrilled to hear it!! 
  12. missdarlyncherie


    I'm using it for Sex Partner! I don't know what else to call him...
  13. Dammmmmmmmmmit to Hellllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. missdarlyncherie


    HG is how I refer to my SP!!! HG stands for Horse Guy (and I believe Tyvey gave that to him...because he has horses...not what you are thinking you dirty birdy)
  15. missdarlyncherie


    I KNOW!!!!! It is a nightmare believe me!!!!!!!!!! I have tried to find myself but still in the same boat after two years! I think I am that way with everything, that's why I don't buy anything except LP's. Keeping it as simple as I can. I thought it was a Libra thing?
  16. Initially Mara said we were all bringing our cats on the blimp! Which I was a little nervous about. I think Adelaide will travel fine but Phinnius is so nervous! I will have to get one of those pheromone collars to calm him down I suppose.
  17. missdarlyncherie


    That is so weird. I tried to explain this to HG (for whatever reason, I have no idea) and he acted like I was nuts. I tried to find proof on the internet and could not.
  18. Me too but I don't know Loquacious enough to know where her mind is!! If it was Lady V I would have immediately gone there. Im waiting for someone more worldly to come along and help us out...like Tyvey! She knows stuff like this.
  19. I don't really know if it is Future Husband! I have never heard of it either. Could be Fuck Hound for all I know.
  20. missdarlyncherie


    I am all over the map. I am covered in fruit all summer ...but I love sandalwood. LAM Sandalwood and Resins is one of my faves, Phantoms Breath isn't fruity and I LOVE that, I even like the new Vintage Musk and I thought I hated musk. I also love Closer which didin't sound like a MDC scent. You and I share a love for LP Red, Sunfire, and Coconut Breeze but I don't like heavy incense stuff like Beyond the Veil. So...what does that make me? I'm not sure!! I have no LP identity!!!
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