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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh yeah! I did get 10 last year but still regretted skipping a few...most notably UN Cougar! Been dying to try that with something other than Sparkle Fuschia. Hmmm...what else? Empathy... I need to get some of those pippette things so I can refill last years little sample thingies too. Oh! Still hoping for a Sexology scent.
  2. Oh cool! I was kinda of hoping for a Sexology boosted scent since I can't wear the original one but do like the phero!!
  3. Oh my Goodness, yes! You got some of the best phero samples here. I am actually a little jealous that you are just starting out here. I remember the excitement of getting my first DIHL experience with my first sample of Cuddle Bunny!! CB and LAM Pink AMber were my first fave pheros. Of course now I've got everything and my head is always spinning. A little over two years later and the excitement really never stops. Just think...I came over to LP to pick up A new bottle of perfume and...turned into this...
  4. Oooh good. Berries are usually good for me. I need another pink scent so I am hoping..
  5. That's funny...you shakin' fools! I haven't tried this in awhile because I think it just got too damn sweet on me. I ordered a sample of a Lick of Pink and then read that someone said it was sweeter than Passion in Pink!!!! So I am not sure if that is going to work for me...but I am curious to see.
  6. When I saw your order I thought the first thing I would do is throw that Occo Ambrosia/Lace concoction with Dheas on and HIT THE TOWN!!!! That is such a WIN WIN WIN.
  7. I get no honey from the Sneaky either...it is definitely not the type of honey anyone should fear.
  8. Hi Skylove! You are definitely in for some fun here, man or no man!! I second BlueBears suggestion of LAM's. They are a sexy fun blend with the Alpha-nol and cops. Can't get a better starter phero than that or getting male attention and boosting your own mood. Pink Amber is my fave and it layers with everything in the LP world!!! But get the LAM sampler and you can try them all.
  9. Well my sampler should be here soon. If I don't order special phero add ins or anything It takes exactly nine days. 7 days to get my notice and two after that so Thursday should be I also ordered samps of Lick of Pink and 221B.
  10. I kind of thought this sounded good for me too. If not I think MIchael will at least like the silly label! And if I tell him that several of the magickal ingredients encourage prosperity he will be sure to give it a try.
  11. Yep. I agree. Look how well me and Closer get along and the ingredients read like to me.
  12. I AM NOT GOING TO PANIC BUY!!!! I don't even know what those ingredients mean together like that anyway.
  13. Yes and I think I will too unless the ALLSPICE does a HULA DANCE up my nose.
  14. From these descriptions I could not possibly choose what will win out for me. They all sound awesome. I think the Cider one, Masquerade and Sveet Tooth are pretty much shoo ins but...there seems to be egyptian musk and sandalwood being thrown about too...who knows...can't wait to see!!!
  15. I usually do because ordering unsniffed makes me nervous, it's so hard to tell what I will and won't love. Then when it is time for the next sampler I usually order the bottles I want from the last batch. HOWEVER If something looks like it is going to go fast I'll order sooner. eta: In the case of Halloween, phero month and Christmas it is a good idea to indeed order sooner...they go faster!
  16. I haven't even read the descripts yet but had to order because I want to make sure to get the sampler by my birthday!!!!!!!!! Now I'll go back to read.
  17. So I texted my BFF Nic "Have you ever smelled D&G for Men?" He wrote back "Are you crazy? It's all I wear." He lives in FL so I can't smell him but I told him I think I was perhaps wearing a similar ladies perfume called "Vintage Musk" and a picture of the label and he called me in excitement and declared the designer of that label a pure genius!
  18. I just wanted to say welcome Dani! I also have not tried Focus Potion but sounds like what you need...let us know how it goes!!
  19. I feel like Occo Red is sweeter than LP Red. I go through phases between the two. One year I wore LP Red and swore I loved it more than Occo Red...the following year I wore nothing but the Occo Red and completely ignored the LP Red swearing undying love to it. Just never know. Lp Red is deeper smelling and the Occo is more desserty. To me anyway.
  20. I do love the white but I have been wondering so about BBM. I have been wearing white lately to decide if I really need it BBM. To me Occo White is very strong (actually all the Occos are, I don't layer them often because they seem to take over the other scent anyway! Need to start wearing less I guess.) But I love cake as in Darling Clementine and if BBM and sheerer...oh my...might be what I want. Occo White is even a little boozy on me? Anyway...BB hurry and get BBM and tell me if I need it eta: so many errors in this post I don't want to correct. Still having coffee. Sorry
  21. Yay Dolly and Skye! I would never turn the clock back. Being in your 40's is indeed a triple threat. Beauty, confidence and experience.
  22. CFM= Come Fuck Me... BUT Mara had a remake of it...what is it? can't remember...It was in the Bohemian Cat Collection...Beccah? What was it?
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