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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yes it is similar to SF BUT without the cherry! I love cherry so much too...I wonder what LP I can layer my SF with to get that. I don't have too many prominent cherry ones I don't think.
  2. I know...I tend to go overboard too. But...I'm an old lady and I'm kind of slutty so....prolly ok.
  3. Oh! I think Ebil-ish would be awesome with a sexy sexy phero like this or BI! I can never tell if they will cover though until Tyvey or Luna tell me it's ok.
  4. It's GOT to be November somewhere!! (or does the Universe not work that way).
  5. Mmm! Sounds cute. Aren't you the one who went out and had a Velvet Kisses drink too one night? I like your theme drinking.
  6. Oh no!! I feel bad for you, this one stays on me a good long while, and especially on the shirt I wear to bed. This smells sooooo good the next morning!!
  7. First DIHL=Cuddle Bunny. This is a story bout Ex L two years ago with my very first phero. Ex L is very alpha with absolutely no emotions whatsoever. A for real psychopath. He came in for his appointment (waxing) and I wore scented CB mainly because of the smell. He is one of those that likes clean smelling traditional perfumes and had already complained about some scents (MRF, and other smokey things) that I had tried. I had not researched enough about pheros and did not care too much about that at the time was just interested in scents. Had never even heard of DIHL. So after the service he gets up and stares at me "bleary eyed" (is what I was thinking at the time) and says "I feel so fantastic in here today." Keeps staring at me (I started thinking he looked really unfocused). He makes a few more comments about how good he feels around me right now. Then he starts counting the days until we see each other again as if he can't remember (we used to see each other every single Sunday come rain or shine, he was acting so weird like he wanted to make sure we were still on). and makes a comment like "three days until I get to see you." Which was ridiculous because this had been going on for years...hardly a new exciting thing. This was absolutely unheard of behavior for this man. After he left I was just stunned and weirded out by it and then he texted me (he had to have been right at the stop sign outside the shop) about what an amazing time he had just had with me. That was the night I went home and read every damn thing on pheros on the LPMP site, learned what DIHL was and became a full fledged believer and addict. Now that was pure dumb luck that I hit on the perfect phero for that type of guy right off the bat! I'm trying to find another psycho that I can have such an easy blatant hit with. I've seen some on Craigs list I may ask out just for science.
  8. I was going to say this to you earlier and got distracted. Cuddle Bunny will always be in my regular rotation, Sneaky...not so much. CB is brighter to me...more THERE. Sneaky is so Dove Soap (ON ME) and so NOT there. Get a sample of Sneaky if anything, but don't get your hopes up, it may not work on you either. I think you are onto something with just wearing your CB with SS4W. In fact...that is what I am going to do! So it's like Bang!
  9. I've never even tried it but I just now read the description. It sounds like what I have been loving lately and I want more experiments with PM. Those bonding pheros are so good for me at work with new clients.
  10. Did someone already guess a return of Unisexy? Because I am thinking that one with Perfect Match is what I want!!
  11. No way, I think LAM is perfect for you. It is only Alpha-nol and cops. Alpha Nol says you are friendly, upbeat and approachable (which it sounds like is already YOU it would just reemphasize it) and cops remind them that you are a woman and NOT one of the guys. I really think this one should be your fun sexy/social phero. You can definitley pull this one off...it's already you! Then you can wear your SWS and LFM when you want to be taken a little more seriously. You mentioned that you are not considered very feminine, If you want to change that a little you want to wear pheros with est. That may be why LFM made them sit up and take notice. It has est (I think as the first ingred) and they may have been intrigued by this change in phero signature. Your femininity is there you are just not used to acting on it and I think you could use est pheros to push yourself in that direction. That is why I wear Leather sometimes. Although "alpha female" is not an apt description of my everyday personality it is certainly part of me and I can bring it out when necessary and Leather helps. (Which is why my bottle is still full but I like to have all necessary weapons for battle on hand.)
  12. Yeah, I forget to specify that when I say cops I am referring to an Occo or perfume with cops. I have so many of those I don't think I will ever try to learn how to deal with straight EOW. BUT. You never know...maybe SOMEDAY.
  13. Oh...duh. Boy I seriously wracked my brain before resorting to asking too. THEN I couldn't remember which thread this was in so I thought I would NEVER find out. When you get a journal you better merge all these experiments in there so we can find them!!
  14. Yeah I think all blends are better with cops! Actually FOR ME all blends are better with LAM added. Topper is my everyday favorite now but I haven't tried DHEAS alone. I'm wondering about that one but I get such great self effects from A nol that I don't want to buy a bottle of straight DHEAS and find it doesn't work for me without Anol. Perfect Match is the new one I am experimenting with and Shelley said somewhere that it is much better withe straight DHEAS and cops added so I am tempted.
  15. (been waiting to try this one anyway)
  16. Delisexy!! Ok I'm going in with my next order!!
  17. Grrr...maple and woods sound soooo good. The only reason I haven't got a sample of this is that walnut was mentioned somewhere in the reviews and walnut does not wear well on me at all.
  18. Wow! That is impressive as I am not much of a mixer myself. Hey but what is SC? I have been trying to figure it out it's driving me crazy. You mixed it with Shen Tao.
  19. lol! Made me giggle Tanya! I have never tried KSM, if it is like SS '12 without the mosses I probably wouldn't like it though. I love the mosses in this and that it distracts from the white musk on me. This is indeed comforting and oh so smooth!
  20. Yes,sorry to her about that but what great time to get your LP present! LAM Pink AMber is awesome and it layers well with a lot of LP's including LP Red if you want to add the phero to that one. I wish I liked Cougar as much as everyone else. I may have to try another sample of it in case my tastes have changed. Have fun and let us know how they all wear on you!!
  21. Oh I can't wait to get this one out again!! Waiting for some cooler weather. Last year I couldn't smell the smoke much either but I have smelled it recently and I sure can now!! This is the cozy sexy pink scent of winter cuddling!
  22. Yeah straight out of the bottle the cops hit a little...but on the skin it gets yummier... But have you tried Treasure of Rubies? How about that for an occo cops boost? That one is even colored a beautiful scarlet!!!!
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