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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Oh neither do I! I just meant an Occo or another any one I have boosted with cops.
  2. Yep! I usually always wear La Femme with the dash o' cop!
  3. Chance to get the Uns in sample size next month!!! Take advantage of it, that's what I did last year and really learned what worked on me at very affordable price!!
  4. I think in her excitement she read that one wrong...
  5. Oh this was my absolute favorite Treasure!! I finally got a bottle in the sale. Normally I don't appreciate the florals at all, but I don't know...oakmoss and frankin to the rescue I guess! I love the intents of all the ingredients...all that protection and happiness inducing. I usually wear it at night because it is one of those great PJ scents to me. It does only take a dab but it makes me feel comfy and safe.
  6. Holy Moly!! NOT AGAIN!!!! I got a backup but I was hoping there would be an endless supply of the Ambrosia...I'm already half through my first bottle.
  7. I wore this all day and I swear...it is so close to Sparkle Fuschia anyone clamoring for the rebrew just needs to jump on this!
  8. Seems to me the un pheros are rarely discontinued and when they are she gives plenty of notice ahead of time. I think it is usually something that is not selling as well that gets discontinued except for IW I think was some sort of trial basis with the company (?). New pheros seem to be introduced throughout the year, not just in November...so you never know, something new might me coming...or not. Seems to me that Un Lumina was introduced in Sept last year because we had it for AHE in Oct. Now if you are talking about all new phero enhanced scents being introduced next month then...YES we will have ten new ones of those!!! Time to spend some MONEY!!!!!!
  9. Yes it is a little hard to explain. Especially since it smelled completely different on me the last time I wore it, but still delicious. I smelled the hay a little more last night and I also thought it smelled a little spicy. Although I see no spice up there in the ingredients. I love the maple/buttercream sweetness that hangs around it though. I wish it lasted longer on my skin though...
  10. I am also hoping for a new H&S perfume in the pheromas. I had Song of the Desert boosted with it last year. It is a bright happy scent to me so that is why I chose it. That is what the phero is to me. Cheerful. Greeergal, at one point when I was looking to have another one boosted with it I was going to do Butterfly Kisses also! But as you can see from the other girls reviews it can also be a cuddly phero. So a foody cuddly scent would work too. That might be be nice for the cooler weather coming. It really is an all purpose phero.
  11. That is what I wanted to ask you and Lynn, Beccah. If you like the oil or spray better?
  12. missdarlyncherie


    OK. Got a little of this on my hand and it smells completely different than it did the other night when I freaked out. There is one strong ingredient in there that is a little biting. I don't know what vetiver is so maybe it is that. But the honey in here smells like the one in Priscilla's Your Hotness so it's got a bit of a graham cracker vibe which I do like. I don't think I am ever going to flip over this like I wanted to because I did want the label in my collection. Oh well.
  13. Me too. I never do my own mixing for fear of screwing a bottle of something up.
  14. I have got to try H&S other than with my mother, dammit! I used to before I got so much other stuff in my arsenal. I used to wear Kiss of Magic with Occo White all the time and get tons of attention. I need to remember to go back to my LP roots!
  15. Oh WOW! Velvet Kisses smells like pure HEAVEN on me. AH. It's only fair that this works on you and not me then. What would I do without my Velvet Kisses?
  16. I cannot believe you guys get chocolate from this! I swear these scents are amazing how they morph differently. This ones got such an odd after bite to it...I doubt I will try it again until next year.
  17. Yeah that's why I am afraid to try it again. I am indeed deathly afraid of it.
  18. LOL!! You are going to force the Blue out of it if it pops your head in two!!
  19. Oh who can choose this month?! I don't know if I've loved so many in one collection in a long time!! This is Exotic Sexy Grown Up Vanilla. The spices are not crazy at all, they just make it so much more interesting... like a belly dancers vanilla as opposed to a flirty young girl vanilla. This is one I would wear out...dressed up with Blatant Invitation!!!
  20. See now I couldn't handle Egg, it gave me the piercing nose musk headache!
  21. Ok this is mostly geranium on me which I like! It is a very clean feeling because I think I've had geranium cleanser before. I don't get ANY smoke at all. I guess it is copal and sage that is buffering the geranium a little. I'm not sure in what circumstances I will wear this, but I am enjoying it a lot so I know I will. Maybe just when I am home alone on a dark scary night. I like the intent. I love protection potions. Yes, I keep liking this more and more. Another beautiful October release!
  22. Well, that's not going to work...we take a shower after horse feeding and I imagine the hot shower would really amp that stink to hight heaven. Hm. Foiled again!
  23. WAIT IT OUT THOUGH!!! My cinnamon spazz did indeed finally calm down and I got the sort of buttery donut thing.
  24. OMG. I wish I would have done my test run on this today. But I am already slathered in WInter 2011. Just reading you rave about it makes me want to smell like this NOW. The cherry was just a brilliant addition to these ingredients, LV!!!!
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