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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. missdarlyncherie


    Yeah, me too when I reread my post!
  2. missdarlyncherie


    WOW!!! Great reports!!! The good news is...the honey in Tea and Strumpets does not offend me. HOWEVER...I'm probably going to have to sample this before going FB...unless it starts selling too fast, then I'll take my chances. I'm still a tad worried but GOD it does sound amazing. eta: WAITAMINUTE!!!!! It's not Tea and Strumpets I've tried...it's TEALESS STRUMPET!!! So...now I def have to trial it because I have no idea what the honey in T&S does.
  3. Ok. This is going on my FB list now. I like cakier and buttercreamier!!!. I like Occo White too but it is pretty strong on me and when I layer it , it takes over the other scents a little. Would like something sheerer. Sounds good!
  4. I never got this because I figured it was so similiar to Occo White. But it sounds more cupcakey?
  5. Yes, I think that is it! Casual and comfy, you are exactly right. I think that is why I think of it as Fall. That's when I start wanting to be comfy. Or when someone is coming over, I don't think it is a "going out" scent for me. I will go RED for that!!
  6. But thats just me! Raq likes it for spring and I can see why..it is really a different sort of scent to me, can't put my finger on it. Get the Occo sampler you just never know what they'll turn out like on you. I have them all except Green and I wear them all for different situations. I was so surprised to find out my Occo Red is almost empty. In two years I have not finished an LP yet, this one seems to be the one that will go first...I really go crazy with it in the cooler months. Last year I wore it out dancing a lot with Flying Potion.
  7. I usually wear it by itself, I love it all on it's own. But it goes great with scented Cuddle Bunny, it cuts the sharpness that I get from CB and adds that smokey oakmoss thing...makes CB way better I think! It's funny, when I wrote my old review I obviously thought of it as a summer scent, now I think of fall when I smell it. It was so humid this year I think that's why I didn't like it in the summer. Right now is the perfect time to wear it for me.
  8. missdarlyncherie


    Oh thanks Luna! See? I've got to quit judging honey so harshly. Didn't even occur to me it was in here. Honey got a bad rap from me when the dirty ones like Sexology didn't work on me. Now I'm all skeared of it.
  9. missdarlyncherie


    Ok thanks! That is great news. Tempted to get unsnifffed, I love everything else in this one.
  10. missdarlyncherie


    I was going to say..."this is for Raq!!!" You just never can tell with LP's!!
  11. missdarlyncherie


    How's the honey for someone who can't wear real strong dirty honeys?
  12. missdarlyncherie


    So I put this on as my pre shower scent to see if I want to wear it today. Definitely not because it is way too sophisticated for my day. I do love it still though. Very mysterious and sexy. A little sweetness, is there a dash of fruit in there somewhere? I have no idea what the notes are. It is not too incensey are smokey as Lady V said. It is a sexy "night out" scent that would be perfect for LFM...but not for me on this sunny day!
  13. I always get woozy for a minute when I first apply Occos to!. I was just thinking that the other night when I put on White.
  14. missdarlyncherie


    This was one of the first sniffees I ever got! I loved it but got totally overwhelmed with all the other samples I had ordered...completely forgot about it!! I I think I have another sniffee in my treasure chest. I will try tomorrow also!!
  15. So I tried this last night going out a little and it was delicious. The Occo White can take over a bit so must go easy on that but all in all a yummy combo that I will be wearing a lot. I wore it to Michaels pool league tournament though and there are so many lecherous guys there that I definitely don't think the cops were a good idea but I was dying to try this. Every time one of them wrapped themselves around me to give me a hug I was like "Grrr gross. They are going to get this coconut and cops all over them and associate me with it like Syn's guy does and think lecherous thoughts of me all night."
  16. I know...it sounds great, I love apple so much but I don't think Mara made many bottles. Maybe All Hallows Eve is the closest replacement for this. Not sure!
  17. Thank you! I will try it with Occo White tomorrow Luna. I tried it with Ambrosia but it completely took over and that's when I thought, hmmm...maybe Coco Breeze is too light a scent for coppage?
  18. I think this damn thing is GGG already!!!
  19. Don't worry MrsC I have been in the class over two years and hadn't thought of this either. 
  20. I LURVE Coconut Breeze....it wears so SEXAYYY on my skin but I want to sex up another bottle even more with a dose of cops. I don't know if it can handle cops without ruining the beautiful scent though! Anyone have an opinion on this?
  21. A lot of the white musk perfumes everyone likes here go sharp and piercing to my nose too, but not with this one for me either!! I get a load of sandalwood which I really like. This is very soothing and comfy like Lynn said. I got the small bottle and I know I will wear it more in the cooler months but I don't feel a real need for any more. I hope I don't change my mind when it is gone. I'm trying to figure out if I should try the little Exotic Musk one now since this one worked out for me. This one was a bit of a risk, never knowing how musk is going to go on me. Pleasantly surprised I was!!
  22. I haven't got any of the oils to stain any of my clothes and I am not even careful. But, naturally my mother has!!! And I have to hear about it!! That woman!!! I am going to dunk her bleached blonde head in a vat of Heart and Soul if she is not careful!!
  23. I would like to but HG does not like really vanilla based perfumes...so I think the intent would be screwed up if he was bitching about that the whole time. Kind of pisses me off.
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