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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yeah, Calii's right, let it sit. It seems like the scents get stronger as they sit. I didn't know est smelled metallic either until I read what Tyvey wrote. I don't smell anything like that in my Un Lace or H&S and they both have est but CB has a lot more I guess.
  2. That does suck because Special D seems like it would be a great carrier for CB if only it covered it better! Maybe you could layer your boosted one with another scent.
  3. Sounds conservative. Sneaky Clean or Butterfly Kisses! LOL!!! You just never know. You have to wear different samples and throw them under his nose and judge by his reaction. He will eventually get irritated by this behavior and tell you what he likes and dislikes just to make it stop.
  4. Yes, what is the mature guys age? It depends on what type he is. Conservative? Probably go for more commercially type scents like florals or fruity florals maybe musks? Hard to say without more info. Some of the foody scents are hard for guys to "get" at first because they are not used to them. Especially older ones. Sometimes it's a matter of trial by error. Like when I found out HG wanted to cut his nostrils out every time I wore chocolate scents which was every time I saw him because it was winter and I was obsessed with Velvet Kisses and Special Delivery. A real weirdo.
  5. My Occo Blue was like that. I just kept a straight pin by my LP's and used it every time and now I don't have to use it anymore. But it took about a year! I
  6. Personally I don't mess with straight up cops myself. Others here do and they can give you tips...actually there is a whole thread about using cops on the phero new user section. So if I want a scent boosted with cops...first I ask on the forum for others opinions on whether the scent will cover the cops. If the experts give the thumbs up I go for it! I have not ruined a scent yet using this method. I had suggested Red with cops because you said you wanted to get someones attention and Red really seems to do that for me! And I always wear cops for that reason also but I usually wear Occo Red or LAM Pink Amber with it since my Red is not boosted. Have you tried the Occo Sampler? They are awesome for cops cover and you might like Occo Black since you like LP Black. That is another combo that I know Dolly loves.
  7. It's usually just sometime around the end of the month. I think the yearly sale makes Septembers a bit later. It makes it even more nail bitingly scary to never know exactly when we are going to be hit with more financial ruin.
  8. Well I did not get it boosted because I was afraid to ruin the scent! I don't know how CB smells alone but Tyvey has said that it does smell metallic-y. I got my Shelley B's Bodacious Bomb boosted with CB and it smells beautiful, same as the unboosted to me, and I have it in Velvet Kisses of course and can't detect it.
  9. See I would have thought "no." They tell you they do but I have never noticed that a guy can think about anything that isn't right in front of his face. In fact I have always suspected that those really good texters have me on some sort of alert on their phone.
  10. Hi Ddolls!! Welcome to the forum. You are going to have a lot of fun with all those samples!! How about LP Red with cops? Have you tried any of the Love Potion variants?
  11. Maybe it would be better on your clothes like Purple Puff is for me.
  12. Maybe somebody snuck some cops into your sample!! Just kidding...
  13. No sure, but in the description for LFM it says, "leaves a lasting, memorable, enchanting impression"!
  14. LOL!! That's cute. I have been with both types. Those that text throughout the day (not the annoying type/clingy texts, I'm talking about the sweet ones we like just showing they are thinking about us) and the type who only text when absolutely necessary. I've come to the conclusion it is just a personality thing not necessarily how they feel about you. Once you are used to the texting type the other ones are hard to get used to. I like to hear SOMETHING throughout the day for crying out loud!
  15. Ha! Who can get sleepy with the threat of bee stings following you? I will clarify that I was not in any way in a low mood, so I don't know how the effect with that would be. Another thing is this... Teddy BB NEVER worked in the Teddy Man perfume. In fact I think it kept me up! That scent rubbed me the wrong way. The sleepiness this time was immediate and completely unexpected too! Maybe the spray works for me better.
  16. Mara said Topper has more Anol than any other blend... Anol is in every social blend...JD honey whiskey!...yum.
  17. I know, two bottles or no...I must not order again this month!! Well Teddy BB worked amazing last night. I know I said I would save it for emergencies but I couldn't resist! Used 4 sprays from sample bottle (so I think that is probably 2 regular sprays?) I was OUT. I"m with Tyvey when she said one time that she could never wear this to work. I'll stick to my Topper for work but what a great relaxing phero this is. Velvet Kisses is my favorite bedtime scent. I would love Teddy boosted in that.
  18. NO I love the smell of Topper too! I like UN SS4W also. I was using too much Topper at first...went down to 2 or 3 sprays and works good. Wear it pretty consistently for a while, and I think the effects will come.
  19. Yeah, just wear a social non phero'd scent like one of the Love Potion variants. I feel like LP Sunfire works like a Pop Potion. Or LP Red. Whichever one works for you and makes you feel all
  20. Hm. I think it is apparent from our LP collections that most of us here are prone to excess.
  21. They do say that Alpha-nol lowers your tolerance to alcohol. I don't know because..I get drunk no matter what...and I wear a-nol heavy blends whenever I go out. So.... I am a tipsy mess no matter what. I hope that someone who is actually capable of going out without consuming too much alcohol chimes in.
  22. THAT IS SOOO WIERD!!! I get NO chocolate at all. I wish it didn't keep getting better and better. That is annoying because I wasn't all that upset that is was GGG initially. Perhaps I should purge it from my skin before I really get pissed that I missed out. I don't think Teddy BB can alleviate LP nonbuyers remorse.
  23. Mmmm! Just got my sample and since I know it is sold out I will be very careful with it and only use it for special (really bad mood/agitated) occasions! I love the cherry color! I get NO CHOCOLATE (which is good for me) or brown sugar (which I generally like but that's ok). What I get is....CHERRY DARLING CLEMENTINE/CATALINA!!!!! eta: Definitely morphing and getting even better. Getting that baked brown sugar thing.
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