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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Is this a new one?! I don't ever remember being this!!
  2. OH I LOVE THIS LABEL!!!! I hope there is some left by the time I can order...(damn those truck repairs Michael made me get...safe on the road? Hahrumph!)
  3. They've been talking about some new musks in the "Original Body Shop White Musk" thread. She must be stalking those!
  4. Oh glad I could help! I had a bottle of UN too (alcohol spray) and I had unscrewed the sprayer so I could dab it on (just wanted to try it this way that someone had recommended) and didn't screw it on all the way and I took it out of my purse and it was empty! HA! Only got a chance to use the UN that one day...anyway, I have it in Kiss of Magic as well as Song of the Desert. Haven't had a chance to try Balm Bomb yet...
  5. I know! The fizzies! The fizzies! Congrats on your nuptials! You should have Mara craft you your own wedding scent!!!!
  6. Well pear is one of my favorite scents especially in LP's but this one didn't work on me either. I don't remember why it's been so long...just know it didn't. I was sad too. There are so many other fruit scents though for you and sweetie... Unwrapped is my fave pear Amaranth and Marigold is my fave apple Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb is my fave melon Girly Twirly is my fave cherry Feeling Groovy is like CHERRY LEMONADE!!!! Oh!!! And Any Color You Like is HG's favorite!!!! It is VERY CHERRY too!!!! He loves cherry...I think you should get a sample of that Teacozy!!! eta: I see now that there is no cherry in Feelin' Groovy. It is Raspberry apparently. Anyway...I would look into it. It's yummy.
  7. I know!! Can you believe what a life saver this is for those of us with unruly mothers?! I've used it ALOT in these situations and it has never let me down. So glad it worked out for you too MariendaTime!!
  8. Yes!! Mara said Summer Solstice LP!! Oh that's cute!
  9. Hmmm...it must be that in some cases we need to tweak ourselves in a little bit of a different direction than we see ourselves. Clearly I needed a bit more aggression!! The first one I got was Lace and I rarely go for that one much anymore. But I always did want to be like Dolly when I grew up...
  10. The reason I don't get really bent out of shape over not seeing obvious hits all the time with pheros is because of the way I know I am. I do not show my emotions and reactions to people at all out in the world so I assume other people are like that. I mean...when I met HG for the first time I was extremely attracted to him, his natural phero signature was very strong and I couldn't get him off my mind but I wasn't all "Oh my GOD!!!! The essence of your A-1 pheremone is making me so relaxed and comfortable and sexually aroused!! You are making me wet! In two weeks after I ask around about you I will come over and ride you like the sexay cowboy you appear to be!!!" No...I played it very cool and slightly aloof and let him text me for two weeks and beg to see me and after I asked around about him I came over and rode him like the sexay cowboy he turned out to be. So...that is why I just assume others are just not letting me know how my pheros are affecting them every time. So when I do get obvious hits it is really a big deal.
  11. Boy is THAT the truth! I was just thinking this the other day. How it took me forever to actually try Leather and BI and I think I get the best results and self effects from them. BI makes me feel so good I am starting to wear it even when not with HG even though people say that is a bit scary. It makes me feel upbeat and a bit cocky when I am feeling sluggish. (It's not like I am taking public transportation or anything, bathed in BI.) Anyway...the secret is in multiple trials of the same phero and then trying multiple pheros to find what works for you. In other words...multiple orders and years of experimentation ahead of you! It's a fun journey though. Even if something doesn't appear to be working all that well I still wear it if the situation calls for it as I assume it is affecting others without them showing outward signs.
  12. I love to visit Seattle, not enough sun for permanent residency for me though. However, I cannot WAIT to threaten someone with a porcupine down their well!!!!
  13. Aww...so sad Syn. I have to agree about Passion in Pink. I also feel Bridezilla is somehow in the same vein except much more wearable for me. I hope you get to try it again soon! I wore it again last night to the gym. It makes me so perky!
  14. Yay! Cuddle Bunny was my first Phero too and I remember the awesome results I got which turned me into a phero believer. I also felt that the scent was super strong (and still do...still have to be careful with the amount I am applying, it can get overwhelming) but the results, especially on an alpha male cannot be denied! Now Darling C is a different story. It is one of my all time favorite scents but the scent is not remotely as strong so you will see that you probably have to wear a lot more. Keep up the nice reviews Teacozy!
  16. Welcome Fishpie!!! I feel bad for you living so far from LP Headquarters!!! In my experience LAM is best for ME for self effects...always puts ME in happy, upbeat positive mood. As for the masculine man...when I had such a man in my possession Cuddle Bunny garnered the best reaction. More advice will be coming from the others I am sure...
  17. Not for a couple weeks either here, had to have some vehicle repairs...but I def will be getting BRIDEZILLA and COCONUT BREEZE. Cheeky will probably come later...
  18. Finally came across one in this collection I can't wear well. This is total Raison Bran on me. At first I got the AHE apples reference Raq makes, then a quick shot of the pink sugars, and now... I smell like I jumped out of a box with two scoops of raisons. Waa. Oh well...I've got enough Sparkle Fuschia to get me through life for quite awhile.
  19. No don't be skeered. It is a really cute scent actually. I just came back online specifically to clarify my review when I saw your fear. I just picked up the shirt I wore to the pool and thought "What a cute scent! What was I wearing!?" And it was The Puff. So. Could be my skin...could be the mood I was in yesterday when I wore it. Sure smelled good on that shirt! I bet I end up loving it. Definitely try it Crooked T!!!
  20. Does it remind you of Irresistable Forces? At first sniff it reminded me of that but I don't think they have any common notes.
  21. This collection is insanity. If I had the means for a FB collection (that's Full Bottle not Fuck Buddy collection), this would be it. I don't think there has been a month that I have loved so many. This is going to be a tough month the choose...
  22. This is lasting very well, but it has actually turned into Phantoms Breath on me! I was driving around thinking "Mmmm...I love Phantom." Then I was like "I'M NOT WEARING PHANTOM!!" I don't know how...don't think they have anything in common...Hmm. Maybe I will layer Marigold and Amaranth and Phantom and see what happens...
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