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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Welcome aboard Carmen! I know I am late...you've been around awhile...have fun here and post often!
  2. This one is very pretty. It is super light on me though. I have to drench myself in it to smell it but once I do it is gorgeous. Mostly fruity with a sort of powdered sugar feel? Not very resiny on me at all. I seems pretty feminine on me. I really like fig. Between this and The Sand Box though I prefer SB. Not that they should be compared really...they are completely different. But the SB is way more figgy and dirt-y. I think Enchanted Wonderland is an innocent princessy soft spoken girly fig scent whereas The Sand Box is a more blantantly sexual mystery woman fig scent. So of course...everyone needs both as every woman is indeed both!!
  3. I am going to get another sample of this when the weather turns cold. I love wearing it to bed in the winter especially layered with Snowbound. It is just too heavy for me for regular wear...I think a sample lasted me a whole year...that is how little of it it takes for me. HOWEVER...you never know! It's been so long since I wore it my tastes may have changed...as they so often do with LP's and I may decide on a big bottle by now, we'll see when winter descends upon us!! It stil is one of my favorite labels and would love it in my collection. I wonder how it is with Occo White lightening those resins up a bit?
  4. Oh! Well thank you anyway Luna! Sandalwood is good on me it's the white musk that gives me the willies sometimes. If I get the nerve up to order the Vintage I know I can unload it on my mother though!!!
  5. Oh Hi! I didn't realize I missed this welcome!!! Have fun and if you like the LAM phero in Purple Puff you better get the sample pack!
  6. Yeah I've heard that candle comment a lot especially from MIchael but he says that is a compliment on the perfume. He always says that about Closer and that is one of his faves. I was leery of trying these musks but I am getting tempted. @ Luna...sometimes you get that "sharp, piercing" from white musk as I do...does French or Vintage give you that impression at all? I am good with the musk in Coconut Breeze...I am thinking Vintage might be ok for me.
  8. I don't smell any ass in the Occos or the perfumes I've had boosted either. I have applied a cops boosted perfume and immediately had Michael smell it and he obviously cannot smell it either. I've thrown freshly applied Unwrapped (cops boosted) at him and he said it smelled lovely and Closer also he loved with no dry down. HOWEVER... HG has a VERY SUSPICIOUS NOSE when it comes to cops boosted "fumes. He is definitely like this . He starts asking weird questions. I have to be careful over there. I spray UN BI in his bathroom and it is very nerve wracking trying to make excuses as to why I won't come out for a while. Luckily I have my own bathroom over there but still... That said...I probably won't ever get EOW straight up. I'm Ok with getting boosts in perfumes. Audacious stink kind of took me by surprise but I sprayed while driving...obviously close quarters...and I didn't realize it had cops at the time. Yeah that one scared me for a minute.
  9. Several of the boys over on the other forum seem to be making quite a big deal about the beautifying effects of DHEAS! They don't really seem to be into pheros for the "bonding" however. LOL!! (Just being a smart arse.)
  10. Oooh? Remember me fondly? I am quickly turning into a DHEAS Ho.
  11. I was reading somewhere that DHEAS have a "beautifying" effect! And sounds like that overall "queen bee" effect that LFM is having on everyone! I need to get this back out. I was skipping over it for awhile but this is all I am going to take to HG's to spend this weekend with him. I am going to start wearing the same phero for one week (unless it is an emergency) I seem to notice a lot more effects that way.
  12. Welcome J!! Glad you gave LPMP a second chance...so many wonderful things about this place. Also glad you already found a potion that makes you feel like a star! That is fun to hear.I have felt like a star all week wearing Topper and Occo Ambrosia. Ambrosia of course is a womens cops scent but Topper is a phero for men and women that is my new fave for an everyday social type thing... And... EEEK! The Sand Box is one of my fave sexy night scents! Some of these scents do take a bit of time to grow on you, like Eggers said, but it just may not work for you. There are so many to collect it is actually refreshing sometimes to find those you can live without. More money to spend on ones you can't get your nose out of! Have fun and keep us posted!
  13. FINALLY !!! That was a long wait...looking forward to your reviews!
  14. Yes! You must! It is one that I always seem to grab as I am sauntering by my LP collection just to sniff and it makes me so happy...and horny because I got cops in mine and it smells soooo sexay!!! I need a backup bottle soon........
  15. Aloha! Glad you found your new hangout and addiction!! Have fun and keep us posted on what works for you! Some here say the Teddy phero in the new Jubilee perfume is great for relaxation and sleep as well as PMS.
  16. I cannot imagine any pear scent holding a candle to my beloved UNWRAPPED!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yay! Great review Meng, for one of my favorite mens scents. Although I wore it all myself and didn't share with any of the men...Masked Man is so sexy for both sexes!!
  18. Same dilemma here! Need to find out exactly HOW chocolatey it is...if it's MORE cherry and cakey I'm in.
  19. Oh! I am glad you are getting a sample of The Sand Box, I love it on me and would like to hear how it works on a man. I also had the auto expense last month so my order is on hold for a few weeks...I can't complain either I love my truck and since it's paid off I want it to last me FOREVER...
  20. I don't think this smells masculine on me at all. It is an amazing morning scent! I wanted something along the lines of Wheel of Fortune the other morning but didn't want to use my last few drops so I tried this again. (Not that it smells like WOF, just a similar vibe to me). I definitely get quite a bit of basil but the bergamot and other citruses help tame it on me I think. I went over to Michaels in the morning with this on and relaxed in his hammock under this big tree with ivy all over that he has. A beautiful area to relax in, and the atmosphere with this cleansing scent made for a glorious experience! I could truly feel my whole mood uplifted. What a perfect way to start any day. I know it doesn't smell too masculine on me because he liked it and he is always quick to turn up his nose if he thinks I am wearing a mens scent!
  21. I stumbled upon this sample today by accident. Wow how perfect this was for what I needed. It is so hot and I feel so blech and drained. I shuffled through a bunch of samples I keep in a big shell in my house and this rolled into my hand. I have it on and I am so glad. It is truly refreshing me from the inside out. It is massaging my brain and eyes. I remember wanting a bottle of this when it first came out but back then I had already chosen two bottles to buy from my very first sampler and I thought to get more than two would be ridiculous!! LOL!!! Imagine that! I was so naive... I probably wouldn't wear this for a scent "out" but more for myself at home for refreshment (kind of like I never wear Wheel of Fortune anywhere, just in the mornings at home for myself to jump start my day with the intent). The reoccurring notes in the description for Seven Tears seem to be "purifying, protection, healing, and renewal" so I think I need a bottle of this to end my day with...not necessarily a "sleep" scent, more of a "whew! day is over, rejuvenate me" scent. It's like a deep satisfying sigh...
  22. Welcome MC! You got a couple of my faves...Velvet KIsses and Darling C... Try something with Lace next time for some flirt!!
  23. Ya I think if you had less clothes on you could be poster girl for Leather!!!!
  24. Ooooh. This sounds great. I am going to have to look this one up. I don't know what the phero is in it but your review has me intrigued. I am really appreciating your reviews. In fact...think I need to reread them all. Thanks you Meng!
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