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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oooh, interesting! I totally missed the lingerie connection -- and that explains something, which I felt a little weird putting in the original review. It's sexy too! I could totally see it boosted with Sexology or Gotcha. I hope you get your package soon!
  2. Like Baby Doll, this is also a festival of awesomeness. The carnation is dominant to my nose, a peppery burst with the darkness of the other notes grounding it and making it a slinky sexy night time vibe. Usually I'm not a fan of powdery scents, but this one is SO DARK that it works amazingly and does not bring babies or diapers to mind (my usual unfortunate association), and it adds a kind of movement to it, a kinetic feel? The notes are dark enough to make this a weighty scent, but because of the powder quality it has a liveliness to it. I'm not describing well, but suffice to say, really gorgeous! Congrats, Mel!
  3. OK, this is seriously amazing! I didn't have the notes when I tested it, and I got gorgeous berry cake with the teensiest hint of new doll smell. Hugely nostalgic -- I get a kids' tea party vibe from it, blanket spread on slightly damp grass, little cups with barely a thimbleful of tea, and doll plate with petit fours from the bakery. I put it on last night and couldn't stop huffing my hand... it was the first thing I reached for this morning. Just awesome, Mel! Love to hear about the inspiration for it if you feel like sharing!
  4. This one is so interesting! I get the chocolate nutty treatness of it, but with a huge helping of hot milk. Maybe it's the popcorn note that's reading as such to my nose? Anyway, it's a shivering descent into childhood nights (although I think my mom might have served me hot milk like, twice in my entire life?), cool sheets and hot water bottles. Yes, bedtime comfort for sure!
  5. OMG this is so decadent! The latte to end all lattes. I love coffee scents but they often go plastic on my stupid skin -- this one is so true, as is the gingerbread and caramel. Just a froth of yumminess. Delicious!
  6. Ohhhhhhhhh, this is intense! Soft smoky vanilla darkened with tobacco. While I get the teensiest hint of soap that others speak of, it keeps coming back squarely to smoky darkness. While I can totally picture this on a guy, it also wears quite feminine on me, to my nose.
  7. Black Cat


    Well, as usual, Luna already nailed it! This is a delicious fall nature scent -- earth and grass and herbs make a delicate symphony, with blackberry warm and damp around the edges. It reminds me a bit of Summer Belle or Misty Melon Patch -- not a similar scent, per se, but just so evocative of a particular season and place. This feels like walking through a field in early autumn, with the wind whipping the reeds and a damp rainy sky overhead and the last scents of the harvest on the air. Gorgeous!
  8. OMG I just found my bottle of Grimoire the other day! I want to try this but I am little frightened that it will unleash Power beyond Powers! :-) And you're right, the combo of sand and heat, and then earth and fire and juicy pomegranate..... MMMMMMMMMMM. Thinking about your seasons thread in your journal -- Vulture seems a high summer potion to me and Persephone a fall potion, so what better time than to invoke both those aspects? Have you decided when you're going to your Heron PE?
  9. Everything looks so delectable that I forced myself to stick to samplers before getting any full bottles. I have so many sniffies of amazingness on the way, I can't wait! Fall NRs are almost always my favorite collection for the year, and the LPers really brought it this month in terms of PEs. Yay!!
  10. Oooh, can I get an Itty Sampler, pretty please? I would also LOVE a Bug Be Gone!
  11. Oooh these look amazing! Creators, any hints about notes?
  12. Oh, Mara, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, I hope you are getting some relief from the antibiotics! And OMG these look amazing! Luna's scribings are delectable foreplay, as always. :-) I can't wait for my sampler -- so many unisex gorgeous resin and nature-y scents! Vardo is eerily close to a PE I was planning, so I'll need to check that out and regroup. Yay for Fall and yay for NRs!!!
  13. Ohhhhhhh gorgeousness! I adore Vermont and will never leave, but oh! to be an LP local for just one night every month!
  14. OMG I keep coming back and drooling -- these all look amazing! I am supposed to be on a no-buy policy right now because of Reasons but I think that just went out the window. The trick is going to be resisting the full bottle set because holy amazeballs these look so wonderful!
  15. OMG a Carnival theme?!?!?! Freaking out with delight!!
  16. And there was great rejoicing!!!! :cat690:
  17. Black Cat

    Prophetic Pie

    I recently gathered up All the LPs to move the collection over to my folks' house, where I'll be staying this fall. In the course of it I came across so many old favorites that had fallen off my radar. Imagine my joy when I found not one but two almost full bottles of Prophetic Pie! I've been very stressed recently in anticipation of the move and also stepping into an expanded position with more responsibility at my work. I had forgotten how perfect this one is for just that kind of stress-- and the scent! I think it must be at its peak of perfection. The persiimmon and rhubard are sparkling bright, and the crust and sugary spices provide the perfect complentary sweetness. I just reread my earlier reviews and laughed because everytime I have put this one the last few days I have though, Dear Goddess of Perfumes, PLEASE let Mara give us another fruit pie scent soon! I missed out on Mayberry, which I still kick myself over -- I MUST HAVE MORE PIE!!!!!!!
  18. It is so awesome to think of both these making a comeback!
  19. TInk! Just saw on the other thread you are reading the Martha Beck book... this is the place she is describing! I so want to go to there some day... And I'm reaching for Vulture all the time these days. With a Persephone boost at night. So amazing! Should be able to carry me through 3 months living as adult child in no time. :-)
  20. Oh, Tink, it's wonderful! Also, last night, after I had been wearing Vulture for a while and it was settled (but not gone) I added some Persephone Potion for the night and wow! So much power I could barely sleep! So this is the kind of place Vulture brings to mind (not sure if this link will show what I want it to, but let's try): https://www.londolozi.com/en/accommodation/tree-camp/ ETA: OK, it doesn't take you to the picture I wanted, but if you click on the Gallery and scroll through, you'll get an idea! Oh, and thanks for good wishes on the renovation. At the moment, I seriously don't know how I'm going to manage it -- ideally I need to find someplace else to live for 3 months. With two cats and a dog. I need to seriously sweet talk my parents, who are really the only option, but I know that all of us find our relationship works best when we have houses on opposite sides of town! So I'm going to wear various Mara potions and trust the magic will carry me through. :-)
  21. Sounds like a festival of awesomeness! And wow for continued sale and reopened PEs and NRs!
  22. Have to pop back on here and say I've been wearing this a lot and it is seriously my favorite late summer scent EVER. It's settled beautifully in just a short time and I like it better every time I wear it. It's a sleek sandy scent with a lick of salt and it manages both to be a very powerful nature scent while also having serious sophisticated perfume chops. It's like a gorgeous resort where you have totally luxe accommodations in an absolutely spectacular natural setting. I am also about to embark on some big changes (renovation, here I come!) and the mojo feels very right for me. Tink, thanks again for having this made!
  23. OK, I've worn this a few times now and it is delightful! It definitely calls to mind Farmhouse for me -- it has that same amazing combination of the most gorgeous green nature notes, but a very clean feeling, as if I'd just stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a pure organic cotton towel. :-) But what I love about this is the clover tea and flower honey. It isn't exactly a floral, but it really has that scent of wildflowers on the breeze. I can totally feel myself in tink's meadow -- I'm lying with my face pressed to the grass, feeling the heat of the sun and the coolness of the earth. It's another of Mara's wonderfully nostalgic scents for me too. All the best parts of being a kid come rushing back. Truly stunning concept and execution; congrats to Tink and Mara!!!!
  24. Black Cat

    A Wake

    Mmmm, this is yet another scent I somehow missed going full bottle on the first time around, and then had someone put on my radar (Bella, once again I think it was you!) in time for me to grab it up during the sale. It's aging so nicely. Big wet blast of coffee that lingers even as the pumpkin and spices bloom. And cream! One of the creamiest LPs EVER. Which is saying a lot. We had a couple of unseasonably cool evenings this week and I am having to fight myself not to wish away the remaining weeks of summer. I love fall so hard, and this reminded me of all the awesome fall scents waiting for me in just another month!
  25. Thanks so much for bumping, Bella, you put this on my radar and I snagged a sale bottle. I can't believe I didn't get one when it first came out! This is just one of Mara's absolutely magical nature scents, evoking a particular mood/landscape with such spectacular precision, it gives me goosebumps! I stand by my original review, except that now I am getting the faintest most delicious whiff of pumpkin and spice on top of the crisp leaves and soft crumbling cool earth. It's been my go to sleep scent this week. So wonderful. Thanks Bella and Mara!
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