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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Oh, tink, I am so excited you are getting Farmhouse! In the meantime, my box of wonderfulness is on the way -- first B&B order ever, plus tink's PE, and bottles of A Wake and Weenie (yes I am getting a little thrilled about fall coming!) are on their way!
  2. Oh, Cycle Kitten, I've been wondering how you are. I'm sorry it's been such a struggle.
  3. Oh, Tink, what a great review; I'm drooling at the prospect of my bottle now! I'm excited to try this because some aspects of it sound similar to what I was going for in my Farmhouse Afternoon, but it sounds as if the execution of the concept is going to be quite different. Mara's gifts are so wide ranging and extraordinary, but I am always especially blown away by her ability to evoke landscapes and seasons with an emotional component. Yay for you being off and running with PEs! Can't wait to try this one and see what you conjure up next!
  4. Oh, Mara, thank you so much! It's the next best thing to getting to come to the party!
  5. Oooh, these both look exquisite! Tink, congrats, it looks amazing! Could I get a Summer Sky please?
  6. If still available, could I get: 1 Mermaid Tail Enhancer Bath Salts 1 Cocoa Butter and Honey Butter 1 Tingly Herbal Soap 1 Dead Sea Mud Scrub 1 Grapefruit and Peppermint scrub 1 Superfine Butter scrub 1 Vampiric Bath Salts I'll email for an invoice!
  7. Mara, just opened my box of wonderfulness (Martha's Moon Goddess looks so heavenly in the bottle!) and I LOVE the soap sample! It's adorable and smells (no surprise!) like magic!
  8. I just scampered over and reread your thread, and I'm so eager to hear what it turned into! ETA: Order placed.... one bottle of Martha's Moon Goddess and one bottle of Dom Noire! I think now all my bases are covered!
  9. OMG another Tink PE!!!! So excited to see what you cooked up with Mara this time!
  10. Oh, WOOHOO!!! Let me scamper off and look to see if there is anything else I desperately need. :-) Thank you for remembering!
  11. Welcome! It's great to have you here!
  12. Mmm, I really liked this one! I'm not normally a florals person, but I was very struck by Luna's mention of the "mer-florals." So exactly right! This is pillowy soft soft and succulent -- it really carries that feel of a breeze coming off the water. The floral notes are made fresher and cleaner by the aloe and the bamboo, and the teak, amber and sandalwood are anchoring it so lightly I can barely detect them. And the hedione! Mmmmmmmmm......
  13. Black Cat


    Echoing everybody above -- this is just lovely. The lotus is creamy and soft, the whole thing is just radiating sexy summer damp-skin-drying-in-the-sun-ness. It's stealth naughty -- so light you could wear it anywhere, but there is a little wildness peeking out around the corner. Beautiful!
  14. Oh my goodness, I opened my package today and the wonderfulness of being able to order a PE sampler hit me all over again! And the bags this month -- sooooooooo pretty! And very congruent (as always!) with the collection.
  15. This is one of the loveliest green LPs I've ever smelled! Fresh on, it's a field full of grass in summer, with a breeze and the chirps of insects. As it settles, the bamboo and the aloe come forward and give it a watery edge. Very clean, very fresh, very green, VERY refreshing!
  16. Oh, I think you're going to love it, Stacy! It's got this milky pearlescent quality, and it reminds me a bit of GOTBM. I'm crossing my fingers Mara finds that extra bottle!
  17. This is amazing! The honeydew is prominent when I put it on, but the musk and the vetiver keep it from being foody and give the texture of a shimmering silk veil. The coconut oils round it out with a lush creaminess that reminds me of Time Turner. This captures the moon goddess essence perfectly -- it's luminous, silky and powerfully feminine and sensual. Just luscious!
  18. Dear Potion Master, if by any chance there is one more bottle of Martha's Moon Goddess, could you put my name on it? Just got my sampler and I'm SWOONING!
  19. Oh, wow, Luna!!! AMAZING, and I'm with Elizabeth, craving more whenever it might appear!!
  20. DD! I can't believe I didn't respond earlier to your lovely comments. I love sharing my blends with you; it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to have you claim a bottle. And Bella -- hm, was it the coffee keeping you up? Or Aphrodite nudging you towards nighttime hijinks? And, oh, Rose! I confess, I've been dying to see a review from you here, and I am so thrilled to read this! I have so much admiration for you and the depth of your experience. I confess I wasn't aware of a "dark Aphrodite" aspect, and now will be scurrying off to look for more info! My experience working with Aphrodite has been very limited -- mostly I have felt a tugging at my sleeve that I am careening about trying to respond to. I would love to talk with you about your experiences! I don't know if you saw, but I have a thread in my journal about the first appearance She made in my life... I'm also getting chills reading about your affinities to Bast, and experiencing the two as being somewhat competitive forces! Bast has always been a stealth presence in my consciousness, I think. Anyway. Deeply humbled by your words and feeling some relief that my intuitive and largely unschooled lunge towards Aphrodite works for you! Knowing of course, as I know you know, that all credit belongs to Mara for taking the crayon scribbles of my ideas and translating them into art!
  21. I managed to restrict myself to just the two samplers, June NRs and June PEs, and I am already a bit regretting not just going for full bottles of Pie in the Sky, Atlantic Shore, and Ocean Mist. But I WILL BE GOOD and wait to fall madly in love and panic order later on!
  22. Hey, CK! Just FYI, I think Mara said that at least one of the sources for the coffee note got used up on the last rebrew, so I think it won't be identical. But knowing Mara, she would probably do something even more amazing! So I was musing on future PEs the other day, and thinking that next year I might want to actually get out there and do some online dating again (once the job settles down and the home renovations are complete) -- not with an idea of meeting Mr. Right, but maybe finding some Mr. Right Nows, if you know what I mean! I was trying to imagine a spell potion I could ask Mara to craft for that and realized, I already have Black Cat Mojo! Perfect for going on the prowl with no expectations of anything other than a series of sweet adventures!
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