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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Every now and then, I get a reaction from a blend, and it will be one that totally floors me....totally out of the norm. He may have been turned on by you, but didn't want to admit it. Thus the no eye contact. He probably also didn't like the fact that it was a sexy woman "taking over his meeting", and Cougar is DEFINITELY the sexy woman vibe. If you meet with him again, take the "female" element out of it. Try something with SWS....or even Open Windows.
  2. Cops covering like a champ.....applied 2 swipes of straight Essence Oil, and applied right over top (did NOT dry down, just for testing purposes).....no bleed through.....boosted a bottle with Essence Oil and will check it after it sits for 24 hrs.....
  3. I am sorry you did too! It is absolutely LOVELY!
  4. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Anybody who got this one is absolutely going to LOVE it (if your skin loves resins like mine does)! The sugar gives it just the PERFECT amount of sweetness, and the black musk gives it that "orgasm in a bottle" aura. WOW, it is even better than I ever imagined!! Wet, I get a lot of patchouli and amber.....as it dries, the sugar, musk, and sandalwood join the party.....this is AMAZING for the resin-lovers!
  5. Well, I have unscented Dom, S & V, and others, for that purpose......but the original scented Dominance was just so dang beautiful....deep, rich, and luscious!
  6. I just can't resist wearing it every now and then.......especially since I am a die-hard DOM girl.....
  7. That one would sell like hotcakes! I have a bottle of the original that I TREASURE!
  8. OK, this is for the newbies who want some scents that will handle a cops boost....this one does! Oh so very well! I don't see this as excessively foodie....my man dislikes cakey-foody scents, and while this one is a bit foody on me, there is just enough tobacco, amber, and other non-foody elements to make it not too food-like. My man actually loves this on me because I amp the amber and spice.....I am wearing it right now, and am quite sure that I am getting lucky tonight! Anywhooooo, back to my original reason for my post.....if you are looking for a scent that is not really strong and overpowering, but can handle cops, this one is still available!
  9. Hmmmm......I don't find it dark, but I have also never worn Ail's VV to compare to. I find OCCO White to be very versatile......and, it screams vanilla.....I love vanilla, so I am ok with that!
  10. Well, PG is quite possibly what you need! It has a lot of cops in it.....should create a strong sexual reaction in him. Be careful wearing it in public.....creates a strong sexual reaction in ALL males.....even if they don't show it! Definitely do shake PG before applying......
  11. Mara, I LOVE the label......it looks fab!!! I can't wait to try it! Like sex in a bottle! So glad I have 3 bottles on the way!
  12. So glad it worked! It sounds like it was EXACTLY what you needed!
  13. For the vanilla lover, OCCO White is a MUST! It can add a soft vanilla sheen (and a cops twist) to everything! Oh, and FYI.......OCCO White plus OCCO Black is 100% lethal! You may not be able to walk the next morning!
  14. We generally have a lot of fun here!
  15. FAB, Miss Luna! Love them! Thanks for all your hard work!!! I am sure they all smell beautiful! Mara is an arteest!
  16. Dolly


    I just responded in the other thread...WELCOME!! Shadow Dance is beautiful.....you will love it!
  17. OOOH, Shadow Dance it a lovely scent! I have multiple bottles!!! And, welcome to the forum!!! Look forward to seeing you around!!!
  18. Yeah, I have migraines, and it DOESN'T relieve those.....but like you say, the nagging tension headaches go away most of the time!
  19. You won't regret it! It has sooooo many uses! It even has a tendency to relieve the afternoon headaches that I often get (the milder ones).
  20. Good day with Open Windows! Before we left, I rolled on some of my Dolly's Hot and Sticky, and oversprayed with a spray that I made from Hot and Sticky and Open Windows. After spraying, I noticed that I had used the spray that I added a small amount of cops to (small amount for me, anyway.....about 20 drops in a 1-ounce spray). Wasn't going to wear cops to the doc's office, but I was running short of time, so I decided, "What the hell, I'll just go with it!" This spray is 10 ml of OW in silicone, 5 ml of Hot and Sticky, 20 drops of Essence Oil, and the balance perfumer's alcohol. I used 4 healthy sprays.....1 split between wrists, one to each side of neck, and 1 to cleavage. First of all, we got in the car, and the grumpy man turned into a giggle monster. He couldn't stop giggling and laughing......AT EVERYTHING. While driving to the proctologist, no less! Had a long wait in the doc's office, during which all he did was joke and laugh. Second, while he was having the procedure, I was in the waiting room, and there was an older gentleman (like late 60s, early 70s), who was waiting for his brother to get finished with the doc as well (I learned this from hearing him talk with the receptionist). When I walked over to get a bottle of water from the vending machine, he comes over to the coffee maker, gets a cup of coffee, and then just stands there, looking at me. Trying to be sly about it, but still looking. I turned around and said hello and smiled, and went back to sit down. He sat down across the room......kept looking at me. Gets up and moves a little closer. I stopped reading, looked up, and he is sitting there, grinning at me. I smiled, went back to reading, and then he gets up and comes over and sits beside me. Not directly beside me though, and this is where it became a little comical. There was a short table with a large potted plant and a bunch of magazines on it. To see the person on the other side of it, you had to look around the plant or peek through it. I noticed when I reached over to get my bottle of water, that he was doing exactly that.....peeking THROUGH the plant at me! Literally moving the branches to steal a peek. I was giggling my butt off at this point......he then stands up, walks closer to me, and reaches for a magazine. He says in a quiet little voice...."I hope you don't think I'm a weirdo or anything.....you are just really pretty! I can't seem to stop looking at you." I was trying not to laugh. It was so cute. I just smiled, said thank you very much, and went back to my reading. He left about 20 min later, half of which he spent watching me read. LOL Stopped to eat on the way home....exceptional service.....lots of extra-special attention, male waiters falling all over themselves to bring me extra tea, extra bread, etc, even though our actual server was female. Back at home, my man was all cuddly and loving, thanking me for taking such good care of him. Telling me how much he loves me, how lucky he is to have me. How nobody has ever taken such good care of him before. At the end of all that, he adds...."and you're HOT too!" LOLOLOL Love my Open Windows!
  21. I would think that it would be that you are protecting your "happy buzz".....not sure, but that is just my opinion.......
  22. Yes, OW is a definite mood-lifter. Happy, perky, uplifting. Great at parties! Add some cops to it, and it makes for fun in the bedroom.....happy sex! Love it......wore it today, in fact. I always have a couple of bottles on hand.
  23. I will be wearing OW today.....driving my man to and from his appointment with "the Rear Admiral" as he calls him (the proctologist).....he has to go in for a colonoscopy, and is more grumpy about it than normal.....OW works wonders for his mood when he is a grump-monster.....
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