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Just Ducky

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Everything posted by Just Ducky

  1. But not grass cupcakes! Probably not even The Great and Powerful Le Wizard, with his love of all things fresh and green, could pull that one off! Unless, of course, he could. . .
  2. Yes, congrats! Ziggy Stardust was my favorite because it sounded so cosmic, like looking up at and through the Milky Way.
  3. Hmmmmm.... honey cupcakes! *drool*
  4. Absolutely! Silence implies consent! Roses and cherries and cupcakes, oh my!
  5. I've been layering my CD with Sheer Essence cops and it works wonderfully. It also keeps the CD "clean" so I can layer it with other UNpheros. Gives me more variety that way. Love it.
  6. I'm wearing this one right now, getting ready to attend my son's Spring Band Concert. There's just something about this that resonates with me. Maybe my molecules vibrate to a purple frequency on a quantum level, as does this fragrance?? Hey, it's SCIENCE, kiddies! Rocket science!!
  7. This one makes me smile and happy. It's a bright little rose-based confection with a smidgen of sweet. The strawberry lemonade is just enough to tap you on the shoulder without knocking you down, and keeps the rose from getting cloying. It's less "cookie" than I expected, but the brightness is an unexpected bonus. It's still in dry down, so maybe the cookie will peek out later. Mara -- I accidentally placed two orders for this, didn't I! I'm sorry, because it probably threw off your bottle count. But I'm not regretting the mistake from MY perspective!
  8. Just Ducky


    Ok, third try's the charm here. First and second tries left me kinda ho-hum, but the THIRD try today was a home run. As suggested by StacyK, this is NOT a dabber scent -- you need to apply it fairly liberally to get the full effect. I'm finally getting the rich, dark bourbon-y vanilla everyone's mentioned. The smoke is a bit more pronounced than I'd expected. This probably isn't my kind of scent, but I can certainly appreciate how well crafted it is and how perfect a scent it must be for those who love smokiness. I'm betting the fourth try is going to make a believer outta me.
  9. Just Ducky


    Enjoy the trip down memory lane, Rose B! Oh yes, I remember this stuff, all right! I used to think I was so "wicked" wearing it!! The picture, though, is from a jar listed on eBay. You know, I've completely forgotten what the actual scent smells like. I only remember hiding the little jar in weird places in my room so my mom wouldn't find it. The dumb things we did when young . . .
  10. (only five more til the postometer turns over to 2k!!! Whoohoo!)
  11. Just Ducky


    Irish eyes, I'm so sorry -- I just now saw this! I'm not sure, but I'm thinking it may have been the alcohol notes. Everything else I was familiar with, and the sweet/fruity/nutty notes didn't make an appearance until later. I'm hoping maybe with some time and settling down, this one may work better for me.
  12. Awww, donsie, that's no fun! Well, SOMEONE got them . . . wasn't me, though. I waited too darn long and lost out, too. May I share your box of kleenex??
  13. Just Ducky


    Ditto. The notes all sound so perfect, yet I'm not detecting much, just a light whiff of . . . something. I'm going to wait and give it a few more tries, too, because -- blast my nose for turning up at this lovely-sounding creation -- I want this scent to work!
  14. EXACTLY!!! I've used up my little tester for applying at bedtime, and it works perfectly. I wear this for me and only me. Anyone wants to get a hit off me has to pay $1 a sniff.
  15. Of course you can have a signature scent, hearts! It's just that, as an LP customer, you'll be changing it twelves times a year!
  16. Thanks heavens it doesn't do that for me, because that would be a deal breaker, too. Incense notes set my teeth on edge. "Ash Wednesday" -- *snert*
  17. Just Ducky


    It went on very pointy and sharp for me, and took about twenty minutes of dry down for the pecans and vanilla to appear. The vanilla and pecans were what first attracted me, so I guess I'll just be happy with my lovely trial vial. The smoke note IS gorgeous, as Tyvey said, though, but my stupid skin chemistry fights everything else in it.
  18. Excellent idea, StacyK! I'm going to try this. I think I'll try some Sheer Essence first to make sure cops won't change the fragrance too much, then go cops proper if everything stays in place.
  19. Just Ducky


    I'm jealous, StacyK! I've tried this one four times now and my nose just can't seem to "get" it. I detect notes but I just can't seem to get an actual scent. Like having all the puzzle pieces in place where they belong but not seeing a picture. It's my nose, not the fragrance! I'm going to set it aside for a few days then give it another try. I WANT to adore this one because it's brimming with all my favorite notes.
  20. Of course! Think of all the time it would save you in the long run! The wisteria -- on my skin -- is and remains the most noticeable note, but wisteria is a gentle floral to begin with, so it's not the least bit pointy. The vanilla/musk/smoke round out the overall scent and keep it from being flowery, if you know what I mean, but they don't smother the wisteria at all. The end result is just . . . perfect.
  21. Oh my GOD but this is incredible!!! I want to BATHE in it. Inhale it until I can't breathe anymore. This is the crown jewel of the year! I could wear no other scent but this forever and never regret it. Oops. I mean yucky blech! Because I love you all so much I'm going to buy all the bottles in stock so no one has to put up with this stuff. You're welcome.
  22. Oh man, Mara, you did GREAT with this one, it is just delicious! "Nectar" is spot on the perfect word for it. Slightly syrupy sweet in the best of ways, especially when wet, with just a touch of honeysuckle to keep it warm. I'd even forgotten there was anything "peach" in it, because it was very understated. But it's peach BLOSSOM, guys, so there's no overt peach fruit note. If you hesitate with fruity peach, you really should try this because it's all the softness of a peach blossom without the fruitiness. I know there's no honey note, but something is giving it a warm honey undertone -- barely detectable, no freaking out! -- and it's a totally warm softness like real honey out in the sun. Does honeysuckle give off a true honey vibe?? If I were a hummingbird, this would be manna! FB, indeed.
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