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Just Ducky

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Everything posted by Just Ducky

  1. Ah. And yet the original thread was posted under Men's Phero Scents!! I went by that, so I gots the confusions! Sorry! I intend to buy a FB because it's a lovely scent and I love how the phero reacts with my chemistry. I would LOVE to smell this on a guy. Anyone got an XYer they want to loan out for a couple days??
  2. You are soooo responsible for my not being able to pay my light bill this week, donsie!
  3. Lots and lots of florals in this month's NRs, as opposed to last month's gourmet extravaganza. Give LdeO a moment or two to bloom -- literally!-- and you'll notice how the scent moves back and forth between the orchid and the tea. It went on pro-orchid, moved into pro-tea, and now, after a few minutes, is finding its middle ground. It's a very pretty, balanced floral with the tea notes keeping it from being too floral. Somewhat perfume-y at first, but that fades away and leaves a soft, lovely floral tea. If it were a color, it would be white with just a touch of pastel pink. The red clover tea imparts a bit of "bite" to keep things from becoming invisible. Those who shy away from florals may find respite with this scent because the orchid is well-tamed. This is nothing like the strong, vibrant orchid in LV's Black Panther, which is definitely a "purple" scent. Another lovely springtime scent from the lovely Mara-- merging tea and orchids was sheer genius!
  4. Thanks for the support, Rose B and StacyK! Yes, I have definitely moved into the Moggie addict category! Funny how some of us "see" it as a feline, some of us as a canine. To me, it's too upfront and honest to be a feline. I wonder if there's any correlation between how we perceive it and whether we are "cat" or "dog" persons?
  5. When I woke up this morning all I could smell was the phero and maybe a dab of lavender. I love how the phero smells! Funny you should mention the male/female question, because in my haste to try this one last evening, I totally forgot it was a "guy" scent. It went on a bit strong and masculine, which sent me scampering over to the ingredients list where I realized it was theoretically located along the XY axis. It's not a sweet or girly scent by any means, so if you like strong scents and lavender, this will work for you on the XX axis. It does have an herbal undertone, which softens the impact.
  6. Just Ducky

    Irish Rose

    The citrus is almost a backdrop, I don't really notice it much. It adds a roundness and a dash of brightness but after a while it definitely moves into the background. My skin does not amp citrus, so it's behaving well for me.
  7. Just Ducky

    Irish Rose

    Nu Trix, you were right -- this is very unique, not your typical "rose" scent at all. It started off as a soapy rose, which was nice but very unexpected. It's starting to settle down a bit now, but I just can't seem to be able to define this one! It's an overall perfume-y scent, but in a very nice way. Very spring, as opposed to summer. Like walking through a meadow that's just starting to thaw after a long winter, with little green sprigs starting to break through the last half-inch patch of snow still on the ground. It smells very much like the promise of spring to me, as opposed to spring itself. But maybe that's just an overly romantic notion brought on by sniffing this lovely scent.
  8. OK, Campers, gather round! My samples arrived today!! This . . . is very calming, very uplifting. Not only is the phero making me grin like a drunken prom date, but the scent itself is putting me in a very happy frame of mind. It DID make me sneeze when I first sprayed it on, but I think that's just my drama-seeking nose. Yeah, vlady, this may just put you off from wanting to smother your mom with a pillow. See???? I called you vlady! This stuff makes me goofy! Hey, some privacy for me and my sample spray, k? Ohhhh, two bottles of wine goofy. I like this stuff!
  9. OK, I'm late to the party on this one, because . . . well . . . it scared me. *whimper* With visions of Jouir De creeping through my head, I slammed the little sniffie into a drawer, locked it, and turned out the light. Until tonight. I got brave. Maybe it was the wine. I've been soooo unfair to poor little Moggie. He's really quite nice, and plays well with my chemistry. He's the little Jack Russell terrier to big bad Great Dane Jouir De. Moggie lets me run around growling without getting thrown into the garage. Don't let me mislead you -- he's no teacup poodle! But he definitely won't bite you in uncomfortable places. I love Moggie, and I'm sorry I ever doubted him.
  10. Given its DNA, this one has no choice but to be utterly fantastic. (I'm looking at YOU, Wisteria, Vanilla, and Smoke)
  11. Just Ducky


    Soapy pine! *joins BB babbling incoherently, adds drooling*
  12. Just Ducky


    It had me at "myrrh" and "honey." WANT.
  13. Vladmyra -- speaking as a sister LP addict, that is PHENOMENAL self control! ETA: Just ordered a sample set and forgot to pay for the February PE I reserved. Sorry, Mara. Looks like I flunk today's "walk and chew gum" skills test.
  14. I gained two pounds just reading your descriptions, hearts. Your PEs are always so amazingly delicious!
  15. Oh no, Halo! So sorry to hear you didn't like it! I doubt you'll like it better after an hour.
  16. Like, "superscents" or something?
  17. scent #5: antique parchment, dried roses, dusty oak, polident scent #6: wildflowers, greenhouse gases, melted polar icecap water scent#7: honeycomb, tree sap, crushed leaves, fresh dirt, bug spray Luna's right. There WILL be a wide range of scents this month.
  18. *quacks plaintively, dips down in pond, snatches nice fresh carp in beak, offers up for hints*
  19. On me, this one is soft and comforting from the minute it hits the ol' stratum corneum to the moment I fall asleep with my wrist plastered to my nose.
  20. I . . . I . . . was going to write a review, too, Blackcat, but yours is the alpha and omega of Rose Buttercream reviews! There is nothing left to say after reading your magickal review! So I am left saying the only thing I can: "WHAT SHE SAID."
  21. Three lonnnnnnnng weeks ago. Twenty one days. 540 hours. 30,240 minutes. Two billion and one seconds. OK, maybe that last one was a stretch but it seeeeeems that long ago.
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