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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. THAT EXPLAINS IT! While I sleep, they serenade my subconscious and speak beautiful sonnets into my dreams so that when I wake all I can recall is how I long for them and all the joy they bring...and promised..They are my enablers.... Whew....I was worried it was me....
  2. SQUUUEEEEEAAALLL! They're here! They're here! I love all the ones I got. I think I fumbled the order by adding one extra bottle from the perfumery though. I got 10 bottles (counted them when I opened the box, lol) opened them all to sniff (couldn't wait until tomorrow lol) and didn't realize until I was copying down the notes in each scent (I have them all stored in my computer yeah...I'm like that...) that Veloute Lavende wasn't among them Which confused me because I counted 10 bottles...then I furrowed my brow at Coconut Breeze and then suddenly l felt like I knew exactly what may have happened. I riffled through all the wrapping paper...every piece...just in case, but it's not here. BUT everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING else is just AMAZING! FB set is a complete winner and I'm sure VL will be just as amazing. I will live vicariously through your reviews of it for now edited for poor spelling...really poor lol
  3. Yay! Will have to nab a bottle when it's available
  4. Who else loves jasmine? Who is my fellow jasmine lover?! :w00t: Ok I admit that brown sugar/black amber one is sounding pretty good...and the Iris and lily...Yeah florals to try....if there are extras!
  5. SQUEEEAL! There's an LPMP package on it's way to me! Just got my tracking number today...let the stalking of the mailman commence!!!
  6. All the things you said about V3! I never knew any of the previous versions and was thinking how I'd miss this one when it's gone....and then I read what you said about it being permanent! And when I did, I began behaving like this: I have a whole new love affair with SS4W since encountering BANG! and I LOOOOVE MRF....deliciously divine! This is one of those "roll around in like cat nip" scents for me...LURV!
  7. Almost lost my coffee on that one...even hubby wanted to know why I was laughing LOL! Awesome report Eggers! Was it you or BB that suggested Perfect Match for the work environment? Because it really is surprising me how well these "bonding" blends are behaving so beneficially in the workplace (that was way too many "B" words so close together, wasn't it? ). What a GREAT way to make friends and influence people just by being a pixie of pleasantries
  8. THIS ONE IS A HUGE WINNER! Man! This one is delish! I slathered up in it. I am apparently a huge fan of sugared, nutty, creamy...and then there's that..."what is that other thing I'm smelling?" Looked it up when I got home yesterday and - tobacco? How did I NOT remember that? I'm a tobacco girl for sure. I KNEW that. How could I have forgotten that was in there? ANYWAY, this is scrummy. MAN! HOW DOES SHE DO IT? I have never found SO MANY things I would happily roll around in like catnip as I have here at LP! LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE LP!!!
  9. YES! This is the one! I found it a while back and then "lost" it. Thanks!
  10. And, really, sometimes that's enough - but get of your cubby anyway
  11. D'oh! Feel silly now.... Thanks luna!
  12. I can agree with B-nol being STINKY. I put on the BLAM! SBS combo and forgot about how, um, pungent B-nol smells until it dries WAY down
  13. Yup! LOVE being a woman...guys aren't able to get away with that stuff in mixed company...people expect it from us and don't perceive it as weakness. Instead, we are thoughtful, compassionate and in touch with our emotions. Not too shabby, huh?
  14. Name of thread please when you do! That's FANFREAKINGTASTIC!
  15. HAHAHA! Miss StacyK, if I had a dime for every time my hubby told me it looks like an awful lot of trouble in the morning for a couple cups of coffee...I'd be able to purchase everything from LP I wanted without restraint! But the good things are worth taking time for...just like waiting on an LP order
  16. Yeah, you give me a really good heart tugging commercial and I can step into the emotion that it's intended to invoke. I was struck by Summer Dance's label for whatever reason and misted up...a beautifully colored sunset....sitting at a table of friends and just sitting back to watch them interact and appreciate how lucky I am to have them...even loving on the hubby when he's zoned in on the laptop. You'd think I'd avoid BAM! like the plague but I guess I just like being "squishy"
  17. LOL It does me! Not crazy weepy emotional, thank goodness, so much as introverted and thoughtful. Great poetry writing blend and hubby really responds fantastically to the bonding blends in general. Can't wait to see what he thinks of BAM! in this flavor
  18. WAIT! Where does one go to stalk the new PEs coming out? I didn't realize there was such a place... Oh! How exciting!
  19. I completely agree! I love the strong intense coffee forward. I love my coffee out of a French press and BLACK and the only way to do that is with really great coffee...THIS scent is REALLY GREAT coffee but it SO reminds me of the espresso I get when I'm out, only it lasts longer! It's just BOOM! All up in your business...but that's right where you want it! OH - and layering? I don't think I've used anything to layer so much outside of the OCCOs. Excuse me. I need to go wipe some drool from my chin....
  20. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    Oooooo! This one is just SO delish...a dash of cops to boot?! WOWZAH!
  21. That's good to know because I was beginning to get nervous about the possibility of actually needing to seek counseling...though I would likely come here to the board for it.... Well!Wouldn't ya know! There's even something already available! Um, yeah...right here with you I recently bought a box. A very large box. Luna gave me the idea to look for one at the local craft store in one of her posts. 1 isn't going to be enough. My husband knows I buy perfume from LP....but he hasn't seen how quickly the box filled ...I will need another very soon (darn it I knew I should've got 2 when I picked up the first one but part of me must've still been in denial!) And I need to find something to hold my sprays anyway because they're too tall for said box. My. Looking at it in writing...wait...I'm good...I have a 12 step program
  22. Well - I really do hope this need for a full set is far and few between....or I'm going to have to start slathering far more copious amounts to justify purchasing so many Yes! A standing proud LP following!
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