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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    Yeah. No. Wouldn't have put that together on my own in a millions years. Oakmoss to my nose = powder fresh At least it's not just me...
  2. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    Wow! That's so wild! I still smell this faintly this morning and it's just lavender fresh soft sweet vanilla fantasticness. Really, a completely unexpected delight for me I thought I would like it, I just didn't expect to LOVE it
  3. NuTrix

    Frambuesa y Coco

    Can't believe I missed my review on this! I wore this out on Sat. What a great scent in the bottle it's all beach memory scent trigger! Sweet and cocoa butter lotion, light and creamy fruity yumminess! I was worried about the fruit going sharp but there was no need (raspberry is usually kind to me ) It's not a heavy in your face scent on me at all. Just a light, welcome to summer and all the fun things those summery smells bring to mind!
  4. Me 3! I just got box #2 and I can see if I don't change my "wicked ways" I'm going to need box # three far too soon!
  5. Welcome to all the fun! Oh, and the forum too LP has a phero'd perfume called cops & robbers if you want some more fun with that...delish and foodie! OH YES YES!!! BANG GOOD BANG NAUGHY FUN!!! You've got lots of great advice already....agree with all! I bought most of my pheros in oil as well. Perfect Match works great on my alpha male, Cuddle bunny too....and Gotcha!...and Sexpionage...Mmmm...love's me da Sexpionage... Can't wait to see you're thoughts and reviews! And welcome again!
  6. NuTrix

    Candytuft Tea

    This is completely foreign and familiar all at the same time! It's floral...but it's sweet...but it's tea too. Even hubby inquired what I had on because it is so unique and different...believe me, it's something to take note of whenever he gives recognition Especially when he pushes me away, looks at me befuddled, and then pulls me back in for another whiff and nuzzle I've had this on all day and right now all that's left is a sweet soft floral with barely a hint of tea in the waaaaay background. I like this one a lot. Wasn't even sure what to expect really and wouldn't you just know, it's VERY nice
  7. Awesome posts Maroon and welcome! Pheros at work are FUN
  8. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    It's so strange how differently these perfumes behave for all of us. I don't get pointy or sharpie and I admit I'm usually nervous when I'm eying a floral anything. Can someone with a more educated nose than I please tell me what might be registering as the powder to me? I just love this one and, like luna mentioned, this will be a great bedtime addition
  9. Uh huh...all of the above Um...yup... I'd be happy to split with Chitown if cinnamonmel is still feeling generous
  10. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    This one is such a pleasant surprise for me! I wasn't expecting it to send me over the top. I was thinking it would be a nice night time scent, relaxing, good for sleep. When I smelled it out of the bottle I thought Ooo, light and powdery soft lavender. This is really soft and pretty, not a slap you in the face scent. It's clean and girly, I can see me putting this on after my shower in the evening before bed. It makes me feel uber feminine and it just smells GREAT! It's not foodie to me at all (another winning floral I can wear happily!) it's just light and clean and perfect, especially in these hot sticky months coming up where a girl jus wants to feel clean and fresh and...of course...smell glorious
  11. If that's a direction that can be gone and Mara and Chitown AND specially cinn are all on board, I would never say no Second on Katz's statement! ---------------------------- Edited to add to Potion Master Mara....I've been staring at this unopened package with Veloute Levande since I found it in the mail Sat and per your instructions have marked it return to sender...but this is a really great scent and my thought is that if the above bottle can might be split between Chi and I, that perhaps the invoice for it could include the cost for this package I'm holding onto? I'll hold onto it a bit longer until I hear back (I know, I know...but I don't know if it's that I'm actually weak or that LP products are just TOO fabulous!)
  12. Can you DO that? Split it into little half size rollers?
  13. AMEN SISTA! & WOW What a great review! Reading your review took me back both to my own childhood and to just the other night when I pulled a chair out onto the porch to enjoy the soft rain that finally brought us some relief from the mugginess that we'd had here. You gave me goose bumps! I can't wait to get my iddy piddies on it. It's an honor to be able to enjoy something that has effected you with so many positive emotions. Thank you for sharing, the review and the perfume
  14. LOL Yes, some "chewage", but nothing that needs replacing. The cap took the brunt of it, fortunately, but it's not cracked, just a bit roughed up around the edges I'm good, as is, in oil for me thank you
  15. You're TOO kind! Thank you Potion Master Again, my sincerest apologies!!!!
  16. NuTrix

    Summer Dance

    *swoons at the thought of whole body bathed in this gloriousness!* Thanks lala, from one noob to another This one is super light and powdery clean floral on me. I would LOVE this as a body spritz and it would be great right out of the shower. This is a great summer scent, it feels very feminine and it's so barely there. I like this one A LOT
  17. ===================================================================== When you invoice these will you add on the bottle of VL you were darling enough to send me and also any shipping costs to you. Thank you!
  18. LPMP customer service is fantastic! But I have made a dreadful mistake and I need to confess here so you all know LP is totally awesome and I'm the dunce! Mara, you've been so sweet and responded like lightning! I came home from work today and there was Veloute Lavande sitting on the counter top in our kitchen. My husband found it and put it here for me...it appears that one of our four legged children had gotten to it! I must have been clumsy in my excitement of opening all the goodies and VL must've fallen onto the floor and one of the kids must've ferreted it away without my knowing. I never even thought of that being a possibility. I had searched the shipping box and paper, the floor and cushions, even places I knew I hadn't set it, just in case...sneaky little devil! I was excited and then mortified when I saw it on the counter because I had already written LP thinking it was a shipping miss and it was totally me. My profuse apologies! I cannot say it enough and I am eager to make things right as LP had practically immediately sent me the "missing" bottle. (Gads I want to wring that little animals neck but you wouldn't be able to either if you saw those big brown eyes looking at you so cluelessly about why stealing and chewing mommy's perfumes is a bad thing. I'm sure she was scolded by my husband...as was I ) Again, this was completely my miss and I desperately want to make it right, SO SO SORRY Mara! I have sent you an email too.
  19. NuTrix

    Sea Lily

    WOW! Now THAT was an awesome description!
  20. Best description EVER. I got that with Summer Dance and it isn't even my own to claim. Some smells evoke such strong emotions..isn't it crazy? But in this instance, at least, a wonderful kind of crazy EDITED to add:WOW! Not that you ladies didn't already know, but customer service is AMAZING here! Mara's already got my bottle of Veloute Levande on the way! I figured to just hold onto it until my next order but she shipped it right away - what a sweetie! Yay! Can't wait to wrap my nose around it!
  21. NuTrix

    Sea Lily

    YES! What they said! This is such a yummy sweet fruity floral out of the bottle but it gives this serious beach vibe...I know I'm having a scent memory of some kind...except my senses are recalling better than my memory (guess that happens with age LOL) It's SO great and beachy to me. I was complimented immediately when I got to work and then several more times through out the day (men and women) I think it suited this beautiful day perfectly It's so clean and lovely and there really is this barely there hint of saltwater playing at the edges. Dreamy!
  22. NuTrix


    My hubby always head snaps when I wear this and loves it on me...I'm a fan too, lol...but getting him to express like rather than "meh" is ALWAYS a bonus!
  23. Am I too late to make requests? Ann's Brown Sugar Black Amber, Spring's Jasmine Rain, Melissa's Butterfly Bait & Creamy Iris and Halo's Cocoa Lily? Are there enough left?
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