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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    EGG 2009

    AMEN SISTER! Some of the things they say makes us puzzle over "what do they really mean?" LOL. But then again...sometimes things are better left alone.... "You smell really good"? - Good nuff!
  2. This is a first for me hearts! Never pulled the trigger like this before. I'm very curious about Ilori, Candytuft Tea and Sea Lily and they all read YUM and/or exotic and interesting.....everything else = FO SHO! Can't wait to see reviews!
  3. OK, if there was any doubt before, then I have solidified my stance as addict in the eyes of my LP gf....I ordered my first sampler...full bottle set I chose BAM! and I also got Coconut Breeze. These next 2 weeks are going to be the longest 2 weeks EVER....EVER....EVER! God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.... I'm not a quitter...I hold my addiction up with pride and great joy!
  4. Thank you Halo off to check out the reviews AND the new descriptions!
  5. Holy Moly! U don't have UP but I've layered it over other pumpkin scents(Man Nip, Gianduja) and YUM! and I agree, I've "mocha'd" up a lot of a lot of foodies and this one is great for layering, but I have to admit, that's my usual MO with TT. I can't recall the last time I wore it on it's own and it IS lovely....I'm just having too much fun layering it You have a GREAT way of describing things...so want to go out for an espresso now!
  6. OK. I admit, I zeroed in on And Everything Nice like many others. I read the comments about it being a return/re-brew. I can't find it in the reviews. Someone please fill the rest of us newbs in! When was it last here? What did you like about it? OH! And SO excited to see OCCO Ambrosia. I padiddled around too long with that one and then it was GONE! Getting my FV THIS time!
  7. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    It's so crazy how everyone gets such different things from WATM. This is a love/love relationship here. I could roll in this one like catnip! MEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWRRRRRLLLLLLL......................
  8. It's not your computer, lol, once the descriptions are finished and everything loaded to the site Mara or another LP lovely will let us know and then just watch the stampede!
  9. I agree! This may be the first time I get FBs of everything. SO excited to read the descriptions! If I do get the fb set my PE idea will get pushed out but I just don't know, everything this month just looks fantastic!
  10. Everything looks fantastic! Oh dear, I'm thinking so fantastic that this months funds will be going to fb of NRs rather than my PE... There's an option to get fbs of all of the months NRs somewhere on the site, I remember seeing it before. Since there is a LAM & a BAM, how should we fill out the cart/order to get them both? Can't wait to read the descriptions!
  11. NuTrix

    Leprechaun Luck

    OH YUM! I wore this yesterday and it is so fantastic! I LOOOOOVE the honeysuckle and it's so fresh and feminine and, well, just AWESOME. It lasts FOREVER on my skin and I promise to adore it for as long as my bottle will last me....and probably beyond!
  12. NuTrix


    WOW! When I first applied - YUM! it really is chocolatey! But then I got the cinnamon and then when that stepped back what followed by a long creamy dry down that is currently just divinely foodie and delicious! I don't know how this confection was created but HOLYMOLY!!! What a knockout! Ya'all were SOOOOOO right!
  13. :ph34r: as ElizabethOSP would say.....*rustle rustle*....... :ph34r:
  14. I wore this one on Sunday! It's the version 3 w SS4W. I got brown sugar and cinnamon on application - HOLYYUUUM! I totally smelled like a yummy treat. Hubby said I smelled goooood...I asked if I smelled like a scrummy cookie and he told me, "Something like that" This one is absolute deliciousness! The cinnamon was there but not over powering and completely complimentary. Sometimes cinnamon is very forward to my nose but I was getting all the yumminess in this one at once. DROOOOOOL This is my kind of go-to smell...LOVE LOVE LOVE!
  15. Coconut Breeze just hit my radar thanks to my LP gf getting a sample of it! Supah yum! And I'm going to try my hand at a PE featuring Jasmine but foodied up (or would it be down? ) and of course there's the new June scents....
  16. June....could there be an exotic weddings theme from around the world? Indian weddings can be so lavish! It would be neat to explore places around the globe....stalk stalk :ph34r:
  17. When I first got this I thought it was going to be all sugar sweetness. I almost thought it might be to perfume-y when I got my first sniff but this has become such a favorite and I LIKE it because it ISN'T just sugary sweet. It gets a lot of compliments whenever I wear it I'm glad this is permanent because I'm already on bottle 2...or is it 3? OHMYGOSH I forget already!
  18. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    YAY! Sometime weird works YES! Glad it was way yummier this time around - and NO BO ----------------------------------------------------- EDIT: This one is SO scrummy! I love the chestnut, pecan and sesame notes! When the fig and apricot settle, it's all sugary, nutty, creamy YUMNESS!
  19. NuTrix

    Wink at the Moon

    Oh No! It may sound counter intuitive, but maybe try a larger dab? Wear shorts, put it on your knee and then keep checking it...if it's too much and goes wonky, at least it won't be right under your nose (was that suggestion just way too dorky?lol)
  20. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    Yeah! Just got my bottle in the mail yesterday! Will be able to wear it today YUM!
  21. Welcome Chitown! I agree with you! The reviews ARE invaluable and I use them all the time, lol. And if you ever have any questions, just throw them in, the people here on the forum are always happy...dare I say, even exited....to help. Hope you enjoy the forum as much as the rest of us
  22. Aweee, that sounds so sweet...you were so sparkly, shiny amazing that the attention bestowed couldn't possibly be meant for lil' ol' him. Too adorable! But I'm glad you DID find what worked, the oil in this case. What a great post! The POWER of BANG! Whoot-Whoot! Teheheeee...a woman after my own heart I currently have 10/90 oil/alcohol, but because I scented it with oil it's probably closer to the 40/60 idea. When I order my 1oz I will get it in the 40/60 oil/alcohol, just my personal preference. I've read that the heavier oil content gives it more staying power and it seems to be true from my experiences
  23. Did you mean different in feel? LFM, to me, is more like a lady with a sensual side. BANG! is more like a barely veiled sensual lady with a bomb shell side NoCo White would totally cover and be super YUM! To me BANG! is on the stinky side of mones in general, not just because of the cops, and I had some trouble covering all of the unscented spray (I have the 5ml 90/10 alcohol/oil) so I added some fragrance perfume oil (LP Hungry Heart) to it and the mone smell was completely covered. I'm sure NoCo White would be fantastic and easy to layer with Especially if it's Unscented! Since scenting mine though, I have been guilty of spraying and then dressing not long after and allowing it to get on my clothes....so far it has only smelled like the perfume, no mone bleed through smell, so either I've been lucky or scenting it makes a difference? No clinging or questionable smell after laundering either as yet. Really!? And here I am thinking of getting an oz bottle of spray because I want to get it out there more
  24. NuTrix

    Lusty Licious

    Wearing this one again today This time it came out all berries and spices at first but still creamy and delicious! This one is so yummy. I had asked if anyone thought it could be boosted with cops but I think if I add any it won't be much. As decadent and deliciously drool worthy as it seems, it isn't heavy on me at all...but if it's true that 3 drops of cops in a gallon is all it takes to get a reaction then I don't think that a few added here will hurt anything __________________________ Edit: Oh! And That Kind of Girl in in the mail and on it's way! SO looking forward to getting my nose around THAT one too
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