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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I'll be watching for your reviews when you give it a whirl! I've been thinking about getting BANG! in spray just because it's such a favorite and it's a really great social. Socials in sprays are AWESOME. I'm really surprised at how well received this blend is by both men and women. I always get self effects. At first I wasn't sure exactly what those effects were but it seems to be consistent that I feel energized and a mood boost but not jittery or giddy. With SS4W I didn't take note of much in the way of self effects except feeling ultra feminine? Very comfortable in my femininity? I don't understand why BANG! gives me the extra zip except that I know I love Est...or at least my chemistry seems too lol. I get all sultry, kittenish with Est so maybe that boost of Est and cops just gives me that extra "something"? Hope you like it at LEAST as much as I do
  2. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    YES! and YES! on both counts!
  3. Nice review! Maybe some of my disconnect with previous reviews is that I am not familiar with the delightful aroma of "toddle butt" LOL THAT is NOT a complaint by any means I have not changed a diaper since my baby sitting days and I'm sure I'm completely fine with the erasure of those scent memories. I have noticed with a small handful of LPs that when I get through the 1st hour or so, all the rest is SO worth waiting for Look forward to your next review with SO
  4. 1st run: Showered and applied Titillating Temptress and Spontaneous Combustion and then slathered TH over application points. Hmm. Stinky little blend....Covered alright though. I had put it over the fragrance...but had to run some more SC over to cover completely Noticed self effects seemed to be to take everything in positive stride. I was very aware of the people around me, hyper aware almost....noticed our server had really lovely colored eyes, how people around me were carrying themselves, were they willing to make eye contact with me or did they avert their eyes? Were people nervous around me or comfortable? I wasn't observing it because I was wearing the blend either. I usually make it a point to put on my pheros and then forget them, that's why I think it was a self effect to be so hyper aware of my surroundings. Has anyone else notice this effect with TH? I was feeling confident and friendly and open to conversations and interactions...maybe even looking for them? Hubster was in a quite playful mood...strange for him...good mood, yes-normal, playful?...strange but cool! I think he was feeling that same desire to interact because he was actually conversing with our servers and the sales people we encountered. His norm is to be introverted and not open to much conversation with people he doesn't know. Very cool indeed We had a really great, light day together but I'm going to wear it again today because I still don't have a "feel" for it yet and everyday can be a new day until I sort something out There's not a lot written here so any info ya'all wanna continue to put forth is welcome -------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Today: Showered and applied OCCO White, Spontaneous Combustion and Treasured Hearts and 1 spritz of Topper to chest. Hubby cornered me before I had the chance to dress and what followed was a very loving, sensual, passionate encounter. Slow and deliberate with a good bit of, yeah, I'll say it, excellent foreplay and the cuddle time in the "afterglow" was just as tender and attentive with him sharing things that he usually keeps to himself - I think I've said it before, he's usually a "Me Tarzan, You Jane" kinda guy Going to seriously explore this blend more..liking it so far!
  5. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    Why couldn't you is the real question AZ is phero free, you could wear it with anything you want
  6. Sorry dol! But at least you won't have to choose now...except maybe which blend to get 1st...
  7. LOL Whenever I've used BB it's been kind of a fogging rather than a spritzing, which makes me calm and the hubby super accommodating (Epiandrosterone, Estratetraenol). BB has the people I come in contact with want to be sweet and care for me...perfect when you're feeling "blech". B2 has a more social feel to me but the Androstadienone in it does make me feel more relaxed as far as interacting with other people. I tend to use BB for myself and B2 for when I know I'll be around others but it's a tough choice because I like them both for just slightly different reasons...BB's great on hubby so I choose that over B2 when I'm going to be with him BUT B2 is just right for when I'll be interacting with the rest of the world
  8. Going to take this one for a spin today for the first time under the cover of Spontaneous Combustion and Titillating Temptress... I will be looking for some melting action MrsC... or spontaneous combustion...
  9. Wore BANG! out for girl's night last evening. This blend is SO much fun! Almost immediately after sitting down one of the group got up to go to the bar and when she passed me stated that something smelled really good...my LP gf announced it was me, LOL. You can blame THAT on the Titillating Temptress and Flambe combo though...and the LP PINK scented Topper in my hair More people than expected turned out and it wound up being quite a diverse mix. It was a superbly fun and flirt filled evening...lots of hugs and even some kisses! Apparently I was particularly adorable last night My hypothesis is that the extra A-nol and DHEAS from the Topper steered things in a more girlie, flirty direction instead of the sultry sexy direction...at least out with my friends. Home was a different story.... When I got home (my gal pals and I hung out for a good 4-5 hours) hubby was waiting and told me to change into something "more comfortable". So I got out of everything and wrapped myself in an oversized scarf and then rejoined him in the living room And that's how it started.... So I'd say it was a good night
  10. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    WOW! I think that's that fastest I've seen anything blow off the shelf since I've drooled, eh, er, I mean, been here at LP! Glad I didn't wait until my June order to order a fb!!!
  11. BANG! Contains a remix of the SUPER SEXY FOR WOMEN blend (Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone) with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol (info taken from website) BAM! is Beta-Androstenol & cops only LAM! is Alpha-androstenol & cops only They are way different. BANG! is a more complex blend than either of the other 2. Do you like SS4W? BANG! really is it's own animal from SS4W...not nearly as subtle (at least that's what I've found). I LURV this blend!
  12. Has anyone worn this with Flambe?! I'm going to be wearing these together with BANG! tonight....too YUM! I also just got Spontaneous Combustion and think those two will need to be paired at some point as well... EDIT: TT with Flambe is AWESOMENESS! Will try the TT and SpCom today
  13. It's funny you say this...my skin pushes the patch, citrus, and lemongrass forward first at the beginning. Patch is strange for me. Sometimes it's right up there in my face and sometimes it shares the stage. With Gold it's VERY greedy for attention, initially, but within a half an hour to 45 mins all the yummy foodie notes come out from behind the curtain to play. I bought this one fb, unsniffed, and wasn't sure about it. You know how it is...sometimes you get it because you want to love it, even if you aren't sure about all of the notes. But I've also learned that with some of the LP perfumes, if I can wait, within that first hour something magical can happen and then the long delicious and/or beautiful dry down is SO worth the wait. THIS is one of those for me. The bite that I get in the initial stages isn't unpleasant, but it gives way to a creamy deliciousness that just can't be beat....and I wind up huffing my arms ALL the rest of the DAY!
  14. REALLY? And here I was, trying to convince myself that if I got OCCO SLF I wouldn't need Gold....Oh. But Wait....LP has never really been about needs so much as wants anyway....
  15. LP PINK goes with EVERYTHING But I may only think that because I love it so much so my opinion is definitely biased. Hope you really like it too! I've used perfumer's alcohol to mix my own sprays from fragrance oils and I've made sprays by mixing unscented pheros with fragrances too. So far they've been great...it's all these little spritz bottles I need to keep track of that are the problem
  16. REALLY??? My sniffer's broke. That's it. That's what it's got to be. I don't smell the cops in either. Nada. Apparently my husband smells something, because he teased me about the OCCO Pink smelling like feet before it had proper dry down time But he could have been messing with me BECAUSE he KNEW it had cops in it because he hasn't mentioned either of these smelling like feet But really, I only get the notes intended...no cops at all... THANK GOODNESS FOR YOUR LOVELY REVIEW! Please see above ^ What she said! What she said! I HAD to put it on again tonight...yes, all by itself this time, lol. It's almost sheer...not as sheer as last months scents but it's whisper light on me and NOMMY sweet. It has to be because it doesn't have the orchid in it that it's seems so extra sugary? Not sure I care WHY or HOW it's just GREAT.
  17. Ok. Have this on. Just a circle on each wrist that I put on about an hour ago. It doesn't have the same throw as JD but I DO love that honey/civet/musk/amber combo. SLF seems to sit closer to the skin and I really DO like it very much, but then I did something.... I just put JD on the back of one hand about 15 minutes ago and now I can't smell the SLF when I try! I know it's still on my wrist because I get "something" but I think it's just that they're so similar that when I smell both so close together that I'm just picking out the extra orchid note in JD. That's SO bizarre! I was hoping to do what MissHazel did but I've lost track of SLF! Next time I'll have to wear it on it's own and NO JD! Even if I'm tempted! SLF is much lighter, but I believe it's safe to say that I like both of them WIN! EDIT...I'm gonna go to bed smellin' SOOOOO scrummy!
  18. NuTrix


    This lasted and lasted...a beautiful floral and then at around 1 o'clock (I first put this on before 6am) I noticed a soft sweet fragrance and started to look around only to realize it was coming from ME! The floral had finally settled to the rich creamy amber finish. SOOOOOO gorgeous! The cedar never was prominent and the only time that I do recall it being forward was when I sniffed it in the bottle the day it arrived. LOVELOVELOVE this one. So spectacularly happy with this perchase!
  19. NuTrix


    I put this one on and I think that my mind must just associate anything floral as "perfumey". BUT NOT the kind my mamma wears, lol! I have never gotten anything here that made me think "old lady perfume" or that made me think of department store throw backs! I think flowery, soapy (which I think I now associate with clean and/or fresh) and realize it's just my brain trying to understand what I'm smelling. Now I'm beginning to pick out the notes instead of lumping things into a category, lol. SO with that being said, to me this one smells like perfume The florals are GORGEOUS! Lily of the Valley has always played nice with me but I had no idea what to expect from the lotus. This is so delicate and light and feminine! I want my clothes and sheets and towels and furniture and......everything in my house!...to smell like this! This is such a perfect scent for the season! It's absolutely beautiful and on me it's so well blended that I'm having to work hard at picking everything out. I wonder what kind o staying power it will have? So far I've been wearing it for an hour and it's still lovely and true. SO glad I went fb with this one! YAY! Another successful floral to add to my arsenal!
  20. Oooo Miss StacyK! I LIKE the way you think
  21. I've never had any trouble covering this one. I have the 5ml spray that I believe was 90/10 alcohol to oil and boosted it with Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla. I have it in the oil roller and I just put whatever scent I want in a strip down side by side with the un phero and then rub them together and poof! Smelly good stuff I'm sure the others will have great ideas too
  22. Hi Cinn! Glad you're getting the care you deserve and in a much more professional manner!
  23. NuTrix

    Amazonia Zee

    Thanks Since I couldn't pin down what my nose was getting I tried for and image/scene that the smell evoked....so glad that didn't just make it MORE confusing lol! Sometimes "slather" is accurate but then sometimes...even THAT isn't enough Glad I'm not alone!
  24. YIKES! *panics...goes runs and checks bottle!* Wheeew. Still good...for now at least! That's absolutely MAD...but now I have even MORE incentive to use It up! But if it really only takes a smidge to get a reaction....maybe I should put a drop in EVERYTHING MUHAHAAAAA
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