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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I agree...now that I'm home and no one can see...I huffed all over my wrists where I applied it LOL My girlfriend keeps whispering...rehab...to me HA! PS Quitter need rehab AND I'm not a quitter!
  2. Wore this today and it stayed such a strong cherry for, like, ever! It was pungent but by no means unpleasant. Was layering with LFM pluS OW spiked with Pure Sugar in my hair and a couple sprays of Topper on my blouse...Even though today was SUPER busy at work, everything was going my way. Good night all in all. Fella who is usually standoffish actually had open convo with me...did I mention how much fun pheros are?
  3. I ordered another bottle of this...it's SO nummy and everyone that wonders into the could agrees, lol. Going to wear it tomorrow....
  4. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    OOOOOoooo, Beccah, that sounds VERY yum! A lightly rose, heavy on the confection? Sounds nummilicious!
  5. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    Thanks Synergist! That's incredibly helpful Full bottle on wish list for next month...CHECK
  6. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    Was wondering about this one. Thinking full bottle even... Is it foodie or fruity or floral?!?!? Thinking I want a full bottle along with whatever March NRs bring. Pleeeeze help! I'm definitely a foodie scent lover...too fruity and "meh" sharp painful spike to sinuses, too floral and I run screaming...is this more foodie or something else?
  7. I keep telling myself not to get overly attached to any one scent...I can see how it could be difficult once they're GGG...
  8. OK, so after a couple of weird cart deletions... Alright...since my PEs will have to wait...teheheee...I will have to order something else in the mean time AND there ARE so very many delectable things to get.... But I decided on FBs of: Fuzzy Wuzzy w/Gotcha!- Just had to get it...last 1, promise...the only thing I got more than 2 bottles of so for is Odalesque...this one just smell SO yummy, and the Gotcha! Couldn't help myself! BAM! and LAM, both in the Spicy Brown Sugar scent Midnight Masquerade Flambe Lick of Cream Carolyn's Man Nip And samples of: Highland Fling (for a friend) Pouncing Potion Cheeky (still on the fence about a full bottle of this one...I know, I know...why wait, lol..maybe next month with the new releases...)
  9. NuTrix

    Highland Fling

    I've been doing her oil/alcohol combo ever since I read and tried it myself, lol, really does work superbly!
  10. Closest I can come to an explanation is: neurotransmitters and axillary steroids (androstenone, androstenol, and androstandienone sound familiar? ) I haven't found much to pin it down scientifically so much as experientially by what others have said and experienced. My guess is that the reaon we can't find much on it is because pheromones are not taken terribly seriously by the scientific community at large...yet. It is my opinion that it has a goodly deal to do with the steroidal side of mones. Our systems are being stimulated and our neurotransmitters firing happily making us more receptive to the effects of alcohol in the moment...which may be why you say it takes off just as fast...you aren't consuming a large amount of alcohol to feel the effects to begin with, so after a period of time (for those of us who back off when we feel ourselves going tipsy, lol) we seem to "sober up" relatively quickly. Some people are more sensitive to certain mones than others. High A-nol will give my husband headaches...pair that with too much alcohol and it equals sick & hung over - BAD. I will not drink hard liquor while wearing mones. I stick to wine...white (fewer tannins = less head aches as well), food helps too - and lots of water There's my 2 cents anyway...good food for thought...let me know if you find any more on the topic!
  11. NuTrix

    Glitter Kissed

    I like to shake the spray I made boosted with EoW to watch the glitter sparkle, LOL! I don't see the glitter on when I apply though??? But it's pretty in the bottle...I get distracted by shiny things I LUUUURV this one....smells delicious!
  12. Yes Yes! Try this! Pursestan is a genius! This is HUGELY YUM together...I'm considering a 2nd bottle of TT JUST because of this combo...seriously!
  13. NuTrix

    Highland Fling

    I LIKE the way you think MissH I don't know if this helps buuuuuuut....I took the Highland Fling and filled a 5ml spray bottle a little LESS than half and added 10 drops EoW, then topped it off with perfumer's alcohol. If that diluted HF covers 10 drops EoW then it should cover your CB fine At least that's my thinking...so go for it!
  14. I wore it to work yesterday myself and I have to admit, the dynamic of the people was different. Even one of the guys who is usually more stand offish - though still obviously in need of some social skills classes - was behaving more personably with everyone. Very nice and deserving of more experimentation...
  15. This one is still a HUGE favorite for me...one of my favorite things is getting an unexpected whiff of it from a scarf I have worn when I last had it on....which seems to tend to lead to me wearing it again within a day or two...
  16. NuTrix

    Highland Fling

    You find me one like the photo on the bottle and I'll have ALL of him, - please and thank you!
  17. Gave my SC that I combined with some of Tidesong's honeyed amber and neroli a run with Topper today and I have to admit I still get tickled when I catch people looking at me like they're trying to figure something out about me, LOL. I know the secret! I know the secret The self affects come and go with SC usually but the Topper added some obvious pick-me-up to it. I'm still a Cougar fan
  18. BAM! I'm right there with hearts sans the jealous women...so far But I do wonder what's causing the effect for some of you...a particular amount of...what? Is it our biochemistry or the pheromone blend or a combo of both? I'm going to be trying the SC with Topper today,,,just because, lol, thanks Beccah!
  19. Self jealousy? Interesting. Never had anything like that happen though. It puts me in a happy shiny, mood. How many sprays are you wearing? Is it straight up Stone Cougar unscented? I've combined my unscented spray with LP fragrances so mine isn't full force, probably something like 2.5mcg per spray and I usually use about 4 sprays (total of 10mcgs). For straight up unscented SC 4 sprays would be about 20mcgs. I'm a technical geek.... Maybe you're ODing yourself? Some blends are the "less is more" kind. Just some thoughts
  20. Are you sure it was the Luv Truffle or were you maybe under the weather and it just intensified how you were already feeling? Kind of like smelling food when you're nauseous - Yuk I don't get sweet really from it...foodie yes, but not sugary sweet. I hope you like it!
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