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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Hehehe, my husband describes my one gf as "she talks really fast and giggles a lot" but I get everything just fine. Are you sure it isn't just a girl thing and the guys just need to practice so they can keep up
  2. Since Dom is a full, multi phero, blend to begin with, maybe a pairing with something simple like your BAM that only has b-nol & cops. Or lightening it to a more Leather & feminine vibe with Cuddle Bunny that is only Est & cops. Let's see, Dom has a blend of Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone. I have not been able to find much of anything on Beta-Androstenone except that it somehow buffers the aggressiveness of Alpha-Androstenone . So Dom, with the a-nol, I believe is geared toward the type of dominance one is supposed to enjoy Not the, "I will beat you until you bleed and you will beg for mercy," type vibe - though I've heard some ladies do go there with too much none Here's my speculations based on the mones in them - please note...my speculations: OW + Dom...seems like these 2 are gong in opposite directions but OW may add a comfortable approachability to the Dom vibe. PM + Dom...this could well add a bit of sexuality/sexual aggression to PM and if you toss in some cops...muhahaaaa BAM + Dom...BAM I should think would soften the Dom vibe and the cops would def add some sexual interest BANG! or SS4W + Dom...BANG! is SS4W with added Est & cops so I'll put them together - This one is the most complex since it has quite a number of mones in the mix. I'm thinking that YOU may be the horny one wearing this combo! SS4W already has some none in it so I would say to test it out to make sure it doesn't make you too "aggressive" The extra Est may make the difference between BANG! and SS4W to keep that Dom vibe in check. Once you've tried all of these combos, if you choose to accept this mission, please post! This message will NOT self destruct...
  3. :lol: I rest my case....if you had added a bag of Grandma Utz or sour cream & onion chips it might have been enough to get you there...
  4. @ dol - NICE! Ambitious too! Too bad more people don't get how prosperous working as a team can be. You go gurl!
  5. No way! Chocolate, potato chips AND Balm Bomb....why limit ourselves in our suffering? Let's have it all!
  6. *chuckles* Still a little embarrassed...only wish I could say it was on purpose...it's like that time I was telling my friend I'd be happy to do her nails...except my exact words were...in a room full of people...that, "I'd be happy to french her!" SO not how it sounded! Two words...trade thread If it isn't what you really want swap it or sell it....it'll find a loving home with someone
  7. OH DEAR! That's not what I meant at all! But reading it like that? Oopsie...made an accidental funny - oh my, it DOES sound questionable! Looks like there's your answer
  8. It was a good day with your combo fulffy. Nothing over the top today, but the hits were there. People were nice and attentive, but I think I'll give this one a run with hubby over the weekend. I think the combo would be better used on him than my coworkers, lol. And I won't use the Super Cuddle Love Mix the night before on him so the slate will be clean But what you're describing sounded like our time together Sunday
  9. Yeah for the cart behaving! Awesome haul! And a bargain shopper to boot! You GO gurl!!!
  10. Just made my order! The cart behaved well while I was ordering Full bottles of... Highland Fling Honeyed Love Potion Titillating Temptress Glitter Kissed Santa's Little Helper Un scented BANG! Some trial sizes: Passionate Whispers, Midnight Masquerade, Hungry Heart and pouncing Potion I had Balls! in the cart but I have 2 already and thought I was just being greedy and I've only barely dented bottle # 1. You know what that means right? I'm not a complete uncontrolled addict... just yet! LOL I CAN hold back (ok, it was just one bottle...but it STILL showed restraint! )
  11. You know when I first read FG thinking about the combo I thought, "WOW, those are 2 very potent blends. Wonder if they're congruent enough to mesh well together?" But I didn't mention it because I'm mad at heart and was DIEING to see how the combo panned out and certainly didn't want to risk discouraging the experiment with my doubts! Accolades to fluffygirl! Who has inspired me to be more daring in the future And I am eager to try this one out. I blasted hubs with my mega super cuddle mix last night...will have to start a thread in my journal finally for those crazy mix results of mine...so maybe I'll hit him up today with THIS one! Thanks fluffy! You ROCK!
  12. From the little 5ml spray bottle I would say 4-5 sprays. 2 sprays from one of the 5ml size equals about 1 & a half sprays from a 1 oz size bottle. 4 or 5 sprays should get you something noticeable. But like the other ladies said, you may need to have a keener eye to see the hits...like when men will be stealing glances or watching you when they don't think you'll notice. In a bar situation though, it'll depend on how much the guys been drinking and how brazen his personality may be. Pheros are indiscriminate and will attract all kinds...so pick a safe place to imbibe and bring friends...sloppy drunks = gross
  13. Hmm. That's a good Q Mel. For me, what I've seen it doing is that people are more responsive socially, meaning, if I start conversation, that they are inclined to share more detail ie: instead of answering "how are you?" with good or ok, they will actually take a minute and talk with me for a bit. People also seem to want conversations to linger and I've had to excuse myself already because I had to get about my business lol. It also appears to be a mood elevator. I doesn't seem sexual but anything can be moved in that direction with some lovely added cops ^_~ I would say, work or out with friends or even family gatherings where you're looking to keep the mood light and open would be a good fit for it. Hmm. I wonder how this one would do as wearing to an interview material? Has anyone worn it in an interview environment?
  14. BWAHAHA! *wipes tears from laughter from eyes* I'm afraid I haven't had to go to a x2 in anything yet *desperately tries to catch breathe one for time...rubs cheeks because they are sore from laughing* but I will love you forever just for this post alone
  15. I agree. I ordered the fb right off the bat, scent unsniffed, and it was instantly true love at first sniff when it arrived and I finally opened it Hence the other bottles of it I ordered I'm sure Mara will create something equally delectable at some point that will give me the same shivers LOL! We'll just have to wait....
  16. Great post intertwining! The self effects sound nice...hope I get them one of these times, lol, but I do really like how it affects others...will have to experiment more with hubby after reading your post though
  17. Yes! So happy I chose this one for today! I love how the scent just lasts and lasts on me. No reapplication necessary. A would almost swear that everybody wants to talk with mw when I wear this and they don't want me to leave either...sad to see me go Had an unusual occurrence with a person on the production floor. You know how when someone socially awkward says something out of sorts but you know that they meant it as a compliment? Yeah. One of those, lol. Very quiet, keeps mostly to himself...took me a while to figure out if he was angry all the time or just looks it...(kinda like how my husband must look to other people at work now that I think of it!LOL!!!) Well this fella pays me a compliment and was kind of looking at me out of the side of his eye, not sure how I would respond I suppose. And I kid you not...he almost smiled...there was the beginning of a smirk there! Win another round for AHE w/Lumina! I do have the spray I made spiked with a bit of Woozy Floozy but that would have evaporated away much earlier in the day so I think this one was all AHE & Lumina. Shazam! That's all I gotta say about that.
  18. To me, Odalisque is divine! I missed my opportunity for an unphero'd version...had great plans for it, lol. SO I will have to find venues for the bottles of it I have. Forces me to think even more creatively! I think the scent would have been fantastic with LFM, Gotcha!, & SS4W for starters....
  19. Nice post. Audacious was SO perfect for that experiment, lol
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