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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Teamed this with Gotcha! yesterday and used hubby as bait. I don't have anything crazy over the top to report BUT it is definitely a winner combo! We went to dinner with a friend and he was very sweet and social, chatty even. The waiter was great and was tipped appropriately, lol. I think it's the Gotcha! that makes hubby so cuddly and the LFM that keeps him in a good mood. I tried not to "muddle" the 2 blends by applying them to separate places and I used Glitter Kissed for the cover. Gotcha! on backs of hands and neck & LFM on wrists and collarbone. I added zero extra cops outside of Gotcha. I really liked the vibe. He was so sweet and thoughtful...little stuff, pouring my wine, holding doors, constant touching. Spent most of the evening curled in each others lap drinking wine
  2. I checked my tracking number this morning and it was still "departed sorting facility" in CA. ..then the mailman was knocking on the door this afternoon with the package! Totally took me off guard! You can imagine I was ecstatic! I don't have SLF to compare Sorry. Something else besides the honey is prominent on me. I'm not sure what verbena smells like. Kind of going by process of elimination...not vanilla, not amber, do get honey if I don't put my hand right under my nose...get the apricot, get the patch..so it's gotta be the verbena. It's not overbearing, just new and my brain is trying to register it lol!
  3. HOLYCOWTHISONEISSOYUMMY! I LOVE this! it's very foodie. The coffee doesn't drown out the other notes...this is SOOOOO slather worthy...oh, yes, very much so! And that's just in the bottle! Can't wait to slather this one on!
  4. NuTrix

    Highland Fling

    This one in the bottle is definitely more foodie than floral...the floral is complimentary. I haven't worn it yet but it smells great in the bottle!
  5. Oh dear, this one scared me out of the bottle. You won't confuse it with LP O for sure. The patch comes out very forward on me at first, and the verbena I think because I never smelled it before. It's better now, it's been about 1/2 an hour. It's really heady close up but from about a foot from my nose I totally read the honey...can't wait to see how it is in an hour!
  6. Wheee! Got my order today. Hubby really likes this one...so nice! Going to have to make a cop boosted spray with this one too....muhahaaaa!
  7. NuTrix

    Glitter Kissed

    YEAH! GOT MY LP ORDER TODAY - and my fb of Glitter Kissed..SO YUM! So making an EoW boosted spray of this!
  8. NuTrix


  9. I'd have to agree that a 5 inch strip has GOT to be more than a drop...just looking at it, right? K, so let's mull this over GEEK ALERT ...there's 1000mcg of pheros in an unscented blend and we're looking at a spray bottle you can get approx 200 sprays out of. SO that's 5mcg per spray (1000mcg/200) and 4 sprays is an average for many, so that's appox 20mcg per "dose" and that's a goodly dose I dare say. EDIT: I'd had 30ml roller bottles when LP rollers are actually only 10ml so I adjusted the math: Now how does that translate to a 10ml roller bottle? How much would we need to use to get 20mcg? The drop is standardized in the metric system to equal exactly 0.05 milliliters. That's 200 drops in 10 mls of oil. That would make each drop about 5 mcgs (1000mcg/200) and you would need about 4 drops to get 20mcgs. NOW I broke out a dropper, yes, I broke down and did it, 4 drops is a CRAZY amount of oil YO! A 5 inch strip from the roller bottle is WAY less than A drop! 4 drops totally coated my wrists and forearms - (approx. 5inches by 2inches times 4!) No wonder I've never OD'd, lol Now, eyeballing the roll on knowing how much 4 drops is I'd bet you could use up to 8 - YES 8 - 5 inch strips in various places and get CRAZY results. SO There you go...mystery solved! Back to your regular scheduled programming....
  10. K! This one is TOTALLY dangerous. I'm the kind of person that, "you can ask and I'll tell you anything" even if it's a bit over the top. Open book here. Judge me or not, not my problem. Kudos for havin' the balls to ask dependin'. So wore this one out for drinks tonight. Got to find out quite a bit about several co workers. Not enough to ruin our relationships or put them in question...there's always a limit to ...well, everything lol. But had several people open up quite unexpectedly and would say I'm richer for the experience. I'm a little like Dr Ruth LOL though I hope not as scary because I'm not as ancient...yet, bwahaha!!! Yet I seem, on occasion, to be the "sex" therapist..which I find actually quite fun. So I got some very interesting questions thrown my way tonight. Does BANG! disinhibit? Well, I would say so, on the wearer and the exposed, lol. Tonight involved mostly just fun and some harmless hitting on, but there was a very interesting convo about "bobs" (battery operated boyfriends) and other things that were out of the ordinary for coworkers...but beneficial for the parties involved none the less! BANG! performed as expected the entire day before going out for drinks...but throw in a bit of alcohol and, well. BANG! LOL Just ordered a fb of this in un oil and CANNOT wait for it to arrive!!!!
  11. *entirely speculation!" I have heard that a 5 inch strip equals 1 drop/spray. Will have to keep digging for accuracy... sorry
  12. Still feeling the LFM/Gotcha! combo out but I will say that work went very well with it. This time it was a bit different than last because I seemed to be everyone's cuddle bunny yesterday One of my co workers who sits several cubes over kept coming to see what I was working on...really, just to visit and make small talk. Had several meetings that went well, good eye contact, felt like people we really absorbing the conversation. There was one guy who was even leaning forward over the table, like if he could get closer he would understand more and kept up with huge eye contact (I'm not a flincher and I appreciate and feel like people are paying attention when they make eye contact during convos) and since he's an engineer and some of his decisions will impact my department I was happy to have him engaged. Thirsty Thursday was horrible... KIDDING! We had a blast! I had to be up early today so I was only out for a couple hours after work (got off at 8:15 stayed out til 10:30) OK, you probably guessed this already, but this ones a great social mix...OH and one of the bartenders was making shots for other people and we saw hershey's syrup come out and heard the words "raspberry cheesecake". Well, I leaned over the bar to him and grabbed his attention for more info about it and after he'd poured the shots for the others he came back to my girl and I with 2 shots - ON THE HOUSE - and they were GOOOOOOOOD! Very nice! We left a few songs after the "drunk karaoke" started but we laughed A LOT, the bartenders were attentive...and generous...the guy on the other side of my girl at the bar would not stop stealing glances but he never said anything. Could've been the other guys with us keeping him at bay? Lots of flirtation and just an overall great time! Zero complaints! Still planning to hit hubby up with this mix this weekend but fluffy...you got something good here methinks!
  13. I surely will! Sweet spot! Awesome! - wow 6! That's from the 1 oz spay bottle or the 5ml size? WOW! I think that would put me in OD land if I used 8....never know until I try though LOL That was my initial reaction to LOL I believe my highest equivalent with the oil has been 4...but I'm always willing to push the limits...for posterity of course
  14. No prob! Don't even waste teensy on him. BI or no BI, he had an agenda...1) get you drunk 2) get himself laid It's so obvious. I wouldn't feel 1 teensy bit anything negative about being an awesome human being that can't be manipulated into the bedroom
  15. Off topic... Eggers...My eyes and expression look JUST like your avi when I see pretty shiny things....it's scaring me...but I have no control....something happy happens inside me and I fixate...just...like...THAT.
  16. NuTrix

    Glitter Kissed

    Wheeee! ordered my fb! I was DIEING having to wait for Feb releases to order lol. I'm SO trying to be respectful & make everything in 1 order....but there's ALWAYS something that goes on my wishlist soon after an order...or something I overlooked, lol. Oh! The travesty! But I am TICKLED and so excited to get my mitts on this one!
  17. It does garner that, "I'm the go to person you've been looking for," vibe...gives you an ""it" person" quality I'm going out for "thirsty Thursday" night tomorrow and I think I'll give this a go in that social setting. It's always men and women coworkers...and whoever else graces the bar/restaurant with their presence Very curious to see the impact...
  18. YOU are a HOTmess! And I love you for it!
  19. Great post aniko! So glad you're finding good performers for yourself!!!
  20. Awesome! Thanks!!! Nuances....can make all the difference! Pheros are FUN!
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