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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. You gals keep coming up with these great combos...I need to create a spot for all of them so I don't forget!
  2. Yup. This combo is exactly as you said! Surprisingly complimentary...I mean it sounded right reading it, but experiencing it is dreamalicious!
  3. If you're disappointed...I'll be happy to take it off your hands....
  4. Darn deviants being bad influences.....oh...wait I was one of them wasn't I? Oh well! Hehheh...Muhahaaaa .DO IT!
  5. I get selfies from Audacious, Lumina and Sexpionage, along with the ones you mentioned...and Topper, mustn't forget Topper
  6. Yup. You're a fogger alright, lol We will never judge you here
  7. Another SCORE for Balls! Hehehe. Was heading to work when this one proved to be an appropriate distraction...not quite a quickie before leaving but definitely a good time. LOVE this one..LOVE. Almost called off work for more...darn responsibilities!.
  8. Thanks Rosebud He did say it reminded him of a Christmas shop that his parents used to take him to when he was a boy... memories of Christmasy things and smells and candies...at least they are good memories
  9. OOOOOOO! *Furiously scribbling notes*
  10. NuTrix

    Highland Fling

    I wore this one back on Wednesday and I think it's divine! I LOVE the daffodil. It jumps out of the vial all sweet goodness...my husband said it smelled like caramel cheesecake to him, lol. I get the sweetness but the daffodil stayed prominent and eventually became a yummy creamy delight...This one's going to be a favorite I can tell!
  11. This sounds like something I'll have to try sometime! Thanks for the info/idea FG! I've used the PM/BAM on hubby and it goes well here too Yes! I saw that too! Before I found out about LP I had already purchased some perfumer's aclohol along with essense oils to make my own perfume. Now I use the oils for making the house smell good and the perfumer's alcohol for "to go" LPs, lol! Once I use it up, I'll be getting everything from LP. This place is fantastic! Wish I'd found it first!
  12. PM is one of the first LPs I got in spray. I think I prefer the un oils though and then I can make a spray if I want one. I know my unscented sprays don't get nearly as much love as the oils...the oils are just so small and handy for travel. The most sprays I ordered where the 10 for 10...they are going to last forever!LOL! I think the portion aim and control are better with the oils too.
  13. Ooooh! I like the sound of this one...maybe for Friday....I love you girls and your fantastic ideas...*frantically scribbles notes*
  14. Makes me want to cry! That's just SO wrong!
  15. MochaDreamYumGoodness! This one really lasts on me too! I appreciate a good cup of cappuccino or a double espresso so walking around smelling like a gourmet latte was DIVINE! I didn't smell cops at all...just yummy latte goodness...puuuuuurrrrrr
  16. I'll be wearing this one tomorrow...and I ain't goin' light either. Mmm, slather goodness!
  17. Hey liz! I wore this one to work today. I didn't have any over the top hits but I applied at 10:30am and it's now10pm and it's all sweet vanilla honey and I can't stop huffing my arm, lol. It seems safe for work. Makes people chatty and girls become your bff, it's so cute. I love it! I think you could give it a whirl
  18. Close enough! I managed an, "it's ok", an, "it's not too strong", and a, "5ish out of 10" But I was kind of "leading the witness" LOL BUT the Gotcha! is working juuuuust fine. He's all cuddle-lubbins tonight
  19. YES! I noticed that, but I'm too new to associate it with anything else, lol! I just thought that maybe they were changing up the caps...D'oh! Do you know my husband??? :Emoticons04282: Good 'Nuff. I like it...he doesn't NOT like it, nothing else matters ....so poo-poo on him and his weird thought processes...
  20. Can anyone PLEASE explain what a man means when he tells you something "smells Christmasy"??? Hubby says I smell Christmasy. I ask if that's a good or bad thing???...answers "not a bad thing" so does that mean not a good thing??? So I ask, is it too strong a Christmasy smell???..."no." he answers....just no. No what? what does he mean? does he like it? not like it?...a little help here! I ask what he thinks..."it's alright" and I know that is all I will ever pull from him...a neutral "meh", "so-so", "it's ok" The thing is that could actually mean he likes it...why can't he just say yes or no AAAAARRRRRGGGG!
  21. Yes! Naughty is a great word! It's definitely not the clean light powdery honey. I can still lightly smell it even this morning very faintly! So the scent changed, like it usually does after about 45mins to an hour but what stayed was...THAT...something naughty. I am NOT saying it smells anything like Jouir De in this statement so do NOT be afraid. Maybe this is the type honey in it? Maybe the JD is the dirty honey because all a lot of my predominantly honey types are powdery, like LIM sugared vanilla and honey & Sugared Honeycomb...except UNE...it's a little something else too. Honeyed LP is DEFINITELY all adult for sure! I have been wracking my brain on how to describe it and this is definitely the way to go...not dirty, but absolutely naughty!
  22. This order was unexpected. I had checked tracking in the a.m. and it still read that it had only departed from CA...then it was getting delivered in the afternoon! Imagine my surprised delight!?
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