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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    Mmm! Gooey cherry in the vial! I hope when I wear it I get the white chocolate and amber finish Molls is describing when I test it!
  2. NuTrix


    This one is definitely orange in the vial. I don't know what, but at first whiff in the vial I thought - "there isn't chocolate in here is there?" I think it was the cherry actually (cherry and chocolate go together in my brain - not sure exactly why I interpreted it the way I did at first...). Another VERY yummy V day scent that's really unique to me. I have NO idea how this will wear - how exciting!
  3. NuTrix

    Peach Sparkle

    In the vial this is super fizzy, sweet ripe peachy light tickly goodness! This one definitely has promise! Will be back when I've properly tested!
  4. NuTrix

    Decadent Diva

    Oooh - in the vial this reminds me of OCCO Black but it isn't as dark(?)/heavy(?) and chewy and the patch seems subdued - or maybe just playing really well with the other notes...Mmmmm, good start so far!
  5. Halo - Oh WOW! Thanks for sharing that tip! I had opened like 4 vials, tried that one...for quite some time, lol...then moved on and came back to it BECAUSE I needed to give my fingers a break It's been the only one so far of all the little vials. So sorry yours broke! I hope you didn't cut yourself I know I was worried I would break mine. At least I know from fighting to get the lid back on that it won't go popping off by accident! Tyvey - Hmm...no fair Not helping that I still have a half dozen vials to sniff through yet either...who KNOWS what I'll be smelling by the end of my frantic olfactory overload attempt!
  6. Sorry to hear about your car Irish - but happy to hear such a glowing review LOL! I've only smelled this one in the vial, but already it's much lighter than I expected. VERY feminine and pretty. The jasmine didn't seem loud and I think I could pick out the musk. The patch,...while wet...to me, was imperceptible. Can't wait to trial this properly
  7. In the vial this is so bright and uplifting. I'm VERY excited to try this! This is different from other honey scents I've gotten. Maybe it's travel shock, but I hope not! It's light and brisk(?) - maybe the ginger and lemon? So many potions! SO many potions!
  8. OHWOWTHISONEISGLORIOUS!!! So far, in the vial, the perfect valentine chocolate! There is not enough SKIN to wear all of these NRs as quickly as I would like! But this one is fantastic at first whiff for sure. I was expecting maybe dark chocolate, but, wet at least, this is yummy milk chocolate. Can't wait to give it a proper run
  9. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    One word - LOVE! LOVE!LOVE!LOVE!LOOOOOOOOVE! And I've only smelled it in the vial...but I want to pour it on the floor, get naked and roll in it like catnip and...if it weren't so cold....run naked, delirious with delight through the streets. Than is all. for now...
  10. I didn't think it was my imagination! I wore LS yesterday and today and a wonderful phenomenon happened wit the sandalwood. I'd say about 3-5 hours into wear the sandalwood became very prominent in an absolutely LOVELY way. It started yesterday when I thought it was one of the other women I was near...but when I moved away, it followed me. Then I realized it was ME! And it's the darndest thing too! When I go after it, to - you know - HUFF my wrist, it's not the same close up. But let it waft up from my wrists or collarbone? WOWZAH! Oh, and I put this on at 4:30 this morning and I'm writing this going on 6pm! LURV!
  11. So. What had happened was, like always, I couldn't wait 24 hours to smell everything. Well, the top on this little vial was being quite resistant to being opened...leading me to FINALLY get the top off but in doing so I swiped my finger pretty generously. I don't have the heart to wipe it off so I guess I'm testing prematurely That being said, it's incredibly bright! It must be the strawberry. I don't think I'm getting the truest reading though because I'm getting fruity jolly rancher - which I don't hate, lol, I just know that things can change a lot overnight so I'm sure that vanilla-y butter creamy goodness is hiding in there somewhere...will return with more as it reveals itself
  12. Hmm, BANG! already has cops, and I've only ever noticed an extreme interest in the uniqueness of the SCENT of Aja, not quite a pheromone response like cops but REALLY interesting none the less! It really draws people in. So...I'm thinking possibly so! I'll be wearing it tomorrow to give it a whirl! I've only gotten to snuffle this in the vial so far and WOW. How interesting! It's bright on top with that raspberry but a few more swafts of the wand and I get the rose and there's something else creamy(?) and also something "bright"? I think I snuffled too much, I'm feeling a bit BANG!ed - probably because I haven't worn it in a while I've got to run this tomorrow! I'm dying to find out how the rose blooms and wanes...
  13. ^^^ Congrats?? HAHAHA! It can't rain all the time... ^_~
  14. OHMYGOSH! You won't regret it! If you want something delectably sweet and lovely - this one's a winner! + PP!
  15. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    OHMYGOODNESS! I will HAVE to wear this Wed! When I get everything tonight (hopefully!) I will HAVE to sniff all of them, lol, but I will have to wait for them to acclimate after their grueling journey....but I won't be able to NOT at least snuffle them in the vials!
  16. NuTrix

    Decadent Diva

    OH MAN DOLLY - oops - I guess that's actually WOMAN! You make this sound SOOOO good! Irresistible even! I can't compare to RH but I am - hopefully - 24 short hours away from going absolutely mental over my package!
  17. Hahaha! ME TOO! WHAAA??? Is that ALLOWED?! What happened to, "Neither, sleet, nor hail, nor snow..." and all that? CLEARLY there has been a miscommunication here... OK. I will stop whining and just hope to get off work early enough to get my parcel tomorrow! BUT! One last lament... Do YOU KNOW what THAT MAN, whom I am not longer addressing with the title husband, DARED say to me?!?!?! DO YOU!!!??? And I QUOTE: "It's just perfume." FAH! I DISOWN HIM! at least until the next time I'm horny...like, in, 3...2...1....
  18. you're right of course. I just had "a moment". I'm currently living vicariously through everyone else's reviews and satisfying my madness with plotting which one I will wear on Wednesday...but then, after I test them, that will probably change In the mean time my dark chocolate has soothed me and I'm glad you didn't have to wait until Saturday!
  19. My hubby wasn't here for my LP delivery and it's too late for me to pick it up from he post! I will have to wait until THIS TIME TOMORROW to pick it up (if they hadn't flipped my schedule this week I'd be knocking on the post door in the A.M. ). I WAS SO CLOSE! SOOOO CLOSE!!! I'm going to go console myself with something chocolate...
  20. I'm passing the buck to all of those who have adulterated the rose before I came to LP. I am hoping that Mara's genius can rehabilitate me!
  21. Thank you for that wonderful review! For me rose is either great or VERY bad (think scent memories of mom - or worse grandmom's "rose perfume") and it may not even be poor "rose's" fault - could be my own memory association hang ups??? My first rose love was Agent XXX and I've ordered a sample of Sugared Roses because I was thinking I may well be missing out on a rose scent that may work for me in that one too. I WANT to LOVE the rose in this. I really do love the smell of roses, fresh beautiful and alive petals while they're still gloriously blossoming... I went FB anticipating to adore this and am praying not to be wrong I kinda figured the raspberry note would flit away quickly. Aja works magic in tandem with other notes though so I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes!
  22. Lace, Gotcha!, Perfect Match, Cuddle Bunny... this would combine with LAM!? Oh! Oh! And maybe Balm Bomb too?
  23. Oh Hearts! Your description of the jasmine is melting my soul!
  24. Ooooooo! Edible honey dust!?!!!!! Palpitations! Palpitations! My heart! My heart!!! Genuinely HORRIFIED at first! WHAT?! Not like it AT ALL??? WHAAAA??? THANK GOODNESS it isn't so!... However I nearly died laughing and that was wonderful all by itself!
  25. I'm waiting to hear what everyone thinks of the rose!
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