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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Cougariffic - While I have yet to encounter anyone who doesn't like the scent of Cougar, I often and consistently have people say that PheroGirl, OCCO Gold, Une (PG w/o the cops essentially) smell like baby powder to them. Some people like that but a quite a few, unless it's VERY little, seem to feel the powder aspect is too strong. I have to wear barely a smidge, and on my torso, to keep it as close to myself as possible. I can't even blame the cops because Une is phero free Maybe that's what happened to you? I think you'd enjoy OW A LOT! For me, PP, PM, LFM/N, Gotcha!, BB (just recently discovered how great that is for work), Leather, even SS4W is a great social....have all been good for work for me. I haven't trialed Treasured Hearts enough yet to speak to that one. OH! And since you DO work with a lot of men (I work with a majority of fellas too) don't forget Teddy BB! That one is AWESOME for guys and gals! And one of the NRs for Feb will have a scent boosted with it if you want to give it a go...
  2. Yup, you over did it I did that with Woozy Floozy and you pretty much only do it once and become more mindful after that happens Hahaha! I was lucky in that I was at home the day I OD'd. I have the majority of my pheros in oil, and I apply them before leaving for work (with an hour commute) work a 10 hour day, and never need to reapply the entire time believe it or not! I LOVE the oils because of that You just reapplied too much too soon...but those are the things we've all figured out along the way - welcome to the club ^_~ Sprays behave a bit differently needing reapplication after 6-8 hours for me so far, but the oils are golden for long days. I have yet to purchase more than x1 strength. Woozy Floozy would be the exception, as it already came that way at 3,000mcg per bottle - a "woozy" amount of a-nol - hence the name...and THAT'S the one that got me in trouble! Pretty much what you described to a tee! I would say less is totally more I wouldn't mind knowing the out come of some of those who have gone higher and why they tried/purchased it and how it's working for them
  3. Talking about Compromising Positions put me in the mood to throw this down on hubby today...layered with Cherry Divinity and it didn't take long to work it's magic GrrrRuffff!
  4. I LOVE it when that happens! And this blend brings that out. When the above mentioned is what I'm looking for - I wear it straight up and it's practically guaranteed (at least I can't currently think of a time that it failed!)
  5. I haven't noticed it with CB but I have on occasion with BANG!, CP & PP. Not in the middle of the day though, usually in the evening and after an already high energy day. I don't know that I can lay it at the feet of the phero blend though, as I tend to pick my blends for the day by what I anticipate to encounter that day to begin with...I don't know if it's that they wear me out or that they carry me through!
  6. Ok. So. Unusual completely for me - used BB the entire week, Mon- Fri. I did wear a smidge of OCCO circled in my belly button each day, flavor dependent on complimenting that day's cover scent. Some reactions that surprised me: DIHL from women & very blatant flirtations from the girl who's got a crush on me Drawing people's fascination, another kind of awe or DIHL but instead of just staring it's more awe-inspired gushing over me Like I said - I think I've sadly under-rated this one by hoarding it for "red tide time" only - mainly because - well - it works fabulously for that purpose The androstadienone in this is a STINKER and covering it can be a bear for me on occasion, like androstenone, I definitely prefer it in oil, as I initially tested it in spray, and just, well, - P.U! That's my main turn off - and probably why I saved it for T.O.M. because at that point I just didn't care if it smelled, I just wanted to feel better, lol. But, that being said, it really can be covered easily so long as you choose a lasting scent or something that isn't too sheer because the androstadienone WILL bleed through later. It is a sticky molecule and lasts forever. I also noticed better results by avoiding accumulation - example, scrubbing the spots of application each day post use to have a fresh start the next day in order to have the "most sparkly" social interactions I think one of my biggest surprises with this is how upbeat my interactions with people have been. I guess because I always USED this as a self-comforting blend, I just perceived it as something calming but instead I've found this to be down right FUN. I also noticed I needed to be mindful of my mind to mouth "filter" - which is all the time anyway - but more so self aware of it while wearing this....also noticed others lack of filter ability on occasion as well This was also really great for hubby. Put him in a good mood and had him laughing more...laughing and smiling I say! (he's usually more reserved and serious) That alone - DING!DING!DING! So, if you're wondering about what BB can do for you, I say try it! See how it behaves for you and then - Post about it! (cuz I'm always curious...) I've used a pretty heavy dose I think: Un BB; 2 - 3" stripes each wrist and each fore arm, 1 at collarbone and a lollipop down between the boobs and around the belly button and smooshed about with my wrists, then covered with perfume oil of choice. I always put my pheros most heavy on my wrists and fore arms because I "talk" with my hands and that works great in groups to effect people I'm also usually covered everywhere but my hands, neck and face, so if you're environment is more open, less may be more for you to get similar reactions. Great! That was a long one....
  7. Yup...It's all about the self sacrifice for our marital good...uh-huh...completely...whatever it takes to keep things strong and give our relationship "stamina" for the long haul
  8. Orchid seems to like me, but I hesitate with florals because I'm such a foodie junkie :lol; but it's got my attention! Dying for notes here too..kinda hoping they're all duds for me so I can go ahead with my PE,.....HA! Like THAT could ever happen!
  9. Concur! This one effects me at least as much as hubs and I do wear it just for that. That it effects hubby is just another added benefit All on it's own, without anything to buffer it, I can get very "hands on", as in, I'm not going to wait for an invitation...I'll take what I like and you can thank me for it later ^_~
  10. They all look scrumalicious! Those beach bunnies are too cute...but no bikinis? J/K Everything looks wonderful - totally love the Make a Wish label too! And the Caramelized Mango Bean label makes me drool just a little
  11. NuTrix

    Pixie Dust

    I got a sample of this just because I like lilac and thought, "let's try it..." This turned out to be such a light and lovely floral that I was completely blindsided by how much I really like it. It's light but not sheer, soft but not invisible and not sharp at all. I REALLY like this. I can't believe HOW MUCH I really like this! The label is precious too. Huh. How 'bout that! PS: I think this would be great boosted with Lace
  12. What a rave review! Most excellent Raspberry rose honey - YUM! This IS fantastic and a FB is a GREAT idea! So relate to the LP, "I smell delicious and everybody looooves me!" It's great to smell scrumptious!
  13. YES!I know right?! Papal Purple? Esther? The Big Easy? All the labels are outstandingly fabulous! So excited for the descriptions!
  14. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    LOL! Don't worry, if you find it grossly aversive, someone will be tickled to take it off your hands....
  15. That's why I threw this in.^^^ I know there are some who feel strongly differently about it than I do and I wouldn't deny their personal experiences.
  16. Smidgens of BI with a bunch of Lace I think I see what you're saying because I think I fit that bill. I've worn the BI solo outside of sexy-sexy time but I found I like it better out and about with a friend (ie - Lace, Topper, OW). I like the BI selfies too! I haven't had any creepy experiences...yet - so I'll leave that open just in case.... in fairness perhaps there's something wrong (or right?) with my chemistry because I've had tremendous success socially with decidedly defined sexual blends. I've just found what works for me and I guess that's part of the fun, figuring out what's what for each of us individually Edited to add: I also seem to have a great tolerance for androstenone, which can be the angry bitchy OD culprit for some
  17. NuTrix

    Summer Belle

    Like desert on a summer picnic! Sitting in the grass with melon juice on your chin and trickling down your arm!
  18. I've been a little sad with this. It's starts out really soft and absolutely gorgeous and then HOURS later (somewhere between 4 and 6?) there's something that gets pointy, or that I'm amping, and I began to get that weird headache by my eye that isn't horrible, but IS distracting. I'll set it aside for a week and come back to it again and see if the same thing happens...
  19. NuTrix

    Summer Belle

    Really? ^^^ I totally get the grass, it threw me off initially because I needed to figure out if I liked it or not because I was so distracted by it. Earth? In a bottle? And grass? It's really unique! Such a pity you didn't get the whole spectrum
  20. Now. I know I advocate a good slather...although that's mainly with perfumes - and because I love to be enveloped in the scents that I adore. I don't concern myself with OD on the "pheromas" because I just haven't had it happen with any of them yet. Of course you can always boost a blend in a perfume by layering with the Un version of the same thing, which I've also done. I don't slather the un pheros like I do the pheromas or perfumes though, and I am constantly getting great hits. Is the question: How do you diffuse while walking about outside, in passing...like on the train, bus, at the store...while you're all bundled up? I've not had trouble with diffusion in the winter (I'm in PA - snowed in right now as a matter of fact!). Indoors my scents and pheros work great and I've gotten hits barely in the door at work and on the sidewalk out side while I'm still bundled up - we're talking gloves, hat, scarves...leather coat to keep the heat in and wind out. I'm mean - winter garb not conducive to diffusion, seriously, at least you would think so. I figure if I can smell the perfume on me before I leave the house, or wafting up from beneath my scarf while I'm driving or in a store, then the pheros are certainly making their way out too. I don't have to be more than a few feet from someone to have them hit...the exception being if you're outside and it's terribly windy...but grocery stores, home depot, train, just stepping into the office building...you name it...hits galore. It may not get 10 feet out while I'm fully bundled, but a few moments in my 3 foot radius and BAM! And if it's and office space and I stay put long enough it stretches beyond that. Back of neck, collarbone, torso and backs of hands seem to be golden for me. I'm also one of the girls who put on my clothes before everything completely dries down and I can smell it on my blouse and bra at the end of the day when they go to laundry - Mmmmm, huffable.....so maybe that's a good trick too?
  21. This one is wearing exactly as it did before. I was thinking maybe it wasn't the loud obvious chocolate scent I thought I was hoping for, instead it's sultry and feminine and wearing close to lure people in. I'm loving the chocolatey nuttiness, and yet it's almost like a skin scent it's so melded and slinky close...Mmmmm....Yup - gonna love up on this bottle....
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