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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    I got the monthly sampler because I knew I needed to try them all, but I went FB on this one and you two are making it sound even more AMAZING than I expected!
  2. Hahaha! That's what I was afraid of....can't try them all at once....but one can always hope...
  3. Oh WOW Ducky! What a shining review! Signature scent? How awesome for you!
  4. Ducky - where are you? And maybe Hearts? Where's da goods?!
  5. SO JEALOUS! You're so lucky!!! Sounds fantastic! (not that that wasn't expected )
  6. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    *swoons* Must run in circles! Must run in circles! Must run in circles!...and stalk mailman....
  7. I have no reference for FA or SJ. I'll just have to wait and see....I loved My Little Pony! Wonder if will evoke any unremembered scent memories for me?
  8. Do tell us more! How chocolately- fudgy-caramely is it? Nutty? Creeeeeamy?.....
  9. Oooo, you make it sound just lovely....hey, hear that? That's my foot thumping!
  10. LOL! I just got my "LPMP has sent you a package" email for Jan - I can't begin to think of Feb yet
  11. I love PM and this one IS very pretty and floral. When I shower at night I reach for it but most of the time I just want to smell, and smell like, foodie deliciousness Now, Allumette on the other hand...GADS!LURRRV! Roll me in that stuff like catnip!
  12. If I would have know/understood that this WAS a beloved re-brew and would FLY off the shelves...I would have totally hoarded more As it is, I'm trying not to blow through it too quickly but I'm still slathering until I get to my back up...then maybe I'll slather less of that one...but I doubt it!
  13. I can't BELIEVE you would think we would think anything else! Why, one must try them all...what if there were an unexpected gem in there?! If you were to say to your self - "Self, these notes just don't seem right for me" - and be completely surprised to be wrong, how tragic would that be!
  14. I don't think if it were an LP scent that I would purchase it But it is odd for them to smell so distinctly un-dog-like.... OC Purple?... What are the notes in that one?
  15. It's a corn chip/tortilla epidemic!!! Nope, grain free here! WHERE IS THAT corn chip smell coming from???!!!
  16. It's an epidemic of corn chip/tortilla goodness! Nope! Grain free - so just WHERE IS THAT corn chip smell coming from???!!!
  17. Ooooh, I can't wait to sample LP White. It's supposed to be light/sheer(?) and by the description would compliment Levitation nicely
  18. Ooo, ditto. I hadn't thought about it like that. I know it's great for work and hubby. I can put my finger on at least 2 (and I'm sure there are dozens I just don't recall just now) where hubby was in a snippy mood and I just "decided" I was feeling pretty darn good and he was going to have to be unhappy all by himself until the pheros effected him. Both times were on a drive where I had applied before leaving the house and he was trapped in the vehicle with me, lol. Kind of a, "I'm feeling pretty darn good, and so will you be in a few minutes, so I'm not even letting your negative attitude effect me right now!" Now, tell me that phero doesn't come in handy!?
  19. NuTrix

    Decadent Diva

    I didn't flip the FB switch, but I am anxiously awaiting the sample and hoping the same!
  20. That's why I got the FB of Un ! Flying Potion is so lovely smelling and it's the first time I tried the phero blend (didn't get the scented Levitation when it came out). I like it a lot - I was kind of hoping I wouldn't cuz I just LOVE so much...LP is SO good at what they do! It's definitely different than OW by itself. Crazy how one little addition or subtraction can change it into something brand new - cool So how are you all using it most days? I like it for work and weekends with hubby - anything that can boost his mood is golden for me! I noticed it makes my family (mom/in-laws) actually coo over me...my hair, my eyes, my clothes... Definitely that DHEAS "sparkle".
  21. BI with Lace! New found favorite! (for me at least, lol) Way awesome social! Please try and post findings Hmm, I hadn't thought about it like that. I think as often as I wear them for my pleasure I tend to consider my day and possible situations and how I want to influence other people - if possible. I pick my pheros for their influence on others (I don't get strong selfies with most of them). Will they lighten people's moods? Chill them? Seduce them? Reign in an otherwise domineering personality? I LOVE laughter and spreading happiness and I think I often choose and plot to create an atmosphere as conducive to those things as possible
  22. Too true! And the time has just flown! I know it's gotta be all the fun! Well, when it's all you have... Let's get diz PAHRTAY STARTED!
  23. LOL, it took me a year to give Dom a fair shot so no wimp worries I've been working on warming up to SWS. It is good for work or hanging with overbearing family members ^_~ Now that you mention it, Maybe I should try it out at work today again....I need to use up that Money Potion sample from Nov... The Leather reaction from your co-workers sounds familiar Hahaha! "Is she mad today? Should we talk to her or just leave her alone? There's something different...but she seems ok..." It's become a favorite in my phero rotation now and people are more used to the signature when I wear it. Maybe that's something to think about? It may not be our "normal" signature for the people who know us, but they can apparently become accustomed to us emanating it if they are exposed to us wearing it enough times???Hmm.... Motivating...I find a little androstenone in a blend will energize me. Sexpionage and Dominance do and Audacious did too... Mmmm...SS4W! I remember having such a hard time finding my sweet spot with that when I first started using pheros...now I can't imagine being w/o it!
  24. Hehe...It used to bug me - the incense/candle comment - because the phrase always made me think of that awful potpourri my mom used. But NONE of the LP fragrances smell anything like that And, if given the opportunity to elaborate, people have responded positively in their meaning of the interpretation. Now when someone asks that question, I pipe up - "Me, I think! Here have a smell..." and offer my wrist. No one has crinkled their nose...yet. It's usually followed by "Mmmm" or "WOW, that smells really good!"
  25. LFM is one of my favorites! Hope it works its magic for you too PM is up there too...in top 5 easy!
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