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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. You gals made me want to wear this today! I was testing out Strawberry Cream Cake and the atmosphere at work was going to scream for ne to take TMI for a spin...I added a smidge of Un CB too. Well! I got lots of delicious tidbits from lots of different departments and lots of attention! I'm know b-nol is great for getting inside info and the extra affection...I'm sure the Est in CB was getting me some softer lovey-dovies from coworkers - men AND women - which is always SO cool Of the times I've worn TMI solo I've never had negativity directed toward me, I have had people confide in me to a point where I've asked myself, "Why on earth are they telling me this?!" Only to remember - oops - TMI
  2. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    This one stayed true to that deep maple, sugary amber. The lemon brightens it but I never thought it was tart or sour in any way - but the TRULY awesome thing was that in the a.m. I could still smell it faintly...and it still rolled my eyes back!
  3. This morning when I crawled out of bed, at an unreasonable 4am, I could smell the sweet lovely left over of Aja! Man I love that stuff! Now I need to give this a go for the DAY so I can really see what it does over all the hours I missed sleeping
  4. I have Un Lumina is 60/40 spray and I get zero cops smell from it. I think it's like Stone Cougar in that area of having so small an amount as not to cause you any trouble. At least it hasn't given me any
  5. That's AWESOME! On an occasion when you feel like - "why not?" I have BI in a favorite scent that I wanted to wear more often. I paired BI with Lace to chill out the heat factor and it was received really well! That's just my experience but if you wanted to give it a go sometime.....*whistles and walks away*
  6. Hahaha! I agree! When you read the notes they all look great and YUMMY! Then when you have it out of the bottle and on it's not like anything I've ever smelled - all I know is, if it's man nip - and hubby DOES indeed like it (which IS saying something) - it's as much wearer nip in this case. I loved this one enough to get a back up. I tend to use it with the lovey-dovey stuff when I'm with hubby
  7. Something odd is happening. It's been almost and hour and for about 20 minutes now I've notice it's a soft, sweet, sugary honey BUT if I go in for my normal huffing - getting right against my skin - I get something floral(?) and pointy - too much of a good thing??? I think if I kept huffing it up close the pointiness would give me a headache AND YET from no closer than 6 inches, sweet honey goodness I'm so confused... EDIT: 2 hour mark and the pointy it still there but not as prominent. So odd. I don't think it would giving me a headache were I to continue my normal huffing at this stage either. I'll have to wear it several more times just to see if it was a fluke...
  8. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    Ok! Freshly showered and testing this and Poudre de Bourdons. The maple is right there out of the vial and very up front but at first the lemon is right there with it, very bright. Not sure if I'm reading tart or sour?, just for an instant, but a sugary maple quickly takes center stage and...Mmmm...that amber is adding to the chewiness of the whole thing! This is SOOOOOO good...I can feel my eyes glaze over with every snuffle...
  9. Well. My nose isn't familiar enough with ginger, but I'm thinking it's the note I'm getting that I don't recognize - or maybe the lemon - or my first time smelling the 2 together? (both are listed in Leprechaun Luck but I mainly get honeysuckle floral from that one) I'm definitely reading Aja - not because I really smell it so much as how I'm reacting to it...I cannot STOP huffing my arm, trying to put my head around that "honey but not" something This is actually striking me as a "clean" scent - not soapy or floral like Bonded, X Appeal or Sneaky Clean but definitely bright and floral on me. I think I understand that ever so slightly power note - is that the powdered sugar? This isn't heavy at all. Only just applied 20 minutes ago - can't wait to see what's in store and how it blooms over the next couple hours...
  10. Mmm...I couldn't resist and wore this again today. So many potions to review and yet I 've worn this twice to the exclusion of the others. While yesterday the rose stayed true and prominent, today it's softer and melding with my skin and seems different and yet still the same. The raspberry stayed around longer today than yesterday as well...standing on equal ground with the rose for almost 2 hours! It's almost 12 hours later now since I applied and I KNOW that's Aja I smell but it's so soft and blended so nicely with the rose that it's just delicious - if a floral can be delicious? And of course the BANG! performed as expected too I'll be showering soon and have been dying to try Moon Sugar Candy...but it's a hour between now and the final decision of what to slather next and I have all these wonder choices...
  11. REALLY?! Cool! Off to go check it out! Thanks for sharing that - it never would have crossed my mind to see a 1/6 oz as an option
  12. Can't help with the True Confessions comparison The closest I've come to that is wearing BLAM! (LAM! + BAM! hehe) But THAT is still a favorite combo. You are all making me want to try that Caramel Musk. I have the TMI unscented and it DOES bring out he "chat" in people hahaha! It's never been anyone spilling a crazy amount of info yet but EVERYONE wants to talk with me when I wear it, meaning not just a quick hi or bye...it's a conversation. I actually DON'T wear this one to work b/c it can slow me down from getting things done, but on a day where things are more relaxed it's been great
  13. Even MORE DHEAS? J/K I love Topper too for the same reason. Levitation on my pulse points and a little extra somethin' somethin' sprayed on my blouse or scarf or hair....
  14. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    *whimpers with anticipation!*
  15. I'm SO glad this is permanent! This way I'll still have this first love even after AA is all gone...But they are both lovely in very different ways...it's magick me thinks...
  16. NuTrix


    That's SO weird! But at least it's NOT one more odd thing about me!
  17. I'm going to have to get on board with halo... It started with a burst of raspberry that flew quickly away within 10-15 minutes or so. I had a moment early on within the first half hour where I thought the rose might amp on me, but it never did. It wound up being very soft and pretty. I think I noticed it was different after an hour - it may have been sooner but that's when I first realized I could pick up that "something" else that Aja has consistently lent whenever I've layered it. At first I wasn't sure what I thought about the combo - I believe I was overthinking it because I was trying too hard to pin down the Aja The rose stayed soft but true and I think the Aja and buttercream added just enough sweetness without taking away from the rose being the star. I think it is VERY well blended and it's another rose scent I can wear - so YAY! OH! PS! I put this on ar 4:30 am and it's8pm and I can STILL smell it's sugary honey...Aja I'd wager. NICE!
  18. NuTrix


    Hehe...it's the almond I think. I don't know why, but scents with almond seem to smell - or at least remind me of - like cherry to me I have a scented oil for the house that is almond flavored (says almond on the front and nothing else...) and I read cherry every time. It must be me - wouldn't be the first odd thing about me
  19. Mine used to be shoes and scarves until LP came along Now it's pretty much - "Hmm. lets see, I'll wait for the NRs and then see if I still need x or y...." And if something unexpected comes up it's usually "Uh-oh, guess it's just a couple things and the sampler next month..." But then I'm never able to quite restrain myself when "next month" comes along hehe... This month was awesome for foodie scent-a-holics and I nearly got half the line up FB right out of the gate. If LP White is still available, it'll be on next month's list...but that's beginning to look like slim pickins...
  20. I don't know! Can you believe it?! Hmm...St Patty's theme....? *rustle*
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