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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Drooling for the new release with this one - going to be SOOOOOOO YUM! Hmm. I've not yet worn it w/o first layering it, but by the time the fragrance of the perfume fades it smells lovely and sweet-like...I sure HOPE that's what others smell too! Edited for truly atrocious spelling lol
  2. YAY! We will soon have a new scent with BANG! in it! *swoons at the thought*
  3. Alas, my darling Katerina is sold out BUT the new releases are AWESOME and I have drowned my sorrows in the new delectable delights! Had to have the sampler for sure but went for FBs of: Sugared Moon Candy, Poudre de Bourdons, Raspberry Rose Confite, Strawberry Cream Cake & The Trouble with Truffles I've been going so crazy for resin scents of late that I was a smidge away from a FB of Decadent Diva. I'm waiting on the sample and only hope that ,should I love it, there will be some left for my next order! HUGE thanks to Molls! - while Blue Corn Girl didn't make FB, Raven Moon did! Ordered bunch of samples: Soul Food, Sugared Frankincense and Myrrh, Sinful Indulgences, Festival of Lights, Spell 2013 Sweet Dreams & Comfort Potion & Spell 2013 Love Immortal If anyone has any of the above mentioned samples I would love to hear your thoughts! I don't know about the rest of you - but I FINALLY feel SO relieved to be able to order...I've never wanted to give my money away so badly!
  4. OMG!OMG! I BLINKED! I BLINKED! And here they are! FATABULOUS! LP White?!!!! Moon Sugar Candy?! Raspberry Rose Confite?! Strawberry Cream Cake?! The Trouble With Truffles?! *Scrambles to go order goodies*
  5. Wore this today and GEEZE I just love this scent...hubby acts like VELCRO when I wear it...of course I always slip on an extra bit of UnGotcha! to boost, but this scent LASTS and LASTS. I applied 12 hours ago, no re-app since, and this STILL smells terrific! Swimming in my own aroma therapy here right now...
  6. Hehehe...too true I've managed to buffer it but it was still high energy (MRF/CP, Topper/CP, Lace/CP...) It IS a big ol' cop bomb so I've never managed to quite make it "softer".
  7. I'm glad I sprung for it unsniffed too. It was such a surprise love. Really a great scent...I would buy it for that alone, it's so yummy!
  8. So far I still have plenty of JD but, no, I didn't even think about trying to recreate it...you will have to post if you experiment with it! LOL I thought (at least in comparison to JD) SLF was quite light and powdery (so long as I didn't apply too heavily, lol) and anyone who isn't big on the floral aspect of JD, SLF doesn't have the orchid. It just happens to be one flower my chemistry likes. SLF is CERTAINLY an attention getter - but I never got a negative from it
  9. Ditto! I get no vinegar. I don't exactly get honey either but rather something sweet and honey-like that I can't pin down. It DOES last/stick forEVER so if it doesn't work for someone's chemistry I supposed it be quite the handful
  10. Thanks for the tips Irish but I'm afraid I've already re-homed SLF to a place where it is getting more love than it was here with me SLF doesn't have the orchid that JD does - which I LOVE so much about JD - and Dance of Passion is lighter than JD to me, even though it's got some of the same notes, it's missing the ambers an vanilla. I think I'm still one of few who adore JD and that nothing else comes quite close enough. The honeys in SLF and DoP go powdery on me, not in a bad way though. JD is chewy and dripping honey with orchid in the background, it's actually sweet honey and amber with my chemistry - LURV! I think that's when I first found out about civit too... I think it's the civit in SLF that gives it that naughty-naughty vibe
  11. Agreed! I couldn't slather this one, I amped it quite a bit, which makes me sad because I like to put on enough to get that cops effect. I got quite a few compliments on the scent though even at just a touch
  12. LOL. We have one wise frenchie that behaves like a professional tennis ball retriever. She stands back a few feet and waits for opportunity - dashes in, collects the prize and then returns to her position of watchful vigilance. It's hilarious! Now the boxer...well, personal space means nothing to him, unless you remind him that it should HAHAHA!
  13. Wearing a sample of this - Thank you, Molls! At first in the bottle it was too much for my brain to sort out. Then on, in the forefront I was thinking patch and resins? Seemed dark, spicy, woody and something underneath that seemed...fruity? So I waited, because trying to get my brain to understand what my nose was smelling was going to make my head explode Well! About 30-40 minutes in the spicy woody resins begin to share time with the cinnamon, vanillas and other sweet things...I did get the maple too...but there's A LOT going on. I was very happy with the turn to the foodie direction without actually being entirely foodie. I DO get that there is a note in here that reminds me of something in S&V without being alike in overall scent, but there is something familiar. Maybe a similar resin or amber? If there are still bottles when the NRs are released, I will have to claim one in my order!
  14. This review is courtesy of Molls' generosity - thank you so much for this yummy sample! First out this was sugary sweet but it quickly (10 mins?) changed to buttery, salted popcorn forward on a fluffy sweet bed of vanilla sugar. It reminds me a bit of Kettle Corn brand popcorn - I think...I haven't had it in quite some time now but I'm thinking salty sweet. Everything even's out about a half hour into wear and it became, to my nose, kind of a sweet cream buttery popcorn...prominent on the sweet & creamy on a bed of fresh popped buttery corn. I REALLY love that butter note A LOT. I'm fascinated by it I think for me I would rather smell this filling the house than to smell like this. TOTALLY a comfort scent I almost think I smell chocolate but I don't know if it's in my head or not...it isn't a chocolate like, say, Luv Truffle or Velvet Kisses. It's blended with everything so well, maybe I'm just picking it up as "sweet". It's one of those where I think I smell it but then when I huff the application area it's not there...elusive...very curious. I may have to go pop some corn...and then drown it in butter!
  15. OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH! ICAN'TBREATH!ICAN'TBREATH! TOOOOOOOFUNNY!!! * wipes tears from eyes, holds tummy due to side stitches* I even shared that with my hubby - this man doesn't belly laugh at much - but THIS did him in - hilarious!!! FANFREAKINGTASTIC! Oh yeah and.the reason I came here.. *rustle rustle*
  16. Me too It's very pretty, but I would NEVER be able to wear enough to get phero effects because it gets so loud on me...little dabs? Gorgeous...like a smidge at my belly button and dab split between wrists YES! Like CB + B-nol! This phero combo is great! I think it's really well balanced and don't think you'll have the b-nol melt down. I know this one is "supposed" to be a sexual blend - and it can work that way at home with hubby - but it's behaved well socially for me and I've had great reactions at work with it. People, men and women, are helpful & attentive & really focus on me when I'm speaking with them and carry through with instructions. Not just nodding along and then going off to do whatever. Like they really want to do well by/for you. Thumbs up!
  17. YAY! BANG! is my favorite and yet I don't wear it as often as I would like...I would never wan to become immune! But I LOVE this one! I think Est and I must be VERY compatible. LAM! & BAM! atr great, but Lace and CB? BOOM! Dom actually worked better for me than I expected but then Leather? WHAMMO! SS4W? ROCKS - of course - BANG!? OHYEAHBABY! Has anyone else noticed this with themselves and Est? I always figured I was LOUD and larry sooooo I figured great socials would be a hit for me - and they are - but apparently Est kicks up that perceived larry side of me and I feel like I've got SEX KITTEN stamped on my forehead! LOVE IT!
  18. ^^^HAHAHA! Darbla...it's possible that he wasn't grossed out at all....you may have been overly nervous and read into something that wasn't there...you can only know by trialing it again.... Though 2 common negative reactions to cops are nervousness and irritation from guys who aren't sure how to handle their testosterone boosts From LP, I've not had anyone be grossed out by a fragranced cop blend because of cop smell. Come to think of it, it's always been the opposite with guys. I get compliments on my cop'd perfumes. You should try again....you know...for posterity, to see if you get the same reaction more than once. It's the only way to know for sure if you can really blame the cops. And think if you may be wrong and how you could be missing great opportunities! I sound like a pusher but I like to think of it as that I'm an enthusiast trying to help others be enthusiastic too!
  19. Me too! I'm not sure what or how it happened, but I'm glad it's part of the permanent line because I totally SLATHER this now
  20. I will have to cherish what's left of my bottle, didn't get the chance to back it up But now that $25 for the NEW surprises and "special one" coming! I thought of BBM right away because you had said you wanted something vanilla and lightly spiced - cops included, it would still be a winner imho, lol. It's not spiced, but the coconut gives it a little something "extra" and you really - or I should say - my nose - cannot detect the cops at all. And since we gals are loaded on cops naturally I never worry about adding more...though I may be in denial because, well, I just wear them everyday anyway...
  21. Hahaha! That's how I'm figuring too...I'm holing out for Jan/(Feb combo?)NRs. I visit in the am and before bed, lol, but that's only because I haven't got the time to check form work HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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