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Sensitive to pheros all of a sudden

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I noticed something odd when I first tried G2 last week.

I was going to hang out with one of my lady friends, so I wanted to try G2. I applied about 5 drops of unscented oil and covered with LP Pink. I noticed that all of a sudden, the back of my throat started feeling scratchy, raw, like sore throat, but not the exact feeling of sore throat. I immediately thought I ODed on G2, but there were no other signals of OD... As the evening went on and the phero kept diffusing, so did the sore throat feeling. So, I blamed it on the G2 blend.


I wore Pherodise with Lumina Saturday, Cougar (scented) Sunday and after I showered I applied Dom Noire. The issue did not repeat itself (since they were scented blends, they were lower concentration). I showered again before bed to avoid giving the wrong signal in the office today due to cops.


This morning I applied my usual work go-to blend: unscented SWS, covered by Carol's Black Leather White Lace. I used 4 sprays, as I have been using 3-4 lately. The same thing happened, the sore throat feeling appeared again. It went away in the early afternoon... I refreshed with a spray of scented SWS (so only 33% concentration) and here I am, sore throat feeling again.


I am a little thrown off as to why this would have happened all of a sudden. I usually take 2 days break from pheros every week, and I take my stress complex B vitamins every day. I have not noticed any other obvious self effects to point out that I am burning out my neuro transmitters, plus the blends seem to work great in terms of their intent. The SWS worked like a charm today, as it usually does - gave me confidence, focus and respect from those around me. I am starting to feel a little tired, but it's the end of the work day and I have been staring at the computer for over 8 hours now. This usually happens regardless if I wear pheros or not.


Has anyone else experienced this before?



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Nothing like that. A heavy does of 'none can make me feel somewhere between aggressive to irritable, but nothing like this.

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I am a member of another board and there have been some posters there that have stated that they have had physical symptoms when using pheros. It may be one ingredient in the blend. They key would be to isolate which mone it is.

Edited by Honeycake
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I noticed something odd when I first tried G2 last week.

I was going to hang out with one of my lady friends, so I wanted to try G2. I applied about 5 drops of unscented oil and covered with LP Pink. I noticed that all of a sudden, the back of my throat started feeling scratchy, raw, like sore throat, but not the exact feeling of sore throat. I immediately thought I ODed on G2, but there were no other signals of OD... As the evening went on and the phero kept diffusing, so did the sore throat feeling. So, I blamed it on the G2 blend.


I wore Pherodise with Lumina Saturday, Cougar (scented) Sunday and after I showered I applied Dom Noire. The issue did not repeat itself (since they were scented blends, they were lower concentration). I showered again before bed to avoid giving the wrong signal in the office today due to cops.


This morning I applied my usual work go-to blend: unscented SWS, covered by Carol's Black Leather White Lace. I used 4 sprays, as I have been using 3-4 lately. The same thing happened, the sore throat feeling appeared again. It went away in the early afternoon... I refreshed with a spray of scented SWS (so only 33% concentration) and here I am, sore throat feeling again.


I am a little thrown off as to why this would have happened all of a sudden. I usually take 2 days break from pheros every week, and I take my stress complex B vitamins every day. I have not noticed any other obvious self effects to point out that I am burning out my neuro transmitters, plus the blends seem to work great in terms of their intent. The SWS worked like a charm today, as it usually does - gave me confidence, focus and respect from those around me. I am starting to feel a little tired, but it's the end of the work day and I have been staring at the computer for over 8 hours now. This usually happens regardless if I wear pheros or not.


Has anyone else experienced this before?



Not exactly like that, and I use all those pheros, some often.

My thought is that it doesn't sound like an OD. More like you might have a touch of something (cold, flu). What you describe is a similar feeling I have had when I wore pheros when I was under the weather, sick or just run down, the addition of the most innocent of Pheros (not cops btw) can make you feel "off" or physically ill. This can happen when I'm sick, on my period, or just before, or I'm just plain tired or stressed.

I always have a few phero free days, sounds like you might need that IMO.

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Not exactly like that, and I use all those pheros, some often.

My thought is that it doesn't sound like an OD. More like you might have a touch of something (cold, flu). What you describe is a similar feeling I have had when I wore pheros when I was under the weather, sick or just run down, the addition of the most innocent of Pheros (not cops btw) can make you feel "off" or physically ill. This can happen when I'm sick, on my period, or just before, or I'm just plain tired or stressed.

I always have a few phero free days, sounds like you might need that IMO.


Ah, that makes sense. Pheros are taxing my nervous system even more. I've been pretty over worked and not getting enough sleep, so that might be it. Today I'm wearing SWS again, but only 3 sprays, and I don't feel the sore throat as much.

I have to fly tomorrow and Thursday, so I have to be even more careful with staying healthy, yet pheros are so helpful at the airport!

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I am not commenting here claiming to be an expert on female pheromones, reactions, etc. I have just been on this and other pheromone boards and have read a lot ...


I am a member of another board and there have been some posters there that have stated that they have had physical symptoms when using pheros. It may be one ingredient in the blend. They key would be to isolate which mone it is.


Several members here react to or have reacted to specific pheromones in a mix.


Could it be hormonal?


That has happened to several members on and off also. Some seem maybe more prone to this than others.


My thought is that it doesn't sound like an OD. More like you might have a touch of something (cold, flu). What you describe is a similar feeling I have had when I wore pheros when I was under the weather, sick or just run down, the addition of the most innocent of Pheros (not cops btw) can make you feel "off" or physically ill. This can happen when I'm sick, on my period, or just before, or I'm just plain tired or stressed.
I always have a few phero free days, sounds like you might need that IMO.


This has happened to me maybe once or twice. it was hard to tell if it was the pheros or the fact that when I get sick, I get sick. So it was hard to tell which was which.


And many people report that phero free days help them immensely. That does not seem to make a big difference for me although I do maybe take a day or two off from using pheros each week - but because I do not see an opportunity to use them.



I have to fly tomorrow and Thursday, so I have to be even more careful with staying healthy, yet pheros are so helpful at the airport!


Yes they can! :)

Edited by quietguy
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Yeah, I was going to say, it seems like you're using a lot. Like, I usually use 1-2 sprays max of the unscented sprays & I've been using LP pheromones since '09.

Edited by Beccah
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Interesting, thank you for your input. When I first tried UN SWS I used 3 sprays and I definitely OD-ed. I was irritable.

Then I went to 1.5. Eventually to 2 sprays, now I'm at 3. I don't feel any issues usually. On the contrary.


How about the dropper bottles? 5 drops - too much?

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Eh. I'd say that if you've been using that amount without any problem before, then it's probably something else. Allergies? We have all sorts of crap blossoming around here..

You were a good reader when you first started around here. I'm sure you experimented with different strengths before you found your sweet spot.


With my little trial droppers, I've used 3-4 drops.

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How about the dropper bottles? 5 drops - too much?

I use about 5 drops on the small dropper bottles, & I'm usually judicious about pheromone usage. Yes, everyone is different. My only thoughts on the alcohol blends is that maybe too much carrier is irritating your throat, but you've got the same problem in the oil blends.

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I use about 5 drops on the small dropper bottles, & I'm usually judicious about pheromone usage. Yes, everyone is different. My only thoughts on the alcohol blends is that maybe too much carrier is irritating your throat, but you've got the same problem in the oil blends.

Yes, I only have the trial Pheromas dropper bottles.

What are the carriers?...

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Yes, I only have the trial Pheromas dropper bottles.

What are the carriers?...

DPG is the carrier for the dropper bottles. I can't see that being the cause if you're ok with the non-phero LPs (in the same base).

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QG "And many people report that phero free days help them immensely. That does not seem to make a big difference for me although I do maybe take a day or two off from using pheros each week - but because I do not see an opportunity to use them. "


Phero free days really help me. Three days in a row with Pheros used to be my limit. It still is with a couple of blends. but I've built a bit of a tolerance now and in many cases I could go 4 days w/o a problem (in normal circumstances). Though my inclination is to skip a couple of days esp if I do 3 in a row.., I make the conscious decision.

I'll sometimes just not "feel it", I just won't want to wear any phero. Somewhat similar to when you have a favorite food but just loose your appetite, I physically just don't want it.


Although I have noted that with some of the simpler blends like scented CB or LAM I don't have a problem with these but with the large amount of cops those blends are not always an option for me.


... and DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! :)

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