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Hello ladies,


how would you describe the difference (effect wise) between BANG and Gotcha? Which one is more sexual? I know that BANG has more cops. But is it more sexual just because of it?

And does Gotcha work well on females better than BANG (like making new female friends, etc)?


I am thinking...if I go out and I am not knowing what kind of people will I end up with (if mostly men or women), is Gotcha better? And if I know there will be mostly men, I would wear BANG?


Honestly, these seem to me very similar, so I would like to know your experience with them. thanks.

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Not to be rude, but you know, the easiest way to find what you want to know is to go up to the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page. You will find reviews on both blends, and you can compare the reviews.

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Not to be rude, but you know, the easiest way to find what you want to know is to go up to the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page. You will find reviews on both blends, and you can compare the reviews.

Yea, I definitely recomend perusing the review threads. Something may pop out at you. There is commentary on the Gotcha thread about how it works as a social, in regard to your question above. Yes, it can work there for you.


But a brief note IMO They are very different.


More sexual, I think Bang is more blatantly sexual. Think SS4W + Cuddle Bunny. Lots of cops.


Gotcha is sexy too. But, in a very sort of simmering, languid, bonding kind of way.

Edited by StacyK
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Bang is sexual sexy while Gotcha is intriguing social although i have to admit that i have only experimented Gotcha in Fuzzy Wuzzy. Its even got my ex-bitchy boss interested in listening to me. I dont know if this makes sense to you.

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Yep, I read all the reviews on both of them (all 10 pages on BANG and 9 on Gotcha). I don't believe I found the comparison of those two, so I wanted to ask specifically. (I always do my research first and only if I don't find my answers or am not sure, I ask here). I tried both (but only couple of times so far), and my experience were somewhat similar (girls very chatty and gave me compliments, guys were into me), so that's why I asked about your experience.


By know, I think I read almost the entire forum :) But I cannot find half of my search quests, since many of the names are 3 letters only (LAM, BAM, LFN, LFM, ..)...How do you do it?

Edited by Blanche
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Oh, thanks, cutie pie :) I meant it a little bit differently. I know these threads (because I was browsing in the general pheromone review area and stumbled upon them. But I wouldn't know how to look for them).


But what I meant was, if want to for instance search something like "bam vs. lam" (to find out if someone compares these in a certain thread) I wouldn't know how to do it, because the search engine takes only word of 4 letters and more.


e.g. if I look for "mix lfm and gotcha", the only result from this query will be "gotcha" because the other words are too short.

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Guest cutie.pie

Oh, sorry sweetie, I misunderstood you.


Well, when I was a newbie I checked the thread reviews and wrote notes in my notebook. Not only for the pheros, but also for the scents that are phero'd.


You can also check the entire subforum to see if there are similar threads that you want: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showforum=79


And then, the best possible way IMO, is to try all the pheros you want and you'll see what works for you and what doesn't. For example, reviews for SS4W are amazing so I bought it UN and in spray and sadly it didn't do anything for me. And OW, I don't remember reading that it helps your confidence, but to me that phero is the best confidence booster ever!

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If anything, BANG! and Super Sexy for Women are similar because one is a variant of the other.


And does Gotcha work well on females better than BANG (like making new female friends, etc)?

I wouldn't use Gotcha! around females at all, that's not what it is for. The description is very clear as to its specific purpose:



Open Windows, Heart & Soul, Treasured Hearts, and Girl/Girl would be far better for that objective.

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