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Suggested options (scented and unscented) for rekindling the spark?

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Hello, all! I have been doing a fair bit of reading and shopping and I am a little overwhelmed, though not in a bad way, by both the scent options and the pheromone blends. So any suggestions would be appreciated. I am in a long term F/F relationship and some distance has grown between us, such that I think she has kind of friendzoned me. I am hoping to reset things a bit and reintroduce the romance, but I feel like she needs some help to see me that way again. I am working on myself - the physical as well as the emotional and creative aspects of myself - but I wonder if there might be a way to help via some magicks of some sort?


I have tried a couple of other brands, initially intimidated by the scent options here, but I am finding a lot interesting in the options here. I do think Treasured Hearts might have softened her a little. For self effects, as well as a wonderful scent, I like the Flying Potion with Levitation. I am wondering about other phero blends, either alone or in combinations, that might move things along. Read good things about PM, H&S, Gotcha... also LFM. I think it makes sense to move slowly - emphasizing the emotional bond and romance rather than getting into anything particularly sexual right away. Also - if there are particular scents with or without pheros, I am open to any suggestions.

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Thanks, that's wonderful! I got a sample of PM in the 02.20 blend, but had been thinking about getting the unscented to use with something a little lighter. As best I can guess with the limited sampling I've tried so far, I think I will skew toward light scents, with fruit, florals, and maybe some of the baking spices. The heavier, muskier, smoky scents tend to be a little much for me - maybe surprising as I am not a particularly petite or delicate physical presence.


I do think Girl/Girl is potentially useful; I have a FB of Bosom Bows with it as well as a pherotine of the G/G. I will definitely keep that one in the rotation. Based on the descriptions, I did think that Gotcha and PM were the next good options and they were the first ones I put in my cart, then I got distracted by the selfies reported with LFM as well as the discussion of H&S. I might just narrow it back down based on these suggestions... and then probably put the next-tier options in my cart for the next buy!



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I meant to say hello last week when you introduced yourself, and didn't get back to it in a timely fashion. I have to put in my vote for general giddy sparks with Gotcha, works for me every time. My man wears many LP's too, and most of the blends with PM in them are worn by him. I saw you mentioned you use a green tea soap, my man, right next to me, just put on some Sugared Green Tea. There are so many good perfumes here, and you know you don't want heavy smoky stuff, that's good! You need to narrow it down somehow. Also, everyone responds differently to different pheros, and some don't respond to certain ones at all. My man says that he's most likely to get me in bed with SWS, and some of the super heavy male sex blends do not do what they're supposed to do to me at all. You just need to experiment. But do not mix phero blends! You will confuse yourself to the high heavens. A ton of thought and research and tweaking went into all these blends, just play with one phero at a time. Eventually you might add something, like some cops or DHEAS, but just work with the tried and true for now. It takes a long time to work out all the subtleties. For me, for instance, I know that 3 drops from a small pherotine bottle of DHEAS puts me in a great mood, and 5 drops makes me feel nervous and disorganized. 


One scent/phero combo that I thought of that might be nice for you is Tortuga w/True Confessions. I wouldn't jump in with straight TC in phero, you know that the strength in the unscented pheros is 3X what it is in the perfumes? Please believe me that less is more! Try a sample of Tortuga and have it on points where your wife will be more exposed to it. 


I am curious as to how the CB will work for the two of you. Is your wife protective of you? The EST in in brings out several kinds of strong responses in men, but two that are the most pronounced are 1) pampering and protecting (more common), and the unwanted 2) irritation/ pulling away. And of course, some guys aren't affected at all. Straight women generally bond with it, but I'd like to hear how it works for you. Of course, Girl/Girl has EST, too, but my experience with that one is that it's more for social bonding and the CB gets more of a reaction. You might want to try the Velvet Kisses with CB.


As far as rekindling goes, what drew you together in the beginning and which part do you want back? Were you the one who was pursued? Because then LFM or LFN would be a good choice. If it was all instant giggles and mutual butterflies, Gotcha for sure. Up all night talks, TC or H&S. But for more sex, like right away, I'd say Compromising Positions with Sexpionage would be a good choice for scent, phero and intent. For myself, I keep an extra bottle of Honeyed Love Potion w/ Gotcha! in the bathroom so I don't have to ever think too hard about making sex happen. If i'm reaching for it, it's prob going to happen anyway, but it means I don't have to extend any effort. Compromising Positions is similar in that I know what will happen, except then there will probably be "work" involved because now it's suddenly an "event," and the sleeping part might get put off a little longer. If you really need a full 8 hours sleep, make sure you get your sexy pheros on early. Since you say you want to ease back into things, I can't recommend anything more highly than Gotcha. Get yourself a bottle of the Honeyed Love Potion w/ Gotcha! 2.0. It's the perfect storm of scent and phero, for us. 


Whatever you choose, welcome and keep us posted!

Edited by Eastwood22
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Eastwood, that is such an amazing response, thank you! Given that we started as long distance, I would definitely say it was the up all night talks in the beginning. There was mutual interest, but she was more the pursuer at least early on. Our dynamic is actually more that I am the protector and caretaker and reliable sort, while she is more the dreamer. Though in terms of personality, I am more of a daydreamer; it’s just that my need for security has superseded that so I focus on doing what needs to be done first and foremost.


So lots of background that may or may not help, but it seems like H&S has some merit. And I appreciate the advice to stick with one blend, maybe adding cops or a single molecule once I know what the blend offers. There’s a lot to learn here, and honestly I’m as excited about what both the scents and the pheros can do for me as I am about how they might affect her or us.

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One other thing that might help guide this discussion - she went through a stage of new hairdo and new fragrance a year or two ago, and I believe that what she settled on was YSL L’Homme. Now, obviously she picked it because she likes it on herself. But on some level, those are also the kinds of scents that appeal to her. So given that I am still trying to find what I like, why not skew my testing toward things she also finds appealing? So far I skew a little more toward sweeter scents than to woodsy ones, but citrus and spice seems to be a place of common ground, if that is at all helpful.

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@WLWphero I looked up the notes on the YSL, I think the closest vibe in LP’s might be Force du Poivre, which is definitely masculine, but I have no idea. I don’t know many commercial fragrances and I’m not able to “picture” scents. I think you might just want to get all of the upcoming samples and try them together? My man and I enjoy playing with them together. If not, just think about what you enjoy and what makes you feel good and I think that will get you where you want to go. It’s good to get all the trials, because even if you think you know which ones will work, you never know until they’re on your skin. 

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I have a bunch of the existing samples in my cart, and a couple of FB that seem like a good fit for me. But I am intrigued by almost all of the new ones. Will probably skip the ones with heavily sexual phero blends at this point (though maybe not, if the scent seems like a great fit) as well as anything that seems to skew heavily floral or smoky. But there were at least 6-8 that seem promising. Can’t wait to read the descriptions!


I am new enough to experimenting with perfume that I struggle to find good comparisons, and while I like that scent on her and for her, it doesn’t necessarily say much about what she (or I) will like on me. Still, it’s a great starting point and I will look up the Force du Poivre to read its description. So far I feel like lighter, slightly floral and sweet scents work nicely (jasmine, vanilla, marshmallow, for example) but I am looking to keep it fairly light. Though I admit that the purposes of the ingredients steer me a little so that honey, citrus, peach, and similar things also appeal.


Thanks for looking into the YSL... I am a complete novice so appreciate all guidance!

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One other question - in general, I'm not looking to overcomplicate the pheros I'm using. I've shopped a few brands and have several to choose from, but in general I would like to keep it as simple as possible. However, how much interaction/competition is there likely to be when looking at blends that are meant to have completely different effects? The main example I'm thinking of is something like Levitation combined with something like Treasured Hearts or Perfect Match or Gotcha - where one is primarily mood elevating and the other is for bonding. Ideally, I wouldn't want to confuse the issue - I absolutely love Flying Potion, and I feel like the self-effects of Levitation are nice. However, I am also planning to purchase a few unpheroed scents that sound appealing, so I will have cover options for the unscented pheros if that is really preferable. And if it is really preferable to stick with one blend... what would be likely to offer that mood lift alongside some romantic bonding? I feel like LFM is appealing... it seems to have uplifting self-effects, and a status lift might be good for rekindling interest. Other options? Better options?

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You could always layer a-nol with a bonding-type phero mix if you really want the two effects, although Perfect Match does do what you're asking about, potentially.  Or you could get a bottle of Topper, which is meant to combine with other mixes when used as the "finishing spray" so to speak.

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As much as I love LFM, I personally wouldn’t use it for bonding.  It feels a little aloof and untouchable to me, but your chemistry could be different.  

A lot of the bonding pheros already have some mood lifting effects. Adding a bit of something very simple like Luna suggested is a great option too. Everyone has different reactions, so the best way to figure things out is to get some samples and test it for yourself.  😊 Pherotine (when smaller phero samples are on sale) is coming up now is the perfect time! 

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7 hours ago, WLWphero said:

And if it is really preferable to stick with one blend... what would be likely to offer that mood lift alongside some romantic bonding? I feel like LFM is appealing... it seems to have uplifting self-effects, and a status lift might be good for rekindling interest. Other options? Better options?

So, by not mixing, i mean don't use two blends at once, because this is a learning process. Less is more. And remember, a lot of experimenting went into these blends, they're recipes. Just because you like both lasagne and Fettuccine Alfredo, doesn't mean they'll be good stirred together on one plate. Each one is it's own thing, and when you use two complex blends, you can't gauge the results until you really know what each one does on it's own. I would also caution against LFM for bonding, it's more of an "admire but don't touch" awe creating phero. Unless you were super elusive from the gate, it won't get you where you want to go. It sets you apart, as the special one in the room, but I'm understanding that's not the vibe you're trying to create. So, H&S as you thought, or Gotcha which is the best for this kind of thing for me, or PM as others have suggested. As far as layering, 2-3 max additional pherotine drops of DHEAS is very uplifting, for me. 

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Okay, thanks! I think I will move LFM out of the cart for now, though I may want some scents that include it. PM, H&S, and Gotcha seem to be the top choices... I had been thinking about Androstadienone as a stand-alone to possibly add, but Topper or just DHEAS seem like potentially better options.


I admit I am super curious about LFM, but it seems not to be what I am looking for currently. Thanks so much for the thoughts and discussion!

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