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Bubblegum Bettie w/Audacious

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Scent: Cherry bubblegum


CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination.
CURRANT ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood.
BERRY SUGARS ~ Attraction, friendship, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.
CANE SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
BENZOIN ~ Prosperity, astral projection, purification.
ACACIA GUM ARABIC ~ Secret love. Spirituality, purification of evil and negativity.

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This is happiness in a bottle! I am sitting home today sorting through paperwork, getting ready to do our taxes next week, so I decided to put on something upbeat to distract me from the drudgery. 


Bubblegum Bettie is a delicious, cherry-vanilla bubblegum scent that isn't overly sweet. It goes on pretty cherry forward, then melds into a huffable cherry Creamsicle smell. I ordered a full bottle unsniffed and am so happy I did! The Audacious is putting me on a happy mood too. :)

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With my first sniff I was amazed that this smells exactly like a cherry gumball.  I mean, I know Mara is capable of such things, so it was a happy amazement. :w00t:

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I might see if my daughter likes this one, she was obsessed with Sugared Cherries. And she could use a bit of Audacious in her life!



I gave her the trial this morning and told her to try it. Just sniffing it, she said, “mom, this is my new favorite perfume. Can we get a bottle? The spray kind?” I said, “can you at least try it on your skin first?” She’s a funny one.


Shoot, forgot to add, she wanted me to tell ya’ll that “it smells like fairies 💖.” She also told me to use sparkle emojis.

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 2 weeks later...

Like I was saying, at first sniff this is exactly like a cherry gumball.  As it dries down it develops a character somewhere between actual cherry and candied cherry.  I like that quality because the sweetness is more nuanced that way.   Later on it becomes more candied again as the vanilla undertone creeps in.  The final drydown for me is a very soft vanilla.


If you love scents with a cherry note/cherry heart I would definitely recommend this one!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

This smells exactly like cherry bubblegum! It's amazing how Mara can do that. This really captures that gum scent. I find on my wrists, it's more cherry forward, whereas in the crook of my elbow, the currant comes out more. As with gum, the gum base lasts longer than the flavor, so after several hours, it's more of just a sweet, gum scent. Still nice, though. I imagine it would be easy to refresh the "flavor" with Sugared Cherries or Sugared Currant. This really lasts. Even 10 hours later, there was still a sweet, gum scent. I am very glad I got a fb unsniffed. This is such a fun fragrance that really brightens your day!


As for the phero, this matches the bubble-blowing, gum smacking, fun loving carefree attitude of audacious perfectly.

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  • 1 year later...

I’m so glad to see that there’s a rebrew of this, my daughter recently asked me to buy her more and I know I said something about limited editions and how it wasn’t possible. 

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