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Autumn Mist

sultry brunette

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In the bottle: Watery and green indeed. Fresh and lovely.


On, wet: Whoa! Something warm came through, like hay, or autumn squash. Now this one smells like spikes of sunlight on freshly harvested autumn goods, just after a brief shower. That freshly washed, crispe air, with a little warm richness to it. Yummy.


Drydown: Some kind of watery floral comes through, taking this one back to wet. Whatever that burst of warmth was is still there, under the wet. Wow.


Okay, so you stop at a farm stand, to look over the Autumn bounty, (apples, squash, pumpkin,) there's a breath of dry grasses from over the fields, and a light rain starts, but the sun is still shining through. You know, that perfect rainbow kind of weather. That's what this scent is like for me. Delightful.

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  • 5 months later...

Wow, this literally is like misty autumn air while apple or pumpkin-picking! :magicstick: It's like a misty spiced apple/pumpkin if that makes any sense at all, with dleicious spiced fruit balanced nicely with the freshness of newly fallen rain. The sea water and ozone make it refreshing, and the mellow clove very nicely rounds it out. I never knew a refreshing autumn blend ever existed (thinking these things were for spring/summer) but hey, you learn something new every day!

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  • 2 months later...

It feels incongruent with the season and I don't care, it is beautiful in a light, quiet and peaceful way. I expected the spices to make it feel warm/snuggly/cozy but it feels "cool" (temperature) and refreshing instead, must be the ozone? Something about it is making me contemplative and a little daydreamy. Very nice.

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It feels incongruent with the season and I don't care, it is beautiful in a light, quiet and peaceful way.


Incongruent, heh--I wear autumnal scents all year round! I figured if they're a part of my personality, I'm excused. :abfx:


You know, you're right that it's cool but warm and cuddly at the same time, which sounds odd but just really works in this case.

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