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Sugared Apples


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There's no review for this, so here's mine:


On wet, it's pure apple. Sweet, strong, and true. On drydown though, that's where the magic happens. Up close it's still that wonderful apple single note, but when I was wearing it and typing, I kept getting these wafts of candy apples, like you get at a carnival or make at home. I love the way it smells different up close and from a distance. Like pretty miuch all of the sugared scents I 've tried, it lasts without morphing much. Delicious!

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There's no review for this, so here's mine:


On wet, it's pure apple. Sweet, strong, and true. On drydown though, that's where the magic happens. Up close it's still that wonderful apple single note, but when I was wearing it and typing, I kept getting these wafts of candy apples, like you get at a carnival or make at home. I love the way it smells different up close and from a distance. Like pretty miuch all of the sugared scents I 've tried, it lasts without morphing much. Delicious!


Dang it......now you've made me crave a candied apple......a big red sticky one......


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Dang it......now you've made me crave a candied apple......a big red sticky one......



dammit woman!! (actually my fav are the caramel covered w/peanuts...but...six of one...) :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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dammit woman!! (actually my fav are the caramel covered w/peanuts...but...six of one...) :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co


Oh, I love both......but the hard red ones are just too yummy.......

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  • 10 months later...

Now this is a sugared scent I can dig. It starts out with a candy-cornish aroma, but that quickly becomes something appley. When I say appley, I mean there's a fresh-cut apple quality, not a candified one. I start to think about Granny Smiths right then. After a little bit of this, there comes a pretty, lighthanded, apple-tinged scent, and that's where it remains. It keeps its sweetness, but not its strength. That's the only thing I'd change; I'd like it to have way more throw. Other than that, I say check it out if you are inclined. With some layering of vanilla, almond or amber you could really have something here. I proclaim it Bottle-Worthy *stamp* :)

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  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...

LPMP has such a way with apples. I knew I wanted this, but it was before my time. I got hold of a bottle and it is fabulous. It's fresh apples, no candy, cinnamon, whatever. And like Bruiseviolet said, there is an earthy note, which was an absolute surprise, kind of like the dank note in Ectoplasm. I love it. It smells like apples fallen from a tree in a cemetary. Actually, this smells like the Pomme de Poison label looks, lol. The earthiness goes away entirely by about the four hour mark and the apple is much sweeter. I'm still not getting the candy apple scent earlier reviewers did, but then again, my bottle has had over five years to age. Wonderful! Glad I got this!

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I can not believe I have never reviewed this! I have a couple of these bottles stashed away.... they are second choice after Cougar!


When I wear Sugared Apples I always ALWAYS get huffed and "mmm yummy" compliments.


The more I wear SA the more I am noticing that a lot of mean really love and are attracted to the scent of Apples!

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