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Getting Out of the Friendzone with Pheros

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I tried Cougar w/Topper the other day and it was amazing and I was at a grad party and I felt like I was the star of the party, everyone wanted to come and talk to me... This combo really initiates the ability to be more social and gives off a bonding feeling.

This combo is the shizz :)

I opted for trial sizes of Cuddle Bunny and Rocket Fuel. And for fun, I threw in OCCO:Ambrosia. Mara is absolutely lovely and made my day because she still had a Honeyed Love Potion trial size that sold out while I was in the process of checking out. And I think I tossed in another random trial size or two to either experiment with or give out to friends to see if they want to join me on the phero train.


I don't know how long trial sizes last so I'm anticipating aiming for Gotcha as my first full size, but at the same time, I can't quite say yet til I've tried out some more. But I'll definitely let everyone know how everything goes, you've all been so welcoming! :)

Have fun!
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yes, you made great choices... I think you should put Playdate on your list too, if you like clean, green type scents... it's so great for summer, and it's got the Like a Magnet (cops and a-nol) blend in it. You can get a sample, to see if you'd like it too :)


oh, and welcome!

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yes, you made great choices... I think you should put Playdate on your list too, if you like clean, green type scents... it's so great for summer, and it's got the Like a Magnet (cops and a-nol) blend in it. You can get a sample, to see if you'd like it too :)


oh, and welcome!


^^ oh wow! Thats a great suggestion.. duh!

Vexed will love this Green, Lime and a touch of Rosé which I think will really work on her. No one can go wrong with Magnet!


Your current choices are great CB is a fave of mine, very clean, light and powdery with a lift from the Jasmine.


Good luck. :-)

Edited by StacyK
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I just got my samples today! I couldn't fight the curiosity so I took a quick sniff of all of them and I really love the smell of Cuddle Bunny and Playdate already (I'd put the latter in to possibly give away, but now I'm definitely keeping it). My immediate and extreme affinity for Cuddle Bunny has me rethinking whether I was even right to say that I'm anti-florals, lol.


I wound up getting a little of the Rocket Fuel on my hands and now I keep getting distracted and pausing to sniff myself every couple of minutes, haha.


Anyway, I have a major test on Tuesday morning so send some good vibes my way and I'll let you know how things go once I start testing these out! :-D Thank you, all, again for the awesome suggestions/guidance.

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oh yay!! I'm glad you got Playdate! Cuddle Bunny is fab, and the scent lasts forever on me. Of course, Rocket Fuel is just amazing. I'm almost ready for a 2nd bottle of that one!

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everyone has you covered on phero's and stuff, but whenever I hear about someone being put in the friend zone, I think to myself the title of a blog article by Violent Acres who I love a lot: Dating is Competitive Manipulation.


Basically, people want what is wanted by other people. As valuable as you yourself are, you WILL be seen as MORE valuable if you're seen as in demand. So it sounds to me like you need to not be so available to this guy as a friend (heck, if anything that can give you more sleep time and come across as more refreshed and happy) and act like some other guy wants you. Once he sees that someone else wants you (even if he never sees the guy but just hears you talking about him, or sees signs that some guy wants to date you) he will start to see you in a more dating sort of way and then determine if he either wants to move in because he's jealous someone's poaching what he considers "his" territory, or if he's not interested in you and then you yourself can move on.


Here's the blog article:



And don't let the word manipulation put you off. Pretty much everyone manipulates everyone else but it doesn't necessarily mean super-selfish or bitchy. It sounds like you guys were heading towards a good thing and things got derailed, so you're just helping him see you in that previous light again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome VexedGlory!

I am referring to myself as a "recycled newbie" here. I discovered the beautiful potions here and was hooked a few years back or so. I didn't know ANYTHING about pheros back then and am still quite confused and learning about them now. Back then though, i think i thought it was just as simple as "This smells great! It has pheros! This is all that I need!" HAH! Little did I know how complex these things are.

So I came back to learn and to learn it right. The people here are well learned in this arena, are awesomeness incarnate, and have the best advice to offer and are very generous in responding with help. If you're willing to listen and learn, you really can't go wrong. Welcome again and good luck experimenting with your new goodies! ;) And as a bonus.. it really iS a lot of fun here!

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