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Raspberry Rose Confite w/BANG!

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Also to have part of my scent feel familiar to me; I haven't worn RRC often enough to feel it's completely my own yet (that usually happens when I wear a scent several times, in several different settings).

I know exactly what you mean! Can't get comfortable in my skin when I am wearing a scent that isn't me yet...or that won't ever be me.

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I finally tried this one today -- and... I love it! I have a problem with the perfumes disappearing quickly, so this morning I applied some Jergens Shea Butter hand lotion to my wrists, forearms, and neck. After a few minutes, I applied the RRC to my wrists and forearms (2 dots of perfume, total). The scent lasted longer than any of the scents I've tried before -- and smelled so delicious! Very raspberry in the beginning, and then faded to berry-rose and a little later, I could smell the Aja underneath the berry rose.


And that is as sophisticated as my review can be -- I am not a sophisticated sniffer. :) I do have an incredible sense of smell, but usually, I put on a perfume and say, "I smell good. Boys like me now." With the LPs, I say, "I smell DEEE-LICIOUS! Everybody loves me!" lol! I am not immune to the other notes, but I do not identify them as separate from the overall deliciousness of the perfume. In my nose, it all plays together as one -- many instruments in the orchestra contributing to the one beautiful song. :)


Anyway... the BANG! was amazing. About three hours after the initial application to my wrists, I applied RRC to the nape of my neck, my collarbone, and my cleavage and re-applied to my wrists and forearms -- bout 6 dots of perfume in total -- and the first thing I noticed was a self-effect: I experienced a rush of Happy. Physically, I felt a sort of electric current through my nervous system, a tingling along my spine and arms, and then a feeling of being happy and smiling. This was an incredible high for about 10 minutes, then it faded into me being happy and feeling very pretty.


About an hour later, I went to a company BBQ and mingled with a large number of people -- women that normally don't speak too much to me were laughing at my jokes. Not that these women are ever rude, they are not -- we just normally do not mix. But today, they were positively friendly and I was kind of the center of the group at times. Behind us in line was a guy who seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of me. :)


It just seemed that wherever I was, people were very friendly and happy. Men seemed to linger around me (nice!) and want to be close to me and stick around and chat. (My boss gave me a fist-bump....when does that ever happen?)


I hope to buy a full bottle of this one! -- and a big bottle of Jergens, bc that stuff really helped keep the scent on my skin instead of it sinking into my skin and disappearing. I smelled like raspberry rose honey all day!

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What a rave review! Most excellent :hi5: Raspberry rose honey - YUM!


This IS fantastic and a FB is a GREAT idea! :lol:


So relate to the LP, "I smell delicious and everybody looooves me!" :D It's great to smell scrumptious!

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Awesome review!



I finally tried this one today -- and... I love it! I have a problem with the perfumes disappearing quickly, so this morning I applied some Jergens Shea Butter hand lotion to my wrists, forearms, and neck. After a few minutes, I applied the RRC to my wrists and forearms (2 dots of perfume, total). The scent lasted longer than any of the scents I've tried before -- and smelled so delicious! Very raspberry in the beginning, and then faded to berry-rose and a little later, I could smell the Aja underneath the berry rose.


And that is as sophisticated as my review can be -- I am not a sophisticated sniffer. :) I do have an incredible sense of smell, but usually, I put on a perfume and say, "I smell good. Boys like me now." With the LPs, I say, "I smell DEEE-LICIOUS! Everybody loves me!" lol! I am not immune to the other notes, but I do not identify them as separate from the overall deliciousness of the perfume. In my nose, it all plays together as one -- many instruments in the orchestra contributing to the one beautiful song. :)


Anyway... the BANG! was amazing. About three hours after the initial application to my wrists, I applied RRC to the nape of my neck, my collarbone, and my cleavage and re-applied to my wrists and forearms -- bout 6 dots of perfume in total -- and the first thing I noticed was a self-effect: I experienced a rush of Happy. Physically, I felt a sort of electric current through my nervous system, a tingling along my spine and arms, and then a feeling of being happy and smiling. This was an incredible high for about 10 minutes, then it faded into me being happy and feeling very pretty.


About an hour later, I went to a company BBQ and mingled with a large number of people -- women that normally don't speak too much to me were laughing at my jokes. Not that these women are ever rude, they are not -- we just normally do not mix. But today, they were positively friendly and I was kind of the center of the group at times. Behind us in line was a guy who seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of me. :)


It just seemed that wherever I was, people were very friendly and happy. Men seemed to linger around me (nice!) and want to be close to me and stick around and chat. (My boss gave me a fist-bump....when does that ever happen?)


I hope to buy a full bottle of this one! -- and a big bottle of Jergens, bc that stuff really helped keep the scent on my skin instead of it sinking into my skin and disappearing. I smelled like raspberry rose honey all day!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breaking out this baby today for a little umph today - plus it smells fantastic! :heart:

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:) I do have an incredible sense of smell, but usually, I put on a perfume and say, "I smell good. Boys like me now." With the LPs, I say, "I smell DEEE-LICIOUS! Everybody loves me!" lol!


haha, I'm totally picturing Sarah Jessica Parker in Hocus Pocus when she says "I am BEAUTIFUL! Boys will LOVE me!!!

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I wore this today for the first time, and I really like it!


I generally avoid rose perfumes, not because I don't like the fragrance of roses, but because as a perfume they often seem to come off old lady-ish on me. However, this is really fresh and sexy and superbly blended.


Also, I think with this winter of polar vortices, I am craving spring with every fiber of by being, and this smells very clean and springy.

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I wore this today for the first time, and I really like it!


I generally avoid rose perfumes, not because I don't like the fragrance of roses, but because as a perfume they often seem to come off old lady-ish on me. However, this is really fresh and sexy and superbly blended.


Also, I think with this winter of polar vortices, I am craving spring with every fiber of by being, and this smells very clean and springy.


Yes! And REALLY Yes! I love fresh roses but before LP rose made me think of mom....or worse granmom...this makes me think of neither! (sorry mom an' gran! :blushing: )


And - agreed - I am SO "over" this winter season :( Thank goodness for LP!


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This is wonderful on my skin! And it *is* a good reminder of spring! I wasn't sure if it'd work on me, but it DOES!!! YAY!!! Every time I wear it, I looove eeet mooooorrre. The scent itself gives me some zip in my step, and the phero definitely makes me feel like I Am The (Playful) Queen. Heh! The rose is fresh, the raspberry is great with the rose, the other notes add more NOM factor...and I am just completely in love with this one!!!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 2 weeks later...

My trial vial fell into the sink and broke -- Nooooooo! I was able to salvage just enough for one last application, and so I wore it when I went out with a girlfriend for lunch/drinks. And because it was the last of it, I just slathered it on -- which was apparently the sweet spot for me. haha! What I noticed right away is that all men in my vicinity were extremely attentive -- laser focused on me, as a matter of fact. (Sweeet!) The second thing I noticed was how jealous and mean my girlfriend became towards me. She is one of those women who is usually the center of attention wherever there are men, and she did not like this situation one bit! haha! She actively ignored and excluded me as much as she could -- seriously, she half-slid into a booth, parking her butt right on the edge of the seat, so that i was left to stand out in the ailse instead of joining the group of people at the table -- which did not stop one guy from leaning around her to talk to me and another man from completely turning to face me and only me and engaging me in conversation. I could almost see the waves of jealously rolling off of her! She has done this type of thing to me before, but never to this extent.

Just to clarify, we are not really close friends, just work friends who share a lot of lunch hours -- I usually refer to her as my frenemy. I don't take her too seriously bc she is sooo delightfully shallow and self-absorbed. But that afternoon, she was downright rude! lol!

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Well! I'm GLAD that you got all that extra attention! AND in spite of her idiot behavior! I'm sure it was her awful personality coming forward and not the BANG! b/c the only time I've witnessed that type of behavior is from exactly THAT type of person! The devil in me would be sure to wear it around her again - just to ire her :D There's nothing uglier on a person than rude behavior. I'm glad BANG! was a success and I've almost always found slathering to be the way to a sweet spot :lol:

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Well! I'm GLAD that you got all that extra attention! AND in spite of her idiot behavior! I'm sure it was her awful personality coming forward and not the BANG! b/c the only time I've witnessed that type of behavior is from exactly THAT type of person! The devil in me would be sure to wear it around her again - just to ire her :D There's nothing uglier on a person than rude behavior. I'm glad BANG! was a success and I've almost always found slathering to be the way to a sweet spot :lol:


I was chuckling to myself at her behavior the entire time -- she does have a tendency to treat as if I'm there on her charity, so it was kind of sweet to see her sweating it. lol!


As side note, that was the straw that broke this camel's back -- I've not had anything to do with her since. Although, should I hold it against her? I totaly believe she was being influenced to such outrageously poor behavior, not only by her screaming insecurities, but by the Bang! ... and the fact that there were no other women around. The last time I wore Bang! around her, she acted the same way when we were alone, but reined it in when we were joined by others who were not adversely affected by the phero and instead seemed to like me a little bit more that day. :)

Ugh, honestly, i do't care if it is the Bang!'s fault -- being around her was never truly fun and I always wondered why I went to lunch with her. No more!

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Well! Surely you and BANG! will find more worthy company for lunches now!!! ^_~ Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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YOur ex friend 's an asshole; good riddance. And yay bang! for being the catalyst! Self effects, effects on others, AND a diagnostic tool for rooting out false friends ...is there anything it can't do? :D

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Why then, you may never know what will happen when things go BANG! (Ba-dum-ching! - hahaha...that was BAD I know, but I couldn't resist! :lol: )

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  • 3 months later...

I was really afraid of the rose in this, still kinda am but as long as its worn away from my face i can really fare well w.it.


This was very syrupy at first, it was almost unbearable! However once i gave it an hour to do its thing it smelled pretty damn good. It was very bright and floral on me w.a slight tartness to it. The raspberry was overlapping the rose making it lot less pointy and it kinda reminds me of a foody scent, but not-if yknow what i mean?


Ive gotten lots of attention from both ladies(the scent) n gents (pherooo)


I was just a total magnet on the 4th of july, my girlfriends were all huggy and i was totally enmeshed w.them all day, bluh it took a lot to peel everyone off :lol: i just wanted to test the phero out on a dude ive been trying to woo lately and..ahem, made things escalate lot faster than i really expected. Whew! I really understand why its called bang now! It went from winking to BANG in point blank seconds ;)


Definitely a thumbs up on the phero for obvious reasons and a mid hand wiggle for the scent- ymmv, on me it was rough waiting it out to get to the good part

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