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Hi, I am brand new to this.


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Rose B I bet you are right! I've been fine with musky scents in the past but perhaps I'm blaming the wrong scent note! Like Molls said S&V is strong scent so maybe that's a lesson learned in my early days at LPMP. Trial & error probably happens to all newbies, but I would not change a thing having been lucky enough to find this site & all the perks (scents, info & kindred spirits in the forum).


"Thank you Lovestruck! Indeed those babies did grow. That was back in maybe 94 or 95 and sadly, they are no longer with us. They were sweeties though for sure. Both of them were deaf being pure white short haired, that often happens, but they were awesome. Many years and many kitties later, still loving and remembering every single one of them. My heart is covered with paw prints. :) "


How bittersweet Rose B! Made me cry. Me too... I wish those feline familiars could hang around longer, but they seem determined to blow through those 9 lives in 10-15 years or less :( I had 2 Russian Blues that were litter mates and gave me 17 years which I will be forever grateful for. Then 3 more found me, but just 1 remains. Yes, they all leave their mark on our hearts. Now I have 2 big, white longhair (golden) retrievers too. But I love that profile pic of yours... It is timeless. What were their names? I know they had a gift to share with you while they were here!

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I have LP Red with Cops, and Sex & Violins/Dominance, both of which I've been alternating, and I was ready to order Stone Cougar (full size because it sounds awesome) and samples of La Sylphide (w/La Femme Mystere) and Compromising Postions (w/ Sexpionage).


OK. I've added a sample of OCCO: Pink to my cart! :)


Oh SQUEEEEAL! for all of those! I'm so excited for you!


I have some floral and some resin scents that are, well, too much of a good thing... and can give me a brain ache....I wear them under my clothes around my belly button :lol: I know it sounds silly, but it's keeps them from overpowering me with their pungency....but I DO love them. Or just a very barely there dot application...which doesn't always get the phero effect from some of the phero'd fragrances (which is why I have my back ups of unscented phero blends for boosting...^_~) S&V is a strong scent but I love it SO - I use just a dot at the backs of my hands and on my wrists and neck...unless it's just me, then I don't rightly care and slather away :D


You may be sensitive to mones? I wear mine pretty well daily. I app. most times once in the a.m. and maybe again in the p.m. for special occasions - like gno or happy hours after work :) For me, rotating what I wear keeps me from feeling tiredness or overstimulation. I know people have had OD effects (i.e. headaches or nausea) from applying to heavily so maybe for you, less really is more? And it can vary from one blend to another...I tend to be a slatherer though :lol:



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OH and I failed to mention how donsie's post with links was SO helpful (although I still am lost as to how to narrow down my choices vs. objectives!) Thank you for that post... a HUGE timesaver (in searching) for a LPMP newbie like me.

Gee, thanks for saying so! :Emoticons04231:

I'm really glad you found it useful.



Welcome Lovestruck! What a great introduction! YOU are well on your way to an amazing addiction/hobby here at LP!


For your S&V question and to answer QG: it does not have cops in it originally - though I asked or mine boosted with them :) I would be willing to wager - if I were a betting woman - that it is the "animalic musk" that you are referring to. It seems to have a love or hate relationship with people...I go absolutely berserk over it myself...my chemistry agrees with it, but it is NOT, admittedly, my husbands favorite scent, though there are others who love it on me :)


I only WISH I could offer something on your New West, but alas, until I fund LP I was never able to bear commercial perfumes (so sad right?!) so I will leave that one to the more educated ladies who I am sure will help you.


When thinking about your hubby's likes, you could go 2 routes...

1 - get unscented pheromone blends and pair them with perfumes you know he'll like or

2 - find fragrances he likes and boost them by request with the naughty naughty blends


For experimenting with fragrance, you can get samples of any scent for $5 - which is SO awesome! This way you can perhaps find something that gets his foot stomping and boost it with whatever you like.


Quick, for your 1, 2, 3?

1 - shmexay favorites that work on my hubs: anything with Sexopionage, Cuddle Bunny, Sexology and Blatant Invitation

2 - Don't laugh - but the fragranced pheromone perfume called Cougar Potion is hugely social and a real attention getter that smells absolutely FANFREAKINGTASTIC! (you can order one of those $5 samples to check it out...) I have NOT met one man or woman yet who has not LOVED that scent...I'm a fan of the pheromone blend (Stone Cougar) in it too :D

3 - SO love La Femme Mystere! Would def suggest experimenting with that one :)


Hope you love it at LP as much as the rest of us! Happy hunting!


Gotta second how utterly scrummy Cougar Potion smells.


Hi and thank you to everyone (ravenwing, NuTrix and missdarlyncherie!) for trying to guide me on this wonderful and confusing adventure in LPMP! And I apologize if I posted in the wrong place... I'm a novice on the forum stuff too!


Sex & Violins has the addition of DOMINANCE (not sure if that's a phero blend or what) And the ingredients listed are: AMBER ~ ANIMALIC & EXOTIC DARK MUSKS ~PATCHOULI ~WOODS~HONEY~



So all of you were probably spot on with the "musk" guess on whatever that is that just doesn't do it for me (but that's not my objective anyway - can't have your cake and eat it too I guess!) I have no clue how the DOMINANCE factor affects the scent... but it is a SOLD OUT edition so I guess I shouldn't complain!


I have to leave and volley between my two son's TWO different baseball games (part of my testosterone existence), so I can't really dig in to your recommendations until tonight, but THANK YOU so very much. Feel free to suggest anything or add to this (I'd love to understand the DOMINANCE addition better if anyone can clear up that one for me). I have to rely on you all at this green stage I'm in with LPMP.


Nutrix thank you very much for the time and info you put into your reply... I've found that I can't wear commercial perfumes anymore either. I was always picky - they all are over the top in my opinion. Maybe I just prefer more a more natural approach to the whole scent-thing. New West was probably my only favorite in the commercial lines, and that was because they had a whole line of subtle spa-like lotions and such that I usually wore - that weren't nearly as over bearing as the perfume itself. It was also very fresh and green... not overpowering (can't say that about anything I've smelled since, until I stumbled upon the LPMP line). I'm confident I'll find a new signature scent and fav, especially with help from experts like you. Thanks and blessings.♥ LS55


Hmm, it's still so funny to me that perfumes can be so totally different on different people. Sex and Violins just smells like wood on me. I'll have to try it again and search for funk. :)


At the risk of sounding terribly redundant - does La Femme Mystere need a cover scent too? For that matter - do all Pheros need one or do some mix with body chem to establish a base? I need to do a refresher course on Pheros I guess. Thank you Molls :) My job interviews and networking has and will continue to increase, so I'm definitely interested in La Femme Mystere as that seems to be the majority recommendation for finding my feminine and workplace power mojo again.

I don't smell a blessed thing from LFM when I apply it to my skin, nor do I notice much of a scent in the bottle. With that being said, Molls was right to suggest a cover for any blend because while I might not be able to smell it doesn't mean other people can't... and that they won't find it unpleasant.


Enjoy finding your little treasures and WELCOME! :Emoticons04283:

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Hmm, it's still so funny to me that perfumes can be so totally different on different people. Sex and Violins just smells like wood on me. I'll have to try it again and search for funk. :)


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Thanks Donsie for the follow-up post for me! Yes, that S&V breakthrough scent may indeed be wood (Rose Blackthorn pointed that out and thought it could be that or the Gunpowder) Musks have never irritated me in the past, so thinking through it... it may be the wood (maybe that's the violins innuendo?) I suck at identifying scents! I never can smell all the 'bouquets' that wine connoisseurs elude to in their descrips... (i.e. "notes of chocolate and nutmeg with hints of ripe blackberry...") :drunk: but I guess that's why we have experts in that arena (as well as Mara & John in this one) so we "consumers" can just sit back and enjoy!


I mistakenly did my forum "hello" on this, rather than starting my own thread, only because I saw the RedandFlaming's heading ("Hi, I am brand new to this") and I immediately related ;) That being said, I'm GLAD I did because that's how I stumbled upon your post with all the helpful links. I know with a lot of clicking and searching one can eventually get there, but I think it would help new customers/members if there were an actual link from the main menu that takes novices directly to a section that includes everything you pointed out and maybe a FAQ addition. That would help cut down on all the redundant posts from newbies (like me) who just feel lost and not sure where to get help so we start up a new post (or hitchhike on someone elses as I did!)


Last night I ordered Cougar Potion and four other samples that were recommended. S&V is growing on me, but I have to apply very little, just above my belly button in order to not feel overcome by that pungent-whatever-it-is note. I'm glad to hear that some of the members are fine with wearing pheros a lot. After reading the thread on Phero/CoP ODing I thought I was "doing it wrong",but I guess it really depends on the individual.


I bought LP: Red and added CoPs to it, but I just smell the 'yummy' factor, nothing more. My husband likes the smell too (I didn't tell hiim about the CoPs - part of my experiment to see if I get any response other than "that's a nice scent"...) BUT neither S&V or LP: Red seemed to stoke his fires a little - which is what I was after. Guess I need to keep searching for that one trigger for him.... a daunting task but at least I smell good the whole time ;)


But I will say I was shocked when a total stranger approached me at a school PTA meeting in the school's anything-but-sexy gym... and started talking to me about nothing. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co His wife (and my husband) were kind of weirded out by the whole thing (and of course I couldn't admit to my "experiment", LOL) He either really got in trouble when he got home - or his wife definitely got some post-PTA action. ^_^


Thanks for your great insightful posts!

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Can someone tell me how to get the gray box in a post that shows the other persons post that you are responding to? I'd ask my tech savvy 15 year old son but he'd have too many questions as to what mom was doing on this site. ;)

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Can someone tell me how to get the gray box in a post that shows the other persons post that you are responding to? I'd ask my tech savvy 15 year old son but he'd have too many questions as to what mom was doing on this site. ;)

If you're just quoting one person/post, you hit the "Quote" button at the bottom of that post, and it should automatically turn up in the "Reply to this topic" box, (the one you type in).


If you're quoting more than one person/post, you hit the "MultiQuote" button at the bottom of each - then a box will pop up at the bottom of the page that says "Reply to #__ of posts" (or something like that). You hit that button once you've finished selecting your desired quotes, and they'll be deposited in the "Reply to this topic" box. :)

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Hi & welcome. I'm late to the party here but I'll say this about S & V. I have days where I can wear it and others that it's not doing it for me.

In my case it's probably the honey & specific musk used. It overwhelms at times depending on what my own chemistry is doing.

Probably been answered but there are no cops in it or the Dom phero. It's a woody/resinous scent with that slightly animal musk and smoke.


Regarding your first post I'd recommend Cougar, Open Windows, LFM for work. This may help with your "difficult group" and also your "guy".

Good luck

Edited by StacyK
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Hi & welcome. I'm late to the party here but I'll say this about S & V. I have days where I can wear it and others that it's not doing it for me.

In my case it's probably the honey & specific musk used. It overwhelms at times depending on what my own chemistry is doing.

Probably been answered but there are no cops in it or the Dom phero. It's a woody/resinous scent with that slightly animal musk and smoke.


Regarding your first post I'd recommend Cougar, Open Windows, LFM for work. This may help with your "difficult group" and also your "guy".

Good luck

It's never too late to add your favs to my question! Thanks StacyK... Cougar is a def on my list (I ordered a full size) because so many scent-masters recommend it. LFM has been suggested quite a bit too - I ordered a sample. Open Windows I'll need to read up on... I just remember something about "truth serum" but maybe that wasn't OW. Swimming w/ Sharks has started to come up now too... do you have a fav that is your absolute "go to" for work or your partner?

Thank you for the input... I love your Dorothy Parker profile pic, LOL.

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We have 2 different conversations going on here now. I received my first order and then ordered 6 trial sizes of what some of you highly recommended, I also received some small trials of other scents with my purchases. I have not been able to try them all yet. I have not had great success with cougar, it tends to go very "patchouli-esque" on me for some reason. Playtime goes soooo sugar sweet it is like I got dipped in cake batter (I am being very light with using these scents). I am probably doing something I shouldn't, I just don't know what.

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Hehe...I'm a slatherer at heart...no sparing for me...but then I love the foodie scents.


Cougar going "patchouli-esque"?! And there isn't even patchouli in it. How odd :(


You could try applying under your top, on your torso to keep the scents "under wraps" and maybe use a bit more that way? If you're using sparingly, you may not be using enough for a phero effect as the phero'd fragrances are usually 1/3 the strength of the unscented blends already. :)

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I am using on my torso only, under my clothing and allowing to dry for 10 minutes before I put clothes on! Maybe my chemestry is just "off"? I will just try slathering and let the chips fall where they may. Perfumes have always smelled strange on me also.

As for the "patchouli-esque" smell one of the guys I work with made the comment that my "California Hippie Surfer Kid Heritage" was coming out and I should never wear patchouli to work.

I have normally had to wear "clean" scents ie; D&G Light Blue, Chanel Green, Versace Versense. Anything else goes either heavy or rancid on me.

Help. I really want these to work for me.

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Yes I meant Playdate.

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As for the "patchouli-esque" smell one of the guys I work with made the comment that my "California Hippie Surfer Kid Heritage" was coming out and I should never wear patchouli to work.

:wacko: Oh No! :blink: What a boob! Tell him next time you want his novice nose's opinion - you'll give it to him...humph, what a brat!

Maybe a sample of Pizzazz would do you better?


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We have 2 different conversations going on here now. I received my first order and then ordered 6 trial sizes of what some of you highly recommended, I also received some small trials of other scents with my purchases. I have not been able to try them all yet. I have not had great success with cougar, it tends to go very "patchouli-esque" on me for some reason. Playtime goes soooo sugar sweet it is like I got dipped in cake batter (I am being very light with using these scents). I am probably doing something I shouldn't, I just don't know what.

Hi R&F. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I unknowingly hijacked your thread because I thought it was the perfect "forum" for newbies (Hi, I am brand new to this.") That being said, I have actually learned quite a bit from your questions and the advice you got- and your latest post is no exception. I'm going back to work so I like hearing others' experience with their colleagues (w/LPMP).

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As for the "patchouli-esque" smell one of the guys I work with made the comment that my "California Hippie Surfer Kid Heritage" was coming out and I should never wear patchouli to work.

Hi RedandFlaming - welcome to the forum.


I just wanted to point out one thing that you'll probably notice more and more as time goes on, if you continue to use LP scents, and that is that men have NO IDEA what they're smelling, so don't put too much stock in the opinion of any man on your scent, unless he has proven that he can tell the difference between, say the scent of an orange, and vanilla! :lol: Men's noses are notoriously unreliable. However, they can be trained, somewhat! ;)


As for finding scents that work for you, trial and error is the only way to go. Get lots of samples. Let them rest a day or two before you wear them, (they seem to get what we refer to as "travel shock" while they're in mail), and make sure to sample them more than once. Some of your favourites are very likely to wind up being those you didn't like initially. And eventually, you'll start to get a pretty clear idea of which notes will work for you, and which won't. Mara and Co. are unusually generous with the little freebie samples in each order, which is fantastic, 'cause you get to test so many more scents. Also, read all the review threads to get a better idea of how a certain scent could smell on you. They smell a little different on all of us, but the reviews are very helpful.


My most favourite "clean" type of scent is Sneaky Clean. It smells pretty and kind of laundry-fresh fluffy when I first apply, and then it dries down to a lovely clean musk that lasts for hours and hours. Lucky for me, it's one of the permanent scents! :)


Above all, don't stress too much. Have fun. Experimenting with LPs is a really fun, and oddly absorbing adventure! And the forum is awesome.

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Above all, don't stress too much. Have fun. Experimenting with LPs is a really fun, and oddly absorbing adventure! And the forum is awesome.


Well said Eggers. Still concerned about that lemon/lime head kitty... wherever he/she may be

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OMG did someone change Squib to Sorcerer's Apprentice for me? I don't mind being a Squib ;)

but thanks I do love TSA - I have collected many SA Mickeys over the years. My husband says it's because I'm a White Witch (I think he's meaning Glenda-esque, here.)

When he learns of my LPMP affection he will be sure of it.

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Hi & welcome RedandFlaming!


The LFM others have suggested is so great. If you're like me (overenthusiastic) just don't go overboard with it. The first couple of times I used this I felt like Wednesday Adams- a darkly fascinating but disturbing creature that people found quite interesting, but too intimidating or off-putting to come anywhere near. LOL- I actually scared myself off of using this phero for a while due to that reaction. Then I tried it in La Sylphide and now I loves it!


Have fun with your experimenting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so I really did NOT like Sex & Violins in the beginning, and I still can't put my finger on just what that single note is that is so pungent to me. When I got it, I did the recommended RB app between navel & cleavage, then the "spread it around using your wrists"... And I felt like I was an invisible bulldozer walking in to a room - I had to be mowing everyone down in my S&V wake.


So I turn to the forums, and read and study and smell... Then I use S &V again but very VERY sparingly. And I summate after several minutes that "this isn't TOO terrible." Then this week in the forums I notice someone in search of S&V... Two weeks ago I probably would have responded immediately... Now, I'm not so sure! So, yes, patience pays, as does experimenting with the amount to use based on your own chemistry.

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