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different responses to same pheros?

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I'm very curious -- are there different reponses to pheromone blends based on the scent they are blended with? Meaning, BI in PFYT might not do it for my boyfriend, but what if I tried a floral scent boosted with Blatent invitation? He likes a floral scent much better than the food scents.

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Scent, I think can affect mood and diffusion.


I have found that some scents can stay close to the skin forcing people to have to get close to me to smell them or to get phero'd. Whereas other scents have a huge throw and can get out there up to 10-30 feet away (without being loud) I may add.


As far as responses, different people have different senses of smell and some associate certain smells with various personal memories, experiences, events etc which can be pleasant or unpleasant. I am speculating that this would affect their mood/attitude towards the fragrance and thus, their response to the phero it is blended with perhaps.


Hopefully someone else will chime in....

Edited by Honeycake
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I would guess that the big factor that would prompt slightly different responses to the same phero mix would be the "personal preference" you mention. I would go with the type of scents you know he likes to give the pheros an extra boost.

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I agree with Honeycake and QG, never discount the scent factor. If you find a scent that your SO truly adores, the BI will have that much more effect because he is going to be huffing you every chance he gets! ;)

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Maybe you should test a bunch of fragrance samples and see which types of fragrances he responds best to i.e. candy, fruit, resin, floral etc? Then use only those fragrances with pheros when you are targeting him. I agree with Storemy.

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I find myself inhaling more deeply if I notice a scent that I really like. I have always wondered if it simply means that more of the phero is inhaled, and combined with the mood elevating effect of scents one likes, it could explain the perceived greater effectiveness ?

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Everyone has made some excellent points here and I would have to agree. As for me, scents influence my mood quite strongly and I respond quite intensely to them. My partner though, not so much. He has very little sense of smell. I don't know if it is true, but I have read/heard that many men have a weak sense of smell. Interesting, because the majority of people who are color blind are male.

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I've only had one experience with this one, but I'd say yes. Scent makes a difference. I've used UnCB and then as a test, I mixed some with a sample. I chose a sample I was less fond of in case it didn't work out (didn't want to risk a yummy one). Anyway, the sample scent is quickly becoming one I like. Haha. Maybe I'm starting to like it because of the phero's. But, it also seems to work better and requires less to get good results.

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I know that some of the scents I wear can influence me a lot. Some scents, like some pheros, have very particular feelings or characteristics associated with them, and so wearing the same phero with different scents can definitely effect me differently to an extent. The feeling a scent invokes in you can also subtly influence the way you behave or interact with others, which can thus make a difference regardless of the phero.


For example I wear Treasured Hearts a lot these days, and always love it. But if I wear it with a particularly delicate, sweet, feminine scent it makes me feel pretty and girly (Fairy Musk with TH does this for me). If I wear it with something deeper or warmer or more comforting then the happy social warmth is there more than anything particularly girly. Sexology in honeyed scents feels naughty to me. If I wear it in something more innocent (say X Appeal), then it feels different to me, and I see it as potentially more of a sexy/social like SS4W.

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