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Phero cocktails ...

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Hello all :)


I know you are not supposed to mix pheros and wear two at the same time but i was wondering, has anyone tried this with success?


if i remember correctly i read here somewhere that LFM with Gotcha or Bang! is a nice combo. Correct me if i'm wrong.


So has anyone tried different mixes and what were your results?

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I've also copied 2 'formulas' from threads into a word document where I'm gathering phero and other info. But not sure if I should post bc they aren't mine. I'd give credit of course but wouldn't want anyone to be upset or anything.


I'm looking for other mixes and results too, so will also check out that thread.


Tis that time of season - phero madness/ happiness. And my 1st glimpse of it! SQUEEE :cat690:

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I've also copied 2 'formulas' from threads into a word document where I'm gathering phero and other info. But not sure if I should post bc they aren't mine. I'd give credit of course but wouldn't want anyone to be upset or anything.


I'm looking for other mixes and results too, so will also check out that thread.


Tis that time of season - phero madness/ happiness. And my 1st glimpse of it! SQUEEE :cat690:


I hope it's ok to post these "formulas'. I don't want to mix them in a bottle, I just want to use them together, eg UN Cougar with LFM, or maybe Comprising Positions (Sexpionage) with UN Cougar etc.

This is why i'm curious if other ladies out there are doing such experiments :)

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It is often acceptable to wear a simple blend layered with another blend.....HOWEVER, if you are mixing two complex blends, you are taking a bigger chance at skewing results, getting a bad result, and/or wasting product. Plus, if you do get results, with that many variables, it will be damn near impossible to duplicate.


The complex blends are scientifically designed to get a particular result. When you go messing with the ratios, you could get a result that you really DON'T want. For instance, Cougar and LFM.....I don't think I would go there.....also to me, those two are very contradictory in their intent....LFM is strong and capable, Cougar is fun and glittery.

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So the 2 I saw recently in threads and want to try SOON are:


1. OCCO Pink (or Ambrosia) under UNCougar/Cougar Potion with Topper on top. Maroon and OBW posted this information. I can't wait to try this one. :D

2. Any LAM, UnLevitation, and Topper. Found in thread, I think Judy O mentioned this combo along with others. Lots of ANOL -- wooooot

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So the 2 I saw recently in threads and want to try SOON are:


1. OCCO Pink (or Ambrosia) under UNCougar/Cougar Potion with Topper on top. Maroon and OBW posted this information. I can't wait to try this one. :D

2. Any LAM, UnLevitation, and Topper. Found in thread, I think Judy O mentioned this combo along with others. Lots of ANOL -- wooooot


OCCO and LAM are simple blends and are good for layering.....Topper is made exactly for the purpose of layering

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OCCO and LAM are simple blends and are good for layering.....Topper is made exactly for the purpose of layering

Totally agree - sorry I thought that's what the thread was about - i.e. any combos that people found were good for them or they had info on.


I wouldnt necessarily have thought of those on my own, eventually yes / maybe - but thought it was cool that ppl shared their favorite layerings. Even the simple ones.

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Totally agree - sorry I thought that's what the thread was about - i.e. any combos that people found were good for them or they had info on.


I wouldnt necessarily have thought of those on my own, eventually yes / maybe - but thought it was cool that ppl shared their favorite layerings. Even the simple ones.



That's exactly what it was about honey.....just added my comment to show my agreement

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That's exactly what it was about honey.....just added my comment to show my agreement

:kiss43: Thanks Dolly - sorry if that came across as reactive - work people have been all snippy/snappy on my ass lately so feel like I'm always apologizing for random s* just bc some ppl (actually just 1 person) are a*holes. They need to get a grip. I'd give them some LPs to lighten their moods, but not sharing my LP loves with the likes of them. :)

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No problem.....been that type of week for me too....

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Guest cutie.pie

So far I have tried 2 phero cocktails:


1. Cougar + Topper (got my first DIHL when I wore it)


2. Petit four your thoughts w/BI + UN Lace (non-stop DIHL) :funny_ladybird:

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Guest cutie.pie

Thank you very much for taking care of us Halo! I tried just the 2 combos I wrote; first one because I read Topper is for layering and the second one I found somewhere here, but not sure where and thought it would be ok because Lace is just Alpha-Androstenol and Estratetraenol. I would definitely not mix (more) complexed pheros, because I read a lot of threads here, especially Dolly's.


Thank you Halo!

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This is making my head spin. I read in another thread that someone planned on mixing five different phero blends together. That is sheer madness. Perhaps you guys are too new to have read our multiple and enthusiastic warnings about mixing blends. It's just not a good idea. In this case a+b does not equal ab. It equals fucking mess. If you do happen to have good results how will you know which blend(s) to attribute it to? And trust me you won't have that many success stories. I have worked with just about every molecule as a single. Some stuff just doesn't go together. They can cancel each other out. These blends are finely calibrated by scientists in most cases to make up a very specific ratio of molecules. You mix them and you throw that all away. You're wasting money also. I wish I could explain it better but I've got a migraine. Please read all the threads where we go into this in more detail. We offer over 35 independent phero blends. Is that not enough? Is there a particular need that is not being met? In short feel free to mix simple blends like LAM or Topper but think twice about going deeper than that. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but it just doesn't make any sense. When you have a serious OD that will completely change how you work with Pheros also. Please be careful guys. It's not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings with this post. So please don't take anything personally. It's just something that we vets take very seriously. We have all done experiments so I get it. It's fun. But it's not wise or safe so I had to say something.





Yes, we have all experimented. But duplicating results in those circumstances is very difficult. And, I think that is specifically why Mara had so many different blends created. Take any one of those in a sexual direction with an OCCO or a happy sexual direction with LAM....that doubles the catalog. Think about that.

Edited by Dolly
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I tried experimenting when I was very new, and figured out quickly I was just wasting my money. There's no reason to to tamper with blends that have already been formulated by scientists to get results. I'm no scientist. The most I combine blends with is Topper or DHEAS. The rest is pointless to me... What response would even be achieved by such crazy town mixes? Just my two cents :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like others have mentioned above, I'm also a fan of "tweaking" all sorts of things with the more simple blends like LAM!, BAM!, Lace, CB, Topper, DHEAS, OCCOs....


I've got my crazy mixes, true, but I can totally vouch for the merits of each solo blend too - LFM, SS4W, Gotcha!, Perfect Match, Cougar, Leather (Dom tweaked), BANG! (SS4W tweaked), Balm Bomb, etc.,....it sure simplifies things with a blend that you can just pick up and wear and KNOW you'll get results.


I hadn't thought of Cougar and TMI...Hmm...Bet that would work well on hubby...:LIKE:

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