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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Juniper and licorice are booze flavorings! But no "actual" booze notes, just the flavorings to suggest them.
  2. 33.33% of the product added to 66.66% of the alcohol. Same for perfumes or pheros. That will keep it "true" to the oil experience. You can always dilute further per your personal preferences.
  3. Mag, try to get some perfumer's alcohol in your own country. It's not legal to ship pure alcohol internationally. If you can get 100% grain alcohol, they call it Everclear here, you can try that too, but definitely not rubbing alcohol, which will ruin the product. Anything with copulins is better in oil or silicone - IMO.
  4. As long as you have perfumer's alcohol, sure you can make your own spray. You can't use rubbing alcohol though - it has a very strong odor and will ruin the product. If you live in a state where you can get 100% Everclear, you can use that too (illegal in California), vodka has too high of a water content....which will still work, but you'll just have to remember to shake it up before each use.
  5. Lollipop, aka what the ladies are calling the "Mara Manuever" = Start at cleavage and roll a stripe down your body, circle your belly button, and come back up. Then smoosh with wrists to spread it around your torso - if wrists are still moist, rub them on the back of your neck under your hair. BUT, that's what I do with the perfume oils, I also think that would be too heavy an application for straight pheromone oils. For phero oils, I usually just make one stripe or so from cleavage to belly button, and smoosh around as described above.
  6. Welcome, Spartan! Love the avi!
  7. Hey, could one of you forward me the email Cindy sent out? I'd be curious to see. Thanks! CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  8. Got them up on FB, our front page, and in our Perfumerie too. Whew! This was a FUN project! Hope you like them!!!
  9. They loved Beccah's idea at Romanceof Yesteryear too. From the owner: I am so excited, I cannot stand it. Is that silly to be so excited over perfume? Ah well, I don't care! Everything sounds amazing.... I want them to be like Beccah and put the perfume on at the right timing, too cute!
  10. THEY ARE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come look! http://www.romanceofyesteryear.com/category_35/Titantic-Inspired-Perfumes.htm
  11. Why not? You can either add a vial to a whole bunch of bath oil, if you want a more oily bath, or just spill half a sample into the tub directly. It will leave your skin lightly scented afterward - the oil droplets stay on the top of the water. Wave your arms around in the bath to break up the droplets and spread the scent. That's what I do.
  12. Lady V - you can add a few drops of any of your sample vials to your tub. That's what a lot of people do when they like a scent, but not enough to wear it during the day. The heat of the bath amplifies the scent, it's very nice.
  13. Snowflake, one of the other ladies also said she felt the mix was too strong and is wearing it at 50% dilution with excellent results. You might try diluting, or adding to a perfume oil to dial down the strength. @everyone, yup, you're welcome to organize decant circles. We have pipettes and vials for sale if they are needed. But the way they work is one of the circle participants makes the group order, and does all the decanting and mailing to each party.
  14. Does sound like an Alpha-Nol reaction - (20%) but this is 80% Beta-Nol!!! They both inspire communication, but Alpha-Nol is of the more giddy variety, and the Beta more bonding trust variety. USUALLY. In the end we each react differently according to our own chemistry. Glad you are enjoying it, that's the most important part!
  15. OR, something was mailed to you by mistake!!! Please let us know if that is the case - it happens sometimes...the Stamps.com software will auto-populate when you're not looking...sneaky bastiches! Oh wait. Never mind. You ARE expecting a package. heeeheeeheee.
  16. Well, I think I would keep the phero-additions on the light side, because I have experienced the scent of pheros outlasting the scent of very light fragrances. So if you have a bottle of an unscented phero oil, for example, why not try starting at adding 1ml to your 10 ml bottle of your own mix - which will put 100mcg of pheros into your mix. You can always up it if it doesn't seem like enough.
  17. WE makes those kids of blends all the time! So yes, why not? Current offering, the Summoner's Spell is almost all essential oils, and thus a little lighter than some of our other blends.
  18. PICTURES, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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