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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. We've been getting SO MANY special orders for Pure Sugar since it 'sold out' that I brewed a whole 'nother batch and I've decided to make it a staple, (along with Sugared Honeycomb, Sugared Roses, Sugared Patchouli and Sugared Amber). I'll add it back to the webstore when next I update. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  2. Sure, Honey! I also have your list set aside, sorry I haven't had a chance to email yet. xoxoxox
  3. It's hugely different - to my nose anyway. Dunno if this makes sense, but the sugar we used in Sugared Egyptian Musk was a very 'orange' sugar. This one is very pink. It's beautiful. You can smell each of the ingredients like they are separate layers; distinct sources that come together for a happy combo.
  4. LOL! Keep in mind what pheros actually ARE. They are synthesized human bodily secretions - sweat, male and female sexual fluid, etc. Some people can smell them more than others, based upon our DNA. At best, they smell like musk, at worst - yes - butt cheese / toe cheese / b.o. / pee / poop ... We do our best to blend them into perfumes like any other scented ingredient, but some people smell them more acutely than others regardless. They DO deliver subconscious chemical messages though. They do indeed work as advertised, and a year ago I was scoffing at the very idea. Having experienced the effects, I am now a thorough convert.
  5. Made some extra of these Sugared Private Editions, letting you know before I put them into the store. First, we've got Liz's Sugared Dark Patchouli and Rose Otto. Because I got like 50 requests for it, I made another batch and designed a label for it. NOTE TO LIZ: I sent you a bottle of this brew, so you can have one with a nice label too. Next, we have a trio of Fairy potions! This one was designed by Ivory Pixie, and is called Ivory Pixie's Midnight Garden. It's fresh and lovely, crafted entirely of night blooming florals, including Moonflower, Tuberose, Lillies, Angel Trumpet, Night Phlox and more. Gorgeous! I have around 12 bottles available of this one. The next two were both designed by SeaMonkey - the first is Sea Monkey's Cocoa Fae. Can you guess what's in it? The sweetest Fairy Floss cotton candy sugar blended with a delicious light chocolate. Mmmmmm - Danna's in love with this one (and stole a bottle), so I've got around 9 bottles left. And last we've got Sea Monkey's Musk in the Dust (Pixie Dust that is!). A gorgeous blend of Fairy Floss cotton candy sugars and Egyptian Musk. Sweet and delicately, divinely musky! I have around 9 bottles available of this one as well. So, let me know here or by email if you want to purchase one. I'll be putting them into the store sometime next week. Oh, and a few more things: NOTE TO ESMERALDA: I sent you the last bottle of your Pink Emerald since you loved it so much. So that one will not be going up in the store as it's all gone now! And also - is anyone interested in having Androtic's P-79 added to anything? I have ONE dose left of it, it would add $15 to the price of any perfume. Let me know if interested.
  6. LOL! My "country" house is somewhat of a joke to everyone who knows me, as I am a NYC native, who moved to the suburbs of NJ around the age of 7, (sound familiar?), then back to NYC for school, and then to Hollywood, CA at the age of 18. That there's a BUG, (BILLIONS OF THEM), other than a city cockroach here, and highly presumptious, impudent plants and animals, and the fact that I actually have to drive a few blocks to get to a STORE, makes it "The Country" to me, but Danna says this isn't even the suburbs. Heh. (I'm currently an entire 7 miles from the heart of Hollywood.) Anyway, no worries for you. Your artwork is BEAUTIFUL! You should have a showing of your paintings and jewelry at a gallery. I lost my entire phone book of numbers when my PDA crashed recently, but I can give you a name: Look locally and online for a guy, a gallery owner in your area, named Scott Drucks. (sometimes spelled "Drux".) Tell him that I sent you. You're a good salesperson, sell him on a showing of your paintings and jewelry. I see this as a good pairing for you both. Let me know how it goes. xoxoxoxo M
  7. Super for Men for me, or UN layered with another phero like Intellectual Man. Excalibur was my fave for years. growl.
  8. Yup, it's up! Still need to do the category pages (y'know - aphrodisiacs, personal power, etc) in the gift shoppe area, and still need to do the Table of Powers, but we're lookin good! We should be able to start shipping the new releases on Monday. Thanks to all of you for the fabulous work this month! BRAVO!!! Can't wait to hear what you think of your creations!!! I do realize I'm behind on the emails and order confirmations. Will start on that now. Thanks for your patience! xoxoxoxo Mara
  9. Thanks for the awesome story! Happy to swap banners! Look here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/links.html
  10. Squeee! The heroine even has my name! LOL! I'm ordering this right now. Highlander in Her Bed Author: Allie Mackay This romance pits a burned-out ghost-hunting tour guide against a cranky person-hunting ghost. After her last skeptical jaunt into London's haunted past, Mara McDougall stumbles upon an antique store and finds the enormous medieval bed of her dreams. She buys it, despite the strange warning of a stunning but rude man who tells her, "The bed is mine, wench." Just as she's about to leave London, she learns that a friend in the tourist business has left her a huge Scottish castleĀ—and a catch: she must make the place into a memorial to the MacDougall clan of Scotland. It turns out her gorgeous new bed has a catch of its own: it's haunted. Scottish knight Alexander Douglas, he of the rude warning, was cursed to spend eternity with the bed by one of the MacDougalls, and he's sworn revenge against them (and, now, maybe the McDougalls, too). Which reminds me, Susan Carroll, the Bride Finder series. MUST READ, Ajia! "The Bride Finder" and "The Night Drifter", and I'm pretty sure there's a third toooo....
  11. Jealousy abounds! I have wanted to visit Scotland all my life and haven't. yet. (pouting) Have you any pix to share????? Nooo, I never heard of Allie Mackay. I'm going to go on our book club site right now and grab some up. Thanks for the tip!
  12. Welcome Ajia! So happy to see you've joined us on the message boards! YAY! Oooh, we share a passion I see. I also got addicted to sappy time travel romance stories. Lynn Kurland is my favorite, and I actually made our Dreams of Avalon perfume (Magical Omaha exclusive) based on her stories. I also like Karen Marie Moning's time traveling Fae tales (tres steamy). Have you read either author? Wanna share some of yours I might have missed?
  13. NOT YET! There's still a few bottles here. Check the Low Stock thread for most recent bottle counts.
  14. Welcome AL! Oooh, I love your paintings! Thanks for sharing your work, for your lovely words, and for joining us here!
  15. So glad you've joined us, K9rara! Big hug - welcome to our community!!!
  16. My recent top 5.... LP Green Freya's Flirtation Potion Sun Catcher Anti-Piggy Naughty Minx And KSBF likes... UN Synchronicity
  17. I am SO there with you, Luna... I gifted all of my bandmates with blank books from the Sanrio store, that we used to call, "Hit Song Writing Books". Everything one wrote into them was blessed, in a way. Purple ink pens were especially magical.
  18. Ahhh, ok. I've seen some of that online - Kirk & Spock, Batman & Robin...
  19. No way. My old assistant at Rocket City used to hang with this very interesting character online, who had himself ordained JUST so he could call prisons and interview murderers on death row. They always let a "Reverend" talk to prisoners. He was fascinated with them.
  20. ooooh, awesome! Does "slash" mean dirty? or violent? When I first got online in 1995, a fan fic community was the first group I found that I really liked. It was an offshoot group from an AOL creative writing community. I loved it!
  21. OMG - LOL! I'm not quite sure how to take that....hahahahahaaaaaa
  22. Yup. But my OTL will always be Superman. I'll have to show you guys my collection some day. You think I'm "quirky" NOW? Just you wait.
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