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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. I'm wondering if I used Woozy or the Woozy level A-nol spray with Est or an Est amped scent, would I achieve the sort of happy feeling I get from Lace? I ask only because I have WF and A-nol spray (at WF level) along with an est amped bottle of honeycomb and I'm not really using either of them that much. WF only works very mildly on me, almost not even noticeable where as Lace works like a charm. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Is there a way I could use my WF or A-nol spray with est to achieve Lace effects or do they need to be blended rather than layered?
  2. I'm with you on that. It's such a happy peaceful feeling. I think I described it as 'joy to the world' originally. Rather suitable I think. Kind of makes me want to spray the world with this stuff. TG, I posted to you in your journal...
  3. Isn't this the best phero ever? I know there are other awesome ones out there, but this, for self-effects, is phenomenal!!! It's totally a happy place phero!
  4. Maybe that woman was the real bitch and that's part of the reason why her hubby was looking at you. And maybe the dominance just added to her normally bitchy outlook. Plus it's Christmas time and people are stressed. Some have more cheer. Bitchy and cranky people have their bitchy and crankiness amplified. Maybe she was scrooge in a woman's body since all I've seen of you on here is sweet and friendly. The one rant I remember was the boobs rant which was awesome and made my day and it wasn't even a rant but I think you apologized for it and called it a rant. So even then you were sweet. See? You're sweet. It's that woman who was the bitch!
  5. My restraint comes into play when I think about where I'm going and who I'll be around. Did you ever watch Seinfeld? The episode where Elaine decides what guys are sponge-worthy? I do that with pheros. Who is phero-worthy? Anyone I'm going to be around or likely to see today? Funny how that limits my use down to self-effect pheros for my own pleasure. Exactly who in your life is phero-worthy?
  6. Dang. I had no idea that this is what being intimidating is all about. I just thought it was because I was so tall. Or because I don't look like I take crap from anybody, which I don't. Intimidating, huh? I ALWAYS thought it was a euphemism for bitch. LMAO
  7. Could we please have a gazillion bottles of Lace and Garland & Lace please? Our future happiness depends upon it. The world looks so much prettier with it than without. Definitely MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSSSSS (but not in the crazy/evil/LOTR kind of way... no really, not like that at all. Me swearsssss it.)
  8. See! Even SG admits it! HA! But Ail can tease us all she pleases seeing that she's the queen of phero blends round these parts.
  9. Yeah, I'm totally with Luna on this one. Let's face it, Ail loves to tease the LPMP junkies. More than SG even, me thinks. She's the equivalent to a dealer flashing his stash at all the anons as they go in for a 12 step meeting.
  10. So now you're gone rogue too? No hope for any of us. Nope. Just hand them the charge/debit cards and be done with it already.
  11. Ah see, I get it now. SG DOESN'T want us to be patient. She wants us running around like the crazed LP junkies we are, looking for our next fix. Must be the whole torture aspect. That would very sinister of SG...
  12. I wore Gold today. I think I've only used it one other time. I seem to be the biggest fan of Red though. I think because it actually has more staying power than LP Red on me.
  13. I know that whatever I know ALWAYS stays a secret with me. No katz outta no bagz. hehe did ya catch that little play on your name? I also know it's *squee* worthy, and therefore the Yerkillingme torture is absolutely worth it. Of course, isn't that always the case with M&D's surprises? I'm still reeling with joy from Lace which I had no idea was coming.
  14. But if those of us that know spill, it won't be an awesome surprise anymore. If everyone knew it would be all because of having to wait for buy buttons and stamp.com notices and slow postmasters. Well, it probably still will be all after the initial surprise due to the whole addicts not being very good with delayed gratification and impulse control. But at least there will be more before the .
  15. Always a good idea! I have to resist the urge to get more right now. Two are just getting more of new favorites. The other is a new phero which I'm really curious to try. I fell in love with Lace. It's right up there with Cougar. A-nol doesn't even give me the level of satisfaction that Lace does. And G&L, well, I'd get every last bottle if I could. M&D&J will probably laugh hysterically at me as I begin ordering more of them. But even when it's ones I already have, there's a unique joy that comes with getting more of my preciousssssssssss ones. LPMP = crack starlitegirl = addict
  16. Mara, very interesting detail about celebs and their perfumes. Makes me think even less of all the pimping that goes on especially when some of the scents aren't even that nice or are so very close to others. About wearing colognes and perfumes: I have noticed in the last several years that it seems to have become less common to wear them than in the past. I've also noticed a lot of 'no scent' policies popping up at different places. My work is one of them and my former college had an office that had a no scent policy but it was one of the offices where you probably got sent there with forms and paperwork that day and couldn't really do much if you already had them on. While I do have compassion for those who have issues with scents and I won't and don't wear them in places that are no scent zone, I'm starting to think that part of the increase in 'no scent' policies may be due to how much people wear. Commercial (not artisan) colognes and perfumes can be rather obnoxious when people douse themselves. And if they wear the same ones regularly there's that issue where you put on more because you've adapted to the scent. Meanwhile, you're leaving a trail everywhere you go. One of the reasons why I love LPMP scents is that I can slather it on and smell it on me, but people more than a few feet away might only get a subtle whiff of it. Often, THEY CHOOSE to move closer to smell it better, which is really fun as long as said person isn't creepy. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that no scent policies and environmental issues have a lot to do with people wearing less. Also, I think that in a mostly male environment, it's probably less likely that men would wear scents because it's wired into our brain that it's a sexual thing or I think at least it is for men. For women, less so because we're all about the senses - soft and luxurious materials, yummy foods, sensual aromas, etc. Or at least that's my take on it based on observations. When I worked at a mostly male (3/4 male) and very large computer company, of the 20-30 men I dealt with daily only 3 or 4 wore colognes. Two wore them so lightly you'd have to be sitting right next to them to smell. The other two? You could smell them around the corner.
  17. I read it somewhere but can't remember cuz I'm a ditz. When using the spray pheros do we apply the roll-on first or the spray first? And do we wait for a dry down?
  18. Oh yeah, a runway model that isn't thin. I've got curves! and some fat But yeah, the height thing. All I can say is that at least I don't have to wear 5" heels, which works out pretty well since I can't walk in them. 4" is my limit and as a rule, they HAVE to be wedges or starlite girl becomes stumble girl.
  19. I don't know about that seeming unmanly. Our sense of smell is one of the greatest senses. Have you ever smelled something and had a distant memory come rushing back? It's a pretty cool experience. Plus, there are a lot of men that love scents on their wives or girlfriends. So why not like them on yourself?
  20. Robert, your PE sounds delicious! I can't wait to hear your review on it. I'm fighting off major temptation to place an order. I really want to try Leather and get more G&L which I love with all my heart. I'm also tempted to get some boosted Black. I haven't gotten myself any kind of XMas gift with work feeling rather iffy as of late (so sad because I really used to love it a lot). I think I might just have to be a bad little girl and get some of my precioussssssss LPs. (Darn LOTR trilogy is stuck in my brain!)
  21. I totally get that. If I were under 5'5 I'd want it too, but I'm 5'9 with a medium size build, wide shoulders like a linebacker (seriously, I have to get larger jackets because the shoulder span is generally snug and I feel like I'm going to pull a Hulk maneuver most of the tiime ). If it weren't for my long hair, round booty and cleavage, I'm fairly certain most men would, at a quick glance, mistake me for a guy. Dominance definitely doesn't do me any favors especially when I think I scare most guys without even trying. Hence my love of pheros with est. Of course, when I'm in the mood to kick some a$$ or don't want to take any crap, Dominance is definitely a go to for me. I think with it I could hold up a bank without any kind of weapon and get all the money in the clerks drawer. Not that I would, but I'm fairly certain I could
  22. This sounds very tempting. I almost never wear dominance because I'm not sure I want to put out such a dominant vibe. I get worried that it might translate negatively on me. But this sounds like a nice way to get the dominance softened so it'd be just about right. Thanks for the great review.
  23. What did your wife think of it? I think I'd go by her take on it rather than the good friend.
  24. It's a gorgeous grapefruit scent. I love it! I hope you get yours soon!
  25. Of course! It's the happy preggers phero that turns men into protective, helpful, charming, happy little campers. I love that it works awesomely for both the wearer and those around the wearer. Lace is quickly moving up the ranks to compete with Cougar for me. I wore it today and felt like I was in a happy peaceful semi meditative state. I haven't felt that good since I was meditating for an hour everyday sometime back in 2002. *note to self - I really should meditate more* Oh wait! Now that we have Lace, it'll be so much easier to get into that relaxed zone that seems to have eluded me for years. Can I just say once more that I LOVE Lace. :J001:
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