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Everything posted by Cherise

  1. I'll take The Garage, and Black Cat Mojo. My purchase will be closer to 2 weeks by then I hopefully will have gotten and reviewed the Oct sample so I can purchase additional lp's in one shot, if that works for you.
  2. Cherise

    Animal Crackers

    You're on a roll w these reviews and congrats on your baby! I love animal crackers, I don't buy them regularly but it's one of those snacks that have the power to screw up a diet I'm on, I think cause they look innocent and harmless. I might give this treat out for Halloween this year (the cookies that is not my sample).
  3. I wanna get back into getting sampler sets, the last set I got was the Crayon collection in March?? Idk, and I still haven't sampled all of those yet. Things have slowed up a lil for me these days so might get Oct sampler set, last Oct was a surprise homerun where I discovered FP and other goodies. Not gonna go crazy on the Sugareds yet, maybe 5 raved about ones (strawberry??) I dunno, been avoiding temptation and skipping Sugared threads. I still have an the entire phero list to experiment with, hopefully this year I can get the ball rolling on that collection. Well that was a no brainer, just took a second good look and ordered the Oct sampler, this is a 11/11 must have set.
  4. Well then, around the table round of applause for all involved!
  5. This was a huge hit for me this summer both personally and for others. More so than in the springtime I think because sunny hot weather works congruently with this hot, sweet cinnamon number best described by Stacy K. I even get reminiscent of Red Hot candies when wearing this. I burned through my sample but plan to pick up a fb for next year.
  6. This was great when I first tried it and it just gets better. I love the smell of gasoline and since I first discovered LPMP I've been waiting for a grease monkey scent. The cement gives a cool temperature aura, I don't get a strong leather scent more a background buzz that leather sets off, but like a fiend I snuff the life outta the motor oil note lol! Excellent unique creation QG.
  7. Yeah spa mint and def phero enhanced stuff!
  8. Just burning my first ever lp wax melt now, lp pink! But I remember a few weeks back when I purchased it I was looking for focus type of wax melt. Not sure exactly what would go in it tho...
  9. Yeah I'm gonna pick up a jar of this too soon. I have sooo many lp's I need to make good use of and I haven't really thought of mixing it with body creams and lotions yet. With the cops in this cream it sounds like a win/win.
  10. So glad for you Rose, gotta admit there were a couple of brutally hot days this summer were I thought uh oh hope this lp doesn't smell sour on me today, but it never happened. Just a lil paranoia over the younguns I guess.
  11. Package arrived, might be my quickest delivery yet! I would delve into those very tempting, generous gifts you sent if I weren't basking in 3 new lp's at the moment.. if only all Mondays started off like this.
  12. Can I get a bottle of QG's The Garage? If so how do I go about ordering it, I forgot how to order the PE's and wanted to add it to an order I plan on purchasing today.
  13. I was thinking snake would be good for a mens lp, I like the Chinese zodiac snake sign more than actual snakes though.
  14. Stalking for the NR's wanna see the pretty lables. Mad busy the past month and will be for the next few w travel, family, work and poss move everthing happening at once. Barely had a chance to play w my crayons :/ just a few. Might be awhile before I test NR's but looking forward to the pretty pics!
  15. Ooh Gypsium White and Vermillion color me impressed , well this made my day!
  16. Something w Cuddle Bunny maybe but that's pretty obvious and probably been done.
  17. Thanks Darlyncherie, one of these days when I get around to trading I'll look for that.
  18. Stocked up on some scents I thought would be fun for spring, I'm taking a page from Stacy K's playbook and got the Cherry D w cops in oil and Cherry D spray. I haven't been able to wear CD proper cause of layered winter wear but come spring I wanna rock this shit. Almost didn't get Nola cause I knew I would slather this w MAW and Bourbon Van hydrating water which might be too heavy for spring but got it cause procedes go to charity so it will be good juju no matter how I wear it . Wanted the Fairy Musk in spray but it's sold out!?! That is a quintessential spring scent imo so I should've jumped on that yestermonth.
  19. Cherise


    Greenergal I'm glad you mentioned that because I was thinking of editing my review with this one doesn't have much staying power but was gonna do a slather test first to be sure, but I feel ya.
  20. I think I know what you mean Blackcat when you say deeply floral, I think the frankincense is giving the floral depth without giving off smokiness, grounding it in a way.
  21. Aww hope this helps you feel better, I like freshed baked banana bread also so I'm sure each review will have me salivating in one way or another.
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