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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Gee, thanks for saying so! I'm really glad you found it useful. Gotta second how utterly scrummy Cougar Potion smells. Hmm, it's still so funny to me that perfumes can be so totally different on different people. Sex and Violins just smells like wood on me. I'll have to try it again and search for funk. I don't smell a blessed thing from LFM when I apply it to my skin, nor do I notice much of a scent in the bottle. With that being said, Molls was right to suggest a cover for any blend because while I might not be able to smell it doesn't mean other people can't... and that they won't find it unpleasant. Enjoy finding your little treasures and WELCOME!
  2. This one sounds like something that could go either way on me. All the black frightens me a little but honey, musk, all that sounds so good!
  3. Exciting stuff! I hope you get lots of lovely photos!
  4. This one reminds me a little of River Song from the description (berry, and my dear maile). How far wrong am I?
  5. This one sounds like spring in a bottle. I think I'd really love it!
  6. donsie

    Crayons: Indigo

    Hmm, intriguing. I'm not sure I can imagine what this one will smell like but I await reports from early adopters!
  7. This sounds really lovely and I'm digging the smoke in Papal Purple. Is it similar here?
  8. These all sound really good and all so interesting. I am always impressed by the clever and creative minds you folks have!
  9. Yeesh. This is a serious cautionary tale. What a rough day! Excellent idea!
  10. I think the scent is gorgy-marv. I'm not even sure I've figured out how to get the phero to work for me but I'd happily wear it forever for the scent alone!
  11. I am so looking forward to trying out the interesting little (and not so little) treats you were good enough to include in my orders. Thank you!
  12. I've just sniffed it in the bottle but I *really* like it. I hope it is equally pleasant on my skin.
  13. Thanks! It's such a relief and it's a job I actually want, so I'm pretty darn pleased!
  14. Ugh, the things some teachers do to square peg kids! Glad that didn't put you off your creative endeavours. I know someone who got yelled at for "subversive reading" in 2nd grade because he snuck books under his desk to read when he got bored in class.
  15. Sounds like you know what has been successful in the past and, while it might not work the same on every guy it's a good place to start. I think PM is possibly my favourite phero blend as it's the one that seems to give me clear hits and self-effects. Have a great time!
  16. Thanks. I panicked and went with a touch each of SWS and PP. I know, I know, blending is stupid but I couldn't decide! ETA: I JUST GOT OFFERED THE JOB! MIX ALL THE PHEROS!
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