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Everything posted by donsie

  1. I like that description. I certainly has a sort of magic to it. It's also eminently huff-able.
  2. This phero is just ace. It really helps with my anxiety. The scent still isn't to my liking, really, but I can see how it is a comforting one.
  3. Reading about Aja is really intriguing. I want to follow up ssupytalp's question and ask how those of you who have used cops as well as Aja feel they fit in your arsenal. Aja obviously has the added dimension of the STRONG honey-like scent and (I guess since it's a closer-to-nature and plant-derived product) it seems to be more changeable based on personal chemistry. It also seems like it gets the job done for a number of you but doesn't play nicely with others. I guess I was just curious to know if you feel this does the same sort of job as cops or if you think of it's ideal role as similar but distinct from how you use cops. Does that make any sense?
  4. Hiya. You highlight the word you want to make into the link and then click on the picture of links in a chain and a green plus sign under the font "size" drop-down in the formatting bar above your post. A window will pop up with a space for you to paste the url you want to link to. Once you've done this click OK and that ought to do it. If this doesn't make sense let me know and I'll try and post walk-through images. SSagey, I'm not sure if you've seen but Open Windows and Levitation are both available in scented potions ATM so even if you do get something else UN you could always throw in some trial vials of these ones just to test out. I can't help on the scents you list. Sorry.
  5. Thank is very thoughtful to want to help out your cousin. My first thought is Popularity Potion. If you follow the link and read the description you'll see that it's for exactly the kind of situation you describe. It just so happens that the most recent batch of new releases features a perfume that includes Popularity Potion. Lamb is really pretty, light to my nose, and I think it would wear beautifully on a young woman. Here's the review thread for it on these boards and here's the thread for reviews of the Popularity Potion phero blend. I hope that, whatever you choose, your cousin manages to forge special and fun relationships at college.
  6. I've only sniffed it in the bottle so far but it is just like a darling little lamb sitting in a flowery meadow in that state. I wish I'd ordered a full bottle!
  7. Exciting stuff! Can't wait to hear how you get on!
  8. I tried it for the first time last night but I layered it with other pheros so I'm not sure whether I can attribute the positive effects to Topper. I wore it as the sole phero blend today and did not notice self-effects or hits. I tried three sprays so as not to overdo things but I will increase this to four the next time I wear it on its own. Is it just me or does it have a really nice smell when you first spray it? Maybe it's just the alcohol and I'm nuts!
  9. And now Topper has arrived along with a naughty little Bat. Testing and report to follow!
  10. This is an instant love for me. I couldn't have chosen anything better for this miserably hot and sunny day. Any metallic twang and the sweet earth dissipate very quickly once applied. It is cool, breezy, and blue (or crisp and silver, I suppose) on me and not too much like CB to my nose/on my skin. It wears less sweet and powdery, I think. Less fluffy and cuddly by far. I also don't find it especially unisex. I'm finding that with the unisex LPs in general my skin takes them in their most feminine direction. In this case that means distinct florals and noticeable sweetness but neither strong per se, and certainly not heavy. To me and on me this is elegant lady perfume, for someone unflappable under pressure and uncrumpled in the sweltering summer: ever so slightly ice queen. She's one of those French or Italian women who sits under baking Mediterranean sun but doesn't break a sweat, never musses her makeup, and floats about in perfect, creaseless white linen. I want to be her when I grow up but it's not going to happen. At least now I can smell like her. I see this as a natural match of LFM and will report back if I try it. I think it would also play very nicely with OCCO Blue. As this is only a sniffie I have limited scope for testing. Then again, this may well end up as a FB in my next order.
  11. donsie


    Welcome to the boards. Enjoy your order! It'd be great if you'd pop back and let us know what you think of everything once it arrives.
  12. As I walked from the tram to my house I felt my LP sense tingling, but I dared not hope and dismissed my premonition as mere wishful thinking. Well, what awaited me upon opening the door but a parcel slip that instructed me to look in my greenhouse. And there it was, my unassuming little brown parcel of wonder. Thank you so, so much. I love every LP delivery more than the last one and this time I liked every single thing I sniffed straight off, including the generous compliment of sniffies. If I had a rich and doting great aunt or something I'd order full bottles of Panda, Lamb, and Beaver this instant. I can't even imagine what all of these will be like once I try them on my skin. Mara, you're ace!
  13. Gratz (as we used to say on World of Warcraft).
  14. Lulz. And Dom, I love it for making me feel like an in-control lady. I am going to see if the 'none in LFN achieves the same result just as soon as my little batkin arrives. Unbridled doesn't that I've notices: it's too boozy and delicious, but the notes in Bat sounds like the notes could be be very much congruent with the more in-charge aspects of LFN.
  15. Hmm, thanks for sharing that. Gives me something to ponder about the grumpiness I encountered. I was surprised, since it seemed to work well the first time I wore it in a low-key, calm, friendly and comfortable kind of way. That's why I was pretty puzzled with the reactions I this most recent time I wore it, because they were so utterly different. Maybe it was me and I was grumpy myself!
  16. I have not but I am awaiting the delivery of my order that includes Topper and I have Unbridled, so I'll just have to try them for you, won't I? For science, you understand.
  17. Aaaaand now I know why everyone was snotty or dismissive with my yesterday. It wasn't even the UN, it was in Tickle, Tickle, but I think I must have overdone it. I didn't think it was that much but I'll tone it down next time even so. Or maybe it just doesn't work for me.
  18. Wow, this one sounds right up my alley! I am really looking forward to it's arrival now for the scent alone and the PP will be a special bonus.
  19. I can't believe how fast my order was packed and shipped. The LPMP team are so efficient! This is even more impressive knowing it's a small business, and knowing all of the other things you get up to, like joining in on the boards and creating new potions. Thank you for all of your hard work! I am really excited about my package!
  20. Congratulations! Aw, gee, thanks! Oooohhhh... a wizard's staff has a knob on the end...
  21. donsie

    Totem: Bunny

    I've never read the book before. Now I feel compelled to so I can be in on the joke!
  22. Thanks for that. I think I hallucinated, in that case!
  23. Just wearing this one again after my first sniff moths ago. I fell in love but I have been really stingy and wary of using it because I only have a sample. I can confirm that I am certain enough of how much I adore the scent that I will be getting a FB.
  24. Merlin's Wand Polisher. *snurk* I am exceedingly puerile.
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