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Everything posted by Lainey

  1. Hmmm, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. In the vial, it smells just like fruit juice to me. On my skin, I was convinced it had peach in it because it turned sort of plasticky, albeit not as plasticky as peach usually goes. Maybe pineapple goes plasticky on me, too? I hope not...I think I have other scents with pineapple in them that don't go plasticky. Strange, and I don't know what to make of it. I'll have to give it another shot sometime.
  2. I have sniffed the sample, but I don't think I've tried it on yet...but it's orange and cake, so what could go wrong!?
  3. Lainey


    No, I don't think so...I've had it for quite awhile at this point, so I would assume it would be over any travel shock it may have had. Perhaps it's just my skin chemistry.
  4. So...I smell cinnamon in this. Why am I getting cinnamon? I love the name. Midnight Masquerade just sounds so fun and mysterious. And I love the concept--pink pumpkin? Sign me up. But I tried it out today, and I'm just not feeling it for some reason. I don't know if it's just the mood I'm in isn't congruent with this scent, or if this scent simply isn't for me. I'll have to test it out again sometime.
  5. Lainey


    Oooh, this one's lovely! It makes me feel elegant. I love florals and I love lilies in particular, so I'm a big fan of this one. Sometimes it turned a little soapy on me, but I don't mind that. I like soap, too! haha. And this is like those super-elegant decorative soaps that you'd find in fancy hotels. When I first put it on, it seemed to disappear right away, so I reapplied it--and then it lasted a really long time! All day. And I mean ALLLL day! So that was nice.
  6. Dammit, why didn't I order a bottle of this? I know I want one.
  7. Lainey


    I think this is gorgeous, but it doesn't seem to last long on my skin. Peach usually turns plasticky on me, but something seems to save it in this one...I think maybe the cream? I don't really smell the florals...just a softness they seem to add to it. I wish I could smell it better!
  8. I thought I reviewed this one already! Look at me, back at my alphabetical order trials. I feel so proud. Anyway... This is so pretty! I agree with someone above who said it was pretty, floral, and fresh. Bladderwrack makes me a little nervous sometimes, because I'm not sure I like that "salty" or "briny" smell. But in this, it's lovely! I don't get that briny smell at all. Everything just works together. On me, it turns a bit soft and powdery, and it doesn't seem to last that long. I'm not sure anyone else could smell it. But I like it!
  9. Ohhhhh nooooooooooooooo!!!! I'm intrigued by many of these. But I'll need to see the notes because I should not spend this money in the first place.
  10. I am soooo jealous that you are close enough to go to the actual store, OMG.
  11. This one was a bit of a surprise to me. At first, I didn't really like it. One of the notes just kind of got on my nerves, if that makes sense. However, I was in a different frame of mind today, so I decided to try it, and I really liked it! The scent is pretty unique, at least to me. I think it's the basil that was annoying me before, but I think that this is one of those scents that depends on your mood, as to whether you'll like it or not. Today, I found it fresh and happy with a little hint of spice. Very nice. And the phero...well. At first I didn't realize that it has Teddy BB in it, and I had already sprayed on some Instant Shine from Androtics. So I don't know what it was, but I was feeling depressed this morning and it quickly went away after putting both of these on. In addition, I got a LOT accomplished today (I feel like it's important to note that I'm a terrible housekeeper), but I don't know if I should credit the pheros or the fact that I found a good online program to remind me to do things. Overall, I like it. I'm glad I have a little spray vial.
  12. I don't understand what you mean about the kangaroo, but I am deeply intrigued. Care to expand on that?
  13. Wow, this one is intoxicating. First of all, let me just say that in my experience, figs don't smell like this. I wish they did! Even though I love figs. But to my nose, for some reason this smells more floral. Even a bit soapy, like those luxurious, high-end decorative soaps you find in fancy places. I don't get cake at all, really, but I don't even care. I'm in love with this scent. It went a bit sharp on me for awhile, but it seems to have softened up again. I am definitely going to need a full bottle of this. This is another scent I want to marry. I'm collecting quite the scent-harem over here.
  14. Why are these all so sheer!? This is like just a hint of a scent...those fairies are teases! When I do manage to pin the scent down, though, it's a lovely cakey scent. Not overly so, just like a very delicate vanilla cupcake. I would love to get this one to use as maybe a base for the others, just to add that extra little smidgen of cake. ETA: I just realized you could probably add this to just about anything to make it into more of a "cupcake" scent. Imagine the possibilities...say you layer this with Sugared Pomegranate or something like that...mmm! A pomegranate cupcake (what? I've never had a cupcake like that, lol). Cactus fruit cupcakes...daisy cupcakes...lime cupcakes...mango cupcakes...the possibilities are endless!
  15. Damn it--I like this one, too! It's so soft and delicate and feminine. I wish it was a teensy bit stronger, personally, but I'd be willing to reapply as necessary. I thought it might be too sweet in the vial, but on my skin it just becomes this delicate floral that I kind of want to marry.
  16. Oh no...I like this one, too! I get a very cherry blast at first as well, but then it pretty much disappears. Still, I think it's really pretty. I may need a full bottle. *sigh*
  17. Gah, so pretty! I love this one as well. It's not just sweet candy-berry...there is some depth to it. Gorgeous! I think I might need a full bottle of this one as well.
  18. I don't know how I feel about this one! I don't like it at first, just because banana is not normally a scent I go for. But then it warms up and morphs into something more caramel-y...but I still don't know. I don't *think* I would get a full bottle of this one, but I think I'll have to try it again, just to be sure.
  19. In the vial, and on wet, I got pure, juicy, crispy apple. I wasn't crazy about it, to be honest. Apple is just not my favourite thing. But after it dried down, the cake came out more and it softened...and now I love it! I can't stop smelling my wrist. I am going to need a full bottle of this one, I think.
  20. Lainey

    Melted Dream

    Etsy! I totally forgot about that! Thanks! Gah, I get panicky when I like something that's on Etsy, though. I know it means it's on its way out!
  21. Glad it wasn't just me! lol My sampler set arrived today! OMG so excited! I haven't even broken into them yet! ETA: OMG! I need most of these! The fig! And the sweet pea!
  22. I like this scent (for myself), and I don't even care. I love green scents! I can see where it's a more masculine smell, but...yeah, I just don't care. I kind of just love it. I like sweeter scents better on men, anyway. Give me all the green scents. All of them.
  23. Lainey

    Melted Dream

    Wow, I am another that was wondering how something can actually smell melted! I like this one a lot--it even got approval from my husband! This smells very smooth and makes me want to lick my arm. I get much more orange than vanilla...I think I would like to try layering it with sugared vanilla or something. One time I wore this one to bed, and I thought it smelled buttery, which reminded me of popcorn. Apparently my nose thinks butter=popcorn. I don't really get that this time, but I can see where I got it from before. Again, it must be that hot milk accord. That is fascinating! Pity it's sold out. It's very sultry and would make a nice summer scent.
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