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Everything posted by reincarnated

  1. The fairy/sugared thing will have to wait here too. Alas...
  2. Great, so this will also go on my list. Thank you!
  3. Are g2 and girl/girl the same phero? Because the description for both is basically identical...
  4. Yeah Stacy, amber works well on me too. I guess I'll just wait for my order to arrive with LP:I and try it. I am curious about eleven scents out of this collection with florals as top priority... so many scents, so little cash.. :/
  5. Cool, Belle! I just saw the new releases have a "Fairy Cake Tuberose" which is also classified as "decadent"... so many scents, so little cash! ?
  6. My question is: how similar is the cake in this collection to the cake in LP Incandescence? Just so I can try to deduce whether or not cake notes work on my skin?
  7. Sorry you're going through this , dancer. Sometimes things just don't work. Hope it'll get better soon.
  8. I'm not sure how one goes about it with international shipping, living in Israel shipping is like 12 bucks added to each order so doing that for just one bottle... not too sure it's worth it.
  9. BI is a really fun blend! Unless I end up getting stalked or something, it works well on me. Positive reactions from peopke all in all.. I may want to wait for a new scent with BI to be released before settling on a full bottle of c. breeze, but I do want to have *some* form of BI in my bag o' tricks...
  10. Hot and steamy - that's Tel Aviv in the summer!
  11. I wore caressful breeze on Monday. Alright it was the first hot spell of spring, and I stepped into a hummus place an unsuspecting friend runs with a good friend of his. So the friend is usually calm but there was a definite flirtatious playful vibe about our conversation. His colleague, though, a bit.more brazen in attitude, stood closley next to me and joked: "can I mingle with you?" "You'll have to ask my fiancee" "and I'll ask my wife" granted I wore makeup ehich I usually don't to work, so that garnered extra compliments, but I'm sure it wasn't just that....
  12. Thanks Luna and Trix. Thing is I get a lot of amber and chocolate-mocha from Rochas, aside from the lavender. Never classified it much of a green or an herbal scent despite the prominent lavender. Anyway, amber sandalwood,, vanilla and tobacco? I'm sold!
  13. Thanks for you reply, snoopyace. The reason for the question was that comparing the ingredients of the two, it seems like they would be in the same family of woody-oriental-gourmand. I guess I'll have to wait for my sample to arrive. Judging from the notes it'll probably end up worn more on me than on my man. ?
  14. I'm wondering, reading the ingredients, how close is this to commmercial men's gourmands such as Rochas Man? Being that Rochas Man is perhaps my fave commercial scent for men and it spells trouble for me in the best way possible
  15. reincarnated

    Egg 2011

    Chocolate has vanillin added to it
  16. I'm sorry if this has been posted somewhere but I can't find it anywhere... what were the notes in Occo Ambrosia?
  17. Joining Belle's question. Tuberose... love it.
  18. Alright so just for good order - and sincerely apologizing for the hijack - what's the difference between a CFM scent and an SLF scent? If there is any difference?
  19. Ordered: Dance of Passion FB + men's pheroma sampler set from Etsy and samples of LP Flutterby, Dom Noire, Voracious, LP #9, LP Incandescence, Burnt Umber. Super excited! Hope the package comes in before the salsa congress I booked for mid-May. I'd like some BANG! in my bag o' tricks.
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